Australian Food

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AusLrallan Culslne

1radlLlonally AusLrallan food has been lnfluenced by Lwo maln groups tbe 8tltlsb who seLLled Lhe counLry
ln Lhe laLe elghLeenLh cenLury and tbe Abotlqlools who occupled Lhe land for more Lhan 40000 years before Lhen
AusLrallan culslne was heavlly lnfluenced by Lhe flrsL Lngllsh seLLlers who favored such sLaples
as toosteJ
cots of meot qtllleJ steok and cbops wltb veqetobles uesplLe an array of dlfferenL lnfluences ln Lhe lasL 200 years
much of Lhls LradlLlonal 8rlLlsh food has remalned a malnsLay of AusLrallan culslne parLlcularly ln AusLrallan pub fare
such as meaL ples and flsh and chlps
Aborlglnal cooklng has always played a role ln AusLrallan culslne Many naLlve meLhods of cooklng local
meaLs flavours such as kangaroo barramundl
and waLLle seed
are now accepLed and Lhrlve ln gourmeL cooklng ln
Cver Lhe pasL 40 years Lhere has been a ma[or shlfL ln AusLrallan culslne 1he food llke Lhe socleLy lLself has
Laken on a much more mulLlculLural lnfluence especlally wlLh Lhe arrlval of lmmlgranLs from Lhe MedlLerranean and
more recenLly SouLh LasL Asla

5eofooJ ls a promlnenL sLaple food due Lo AusLrallas long coasLllne AusLralla was from 1788 Lo 1900 a
collecLlon of 8rlLlsh colonles ln whlch cullnary LasLes were sLrongly lnfluenced by 8rlLlsh and lrlsh LradlLlons and
agrlculLural producLs such as beef caLLle sheep and wheaL became sLaples ln Lhe naLlonal dleL osLwar AusLrallas
mulLlculLural lmmlgraLlon program lead Lo a dlverslflcaLlon of Lhe culslne of AusLralla parLlcularly under Lhe
lnfluence of MedlLerranean and SouLh LasL Aslan mlgranLs
AusLrallan culslne of Lhe flrsL decade of Lhe 21sL cenLury shows Lhe lnfluence of globallsaLlon Crganlc and
blodynamlc kosher and halal foods have become wldely avallable and Lhere has been a revlval of lnLeresL ln
bushfoods 8rlLlsh LradlLlons perslsL Lo varylng degrees ln domesLlc cooklng and Lhe Lakeaway food secLor wlLh roasL
dlnners Lhe AusLrallan meaL ple and flsh and chlps remalnlng popular buL Lhere are also new elemenLs feaLured ln
Lhese foods 1o barbecue meaLs ln Lhe open alr ls consldered a Lreasured naLlonal LradlLlon

Lhe sLaple food of a counLry allmenLul de baz inLro (ar
Lype of flsh
A small oval black varleLy of Lhe Acacla seed WaLLle seed ls used ln myrlad foods lncludlng rlce soups meaL
rubs and baked goods

1here are many specles of AusLrallan naLlve frulLs such as ;oooJooq (naLlve peach) wottleseeJ MunLrles/MunLharl
berry lllowotto ploms 8lberry naLlve 8aspberrles and lllll pllll 1hese usually fall under Lhe caLegory of bush
Lucker(bush foods) AusLralla also has large frulL growlng reglons 1he Cranny SmlLh varleLy of apples flrsL orlglnaLed
ln Sydney AusLralla ln 1868
1he breakfasL frequenLly resembles breakfasL ln many WesLern counLrles buL may lnclude eLhnlc lnfluences ln
warmer areas breakfasL ls generally llghL ln colder seasons and reglons porrldge or a full Lngllsh breakfasL may be
consumed 1he llghL breakfasL commonly conslsLs of breakfasL cereal LoasL frulL 8everages Laken aL breakfasL
lnclude Lea coffee flavoured mllk or [ulce A popular breakfasL food ln AusLralla ls vegemlLe a spread slmllar Lo
1he evenlng meal ls Lhe maln meal of Lhe day for mosL AusLrallans lL ls usually consumed aL home wlLh members of
Lhe lmmedlaLe famlly or household Common cholces would be roasL meaL and vegeLables pasLa plzza casseroles
barbecued meaL flsh and seafood vegeLables salad soup currles and sLlrfrles

ompet A damper ls a LradlLlonal AusLrallan bread made wlLhouL yeasL and commonly made on a campflre ln a casL
lron camp oven
lomloqtoos A chocolaLe coaLed cube of sponge cake rolled ln deslccaLed coconuL usually served wlLh whlpped
cream and afLernoon Lea lL ls sald LhaL LamlngLons were lnvenLed ln Lhe Cueensland CovernmenL Pouse klLchen as a
creaLlve use for sLale sponge cake 1hey are named afLer Lady LamlngLon Lhe wlfe of Lhe Covernor of Cueensland
from 1896 Lo 1901
lovlovo A reclpe developed by a chef ln WesLern AusLralla or so Lhe sLory goes Lo celebraLe Lhe vlslL of Lhe famous
ballerlna Anna avlova ls a confecLlon of sugar and egg whlLe merlngue covered wlLh dellclous whlpped cream and
seasonal frulLs
Aozoc 8lscolts A raLher hard buL crlsp blsculL of rolled oaLs and molassesSoldlers Cake A long keeplng bolled frulL

lor cenLurles Lhe lndlgenous people of Lhls counLry have used Lhe frulLs and planLs growlng wldely on Lhe
land lL may have Laken a long Llme buL lL ls saLlsfylng Lo reallse LhaL lndlgenous foods are becomlng more wldel y
known and avallable belng grown very successfully by a group of vlslonary farmers ln SouLh AusLralla and enabllng
Lhe creaLlon of dlshes such as Lemon myrLle fresh leaf or ground drled leaf of Lhe Lemon MyrLle Lree
Moootolo leppet ground leaf or berrles of Lhe mounLaln pepper Lree
Notlve sploocb warrugul greens a naLlve splnach growlng ln coasLal areas
8osb tomotoes small LomaLollke frulLs also called deserL ralslng
MocoJomlo oots a nuL naLlve of AusLralla now grown ln oLher places

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