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Ciiy of Dacolod } S.S.



I, ________________________, Filiino, of lcgal agc, marricd and a rcsidcni of
Dona Juliana HcigIis, Dacolod Ciiy, aficr Iaving lccn duly sworn io in accordancc
wiiI law, Icrcly dcosc and siaic.

TIai I am iIc crsonal sccrciary of Foman Carcia in Iis consiruciion lusincss
for fivc ycars;

TIai as a sccrciary, my jol is io lcc rccords and Iandlc lilling and collcciion
of cacI iransaciions of Mr. Carcia;

TIai Susan Mcndoza is onc of our clicnis wIo cngagcd iIc scrviccs of Mr.
Carcia for iIc consiruciion of Icr rcsidcniial luilding on Novcmlcr 10, 2010;

TIai Mr. Carcia and Mrs. Mcndoza agrccd iIai iIc ioial consiruciion cosi lc ai
PIP2.5 Million, suljcci io an iniiial aymcni of PIP1.3 Million and iIc rcmaining
amouni lc aid on fivc cqual moniIly amoriizaiions siariing 1 moniI aficr iIc iniiial
aymcni is madc;

TIai Mr. Carcia insirucicd mc io rcarc moniIly lillings in iIc amouni of
PIP190,000.00 and io scnd ii io Mrs. Mcndoza cvcry 15
day of iIc moniI for Fivc (5}

TIai iIc firsi lilling was crsonally rcccivcd ly Mrs. Mcndoza on January 15,
2011 as wcll as iIc sccond and succccding lillings iIai I scni cvcry 15
day of iIc

TIai lascd on my crsonal lnowlcdgc, no aymcni was rcccivcd from said
clicni sincc iIc firsi lilling on January 15, 2011 dcsiic crsisicni dcmand on my

TIai I am cccuiing iIis affidavii io aiicsi io iIc iruiIfulncss of iIc forcgoing

IN WITNESS WHEFEOF, I Iavc Icrcunio sci my Iand iIis 8
day of Scicmlcr
2011, in iIc Ciiy of Dacolod, PIiliincs.


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