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Active/Passive Range of Motion Exercises

SHOULDER: 1) Protract the Scapula- Roll the shoulder blade forward by cupping one hand over the front of the shoulder and placing the other hand on the shoulder blade. 2) Flexion and Extension- Arm straight down to the side. Reach straight up to head and back. "Lift your arm up overhead, put it back down to your side." 3) Horizontal Adduction- Arm straight out to side, reach across and touch opposite shoulder. 4) Abduction- Arm at side, palm up, circle out and up over head to touch opposite ear. 5) Internal and External Rotation- Arm at side, elbow bent, move hand to stomach and then back to the bed. Be sure to keep the elbow bent and touching the person's side. THE ELBOW AND FOREARM: 1) Elbow Flexion and Extension- Arm at side, palm up, touch hand to shoulder and return to starting position. 2) Forearm Pronation and SupinationArm at side, elbow bent, turn palm toward face, then toward feet. When turning the forearm be sure to apply to the forearm and not to the wrist. THE WRIST: 1) Wrist Radial and Ulnar DeviationElbow bent, at side, move wrist side to side as if shaking hands. 2) Wrist Flexion and Extension- Elbow bent, at side, move wrist as though waving goodbye. (move hand from the back of forearm to the front of forearm) 3) Wrist Circumduction- Elbow bent, at side, move wrist in a circular motion. THE HAND AND FINGERS: 1) Hand Metacarpal Gliding- Hold each edge of the hand with the back of the hand facing you. With your thumbs on adjacent metacarpal bones, move up and down in relation to each other. 2) Fingers Flexion and ExtensionOpen and close the hand in a **** motion. 3) Fingers Abduction and AdductionFan the fingers apart and together. 4) Fingers Opposition- Touch thumb to base of each finger. 5) Fingers Metacarpalphalangeal Flexion- Stabilize the ends of the fingers. At the knuckles, bend the first knuckle (closest to the hand) keeping fingers straight. 6) Fingers Proximal Interphalangeal Flexion- Stabilize the first knuckle joint, bend 2nd joint keeping the rest of the finger straight. 7) Fingers Distal Interphalangeal Flexion- Stabilize first and second joint, then bend third knuckle joint.

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