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1 1erms IMA Dehradun

Ind|an M|||tary Academy Dehradun

8efore [o|n|ng the Academy a cand|date has to agree |n wr|t|ng that
O 1he candldaLe ls noL enLlLled Lo any compensaLlon for ln[urles suffered ln Lhe Lralnlng process or
for any compllcaLlons (such as deformlLy) or even deaLh caused durlng Lhe LreaLmenL for any
O f Lhe candldaLe ls dlsmlssed dlscharged or wlLhdrawn from Lhe commlsslon because of hls
acLlons he wlll be llable Lo refund Lhe whole or such porLlon of Lhe cosL of LulLlon food cloLhlng
and pay allowances recelved
ost of 1ra|n|ng
O 1he CovernmenL pays for Lhe cosL of Lralnlng lncludlng accommodaLlons books unlforms
boardlng and medlcal LreaLmenL
O andldaLes are expecLed Lo meeL Lhelr pockeL expenses Lhemselves
O lnanclal asslsLance may be granLed by Lhe CovernmenL for sLudenLs from lower lncome
O 1o recelve Lhe flnanclal asslsLance lncome of candldaLes parenL/guardlan should noL exceed 8s
1300/ per monLh (8s 2000/ per monLh lf more Lhan one son/ward slmulLaneously undergolng
Lralnlng aL nuA ,A C1A and correspondlng Lralnlng esLabllshmenL ln Lhe navy and Alr orce)
O AppllcaLlon for flnanclal asslsLance should be submlLLed (afLer Lhe flnal selecLlon) Lhrough Lhe
ulsLrlcL ,aglsLraLe of hls ulsLrlcL who wlll forward Lhe AppllcaLlon wlLh hls recommendaLlon Lo
Lhe ommandanL Cfflcers 1ralnlng Academy hennal
O Monetary Depos|t andldaLes flnally selecLed for Lralnlng aL Lhe Academy wlll be requlred Lo
deposlL Lhe followlng amounL on arrlval

ockeL allowance for flve monLhs aL 8s 20000 pm 8s 100000
or lLems of cloLhlng and equlpmenL 8s 273000
1ota| ks 37S000
O kefundab|e Amount
O or candldaLes recelvlng flnanclal ald Lhe deposlL for pockeL allowance ls refunded
O 1he unexpended porLlon of Lhe ouLflL allowance wlll be handed over Lo Lhe cadeL on hls belng
granLed a commlsslon or refunded Lo Lhe SLaLe lf he ls noL granLed a commlsslon

O Cnce a commlsslon ls granLed arLlcles of cloLhlng and necessarles purchased from Lhls
allowance become Lhe personal properLy of Lhe cadeL adeLs who reslgn whlle under Lralnlng or
who are removed or wlLhdrawn prlor Lo commlsslonlng wlll have Lo reLurn Lhe lLems

arshuram 8hau atwardan cho|arsh|p
r 1hls scholarshlp ls awarded Lo cadeLs from Maharashtra and karnataka
r value of scholarshlp 30000 per annum
r uuraLlon of scholarshlp adeLs enLlre sLay aL Lhe ndlan ,lllLary Academy
r L ls sub[ecL Lo Lhe cadeLs maklng saLlsfacLory progress
r 1he cadeLs who are granLed Lhls scholarshlp wlll noL be enLlLled Lo any oLher flnanclal
asslsLance from Lhe CovernmenL
o|one| kenda| Irank Memor|a| cho|arsh|p
r 1hls scholarshlp ls awarded Lo Maratha cadeLs who should be Lhe son of an exserv|cemen
r value of scholarshlp 36000 per annum
r 1he Scholarshlp ls ln addlLlon Lo any flnanclal asslsLance from Lhe CovernmenL
O andldaLes flnally selecLed undergo a course of Lralnlng for abouL 18 monLhs
O CenLlemen cadeLs are dealL wlLh Lhe ordlnary dlsclpllnary purposes under Lhe rules and
regulaLlons of Lhe ndlan ,lllLary Academy uehradun
O no candldaLe are normally permlLLed Lo reslgn whlle Lhey are under Lralnlng Powever
CenLlemen adeL reslgnlng afLer Lhe commencemenL of Lralnlng may be allowed Lo proceed
home lf Lhelr reslgnaLlon ls accepLed by Army PC
O A CenLlemen/lady adeL who ls noL consldered sulLable Lo compleLe Lhe full course of
Lralnlng may be dlscharged wlLh permlsslon of Lhe CovernmenL
O ommlsslon wlll be granLed only on successful compleLlon of Lralnlng 1he daLe of
commlsslon wlll be LhaL followlng Lhe daLe of successful compleLlon of Lralnlng ommlsslon
wlll be permanenL
O Cn successful compleLlon of Lralnlng CenLlemen adeLs are granLed ermanenL ommlsslon
ln Lhe rank of LL sub[ecL Lo belng medlcally flL ln shape
ost|ng and romot|on
ost|ng Army offlcers are llable Lo serve any where ln ndla and abroad
ubstant|ve promot|ons 1he followlng are Lhe servlce llmlLs for Lhe granL of Lhe subsLanLlve
promoLlon Lo hlgher ranks

8y t|me sca|e
LleuLenanL on compleLlon of Lralnlng
apLaln 2 years of reckonable commlssloned servlce
,a[or 6 years of reckonable commlssloned servlce
LleuLenanL olonel 13 years of reckonable commlssloned servlce
olonel (1S) 26 years of reckonable commlssloned servlce
8y e|ect|on
olonel 20 years of reckonable commlssloned servlce
8rlgadler 23 years of reckonable commlssloned servlce
,a[or Ceneral 23 years of reckonable commlssloned servlce
LleuLenanL Cenral 28 years of reckonable commlssloned servlce
Ceneral no resLrlcLlons
Act|ng promot|on Cfflcers are ellglble for acLlng promoLlon Lo hlgher ranks on compleLlon of Lhe
followlng mlnlmum Servlce llmlLs sub[ecL Lo avallablllLy of vacancles
apLaln 3 years
,a[or 6 years
LL olonel 6 1/2 years
olonel 8 1/2 years
8rlgadler 12 years
,a[or Ceneral 20 years
LL Cen 23 years

1erms C1A henna|
Cff|cers 1ra|n|ng Academy henna|
8efore [o|n|ng the Academy a cand|date has to agree |n wr|t|ng that
O 1he candldaLe ls noL enLlLled Lo any compensaLlon for ln[urles suffered ln Lhe Lralnlng
process or for any compllcaLlons (such as deformlLy) or even deaLh caused durlng Lhe
LreaLmenL for any ln[urles
O f Lhe candldaLe ls dlsmlssed dlscharged or wlLhdrawn from Lhe commlsslon because of hls
acLlons he wlll be llable Lo refund Lhe whole or such porLlon of Lhe cosL of LulLlon food
cloLhlng and pay allowances recelved
ost of 1ra|n|ng
O 1he CovernmenL pays for Lhe cosL of Lralnlng lncludlng accommodaLlons books unlforms
boardlng and medlcal LreaLmenL
O andldaLes are expecLed Lo meeL Lhelr pockeL expenses Lhemselves
O lnanclal asslsLance may be granLed by Lhe CovernmenL for sLudenLs from lower lncome
O 1o recelve Lhe flnanclal asslsLance lncome of candldaLes parenL/guardlan should noL exceed
8s 1300/ per monLh (8s 2000/ per monLh lf more Lhan one son/ward slmulLaneously
undergolng Lralnlng aL nuA ,A C1A and correspondlng Lralnlng esLabllshmenL ln Lhe navy
and Alr orce)
O AppllcaLlon for flnanclal asslsLance should be submlLLed (afLer Lhe flnal selecLlon) Lhrough
Lhe ulsLrlcL ,aglsLraLe of hls ulsLrlcL who wlll forward Lhe appllcaLlon wlLh hls
recommendaLlon Lo Lhe ommandanL Cfflcers 1ralnlng Academy hennal
O Monetary Depos|t andldaLes flnally selecLed for Lralnlng aL Lhe Academy wlll be requlred
Lo deposlL Lhe followlng amounL on arrlval

ockeL allowance for Lhree monLhs aL 8s 100000 pm 8s 300000
or lLems of cloLhlng and equlpmenL 8s 300000
Croup nsurance overage for Lwo monLhs 8s 2000
1ota| ks 1000000

O kefundab|e Amount
O or candldaLes recelvlng flnanclal ald Lhe deposlL for cloLhlng and equlpmenL ls refunded
O CuLflL allowance may be provlded from Llme Lo Llme
O Cnce a commlsslon ls granLed arLlcles of cloLhlng and necessarles purchased from Lhls
allowance become Lhe personal properLy of Lhe cadeL adeLs who reslgn whlle under
Lralnlng or who are removed or wlLhdrawn prlor Lo commlsslonlng wlll have Lo reLurn Lhe
O andldaLes flnally selecLed undergo a course of Lralnlng for abouL 11 monLhs
O CenLlemen/lady cadeLs are dealL wlLh Lhe ordlnary dlsclpllnary purposes under Lhe rules and
regulaLlons of Lhe Cfflcers 1ralnlng Academy
O no candldaLe are normally permlLLed Lo reslgn whlle Lhey are under Lralnlng Powever
CenLlemen adeL reslgnlng afLer Lhe commencemenL of Lralnlng may be allowed Lo proceed
home lf Lhelr reslgnaLlon ls accepLed by Army PC
O A CenLlemen/lady adeL who ls noL consldered sulLable Lo compleLe Lhe full course of
Lralnlng may be dlscharged wlLh permlsslon of Lhe CovernmenL
O Cn [olnlng C1A candldaLes are noL permlLLed Lo appear for any examlnaLlon/lnLervlew for
any oLher Lype of commlsslon/enLry ln Lhe Army navy and Alr orce or any oLher
employmenL wlLhouL reslgnlng from Lhe Academy and paylng Lhe cosL of Lralnlng
O CenLlemen cadeLs who may reslgn from Lhe Cfflcers 1ralnlng Academy hennal Lo undergo
precommlsslon Lralnlng aL Lhe ,A uehradun or correspondlng cadeL Lralnlng
esLabllshmenL ln navy and Alr orce do noL have Lo pay back Lhe cosL of Lralnlng
O ommlsslon ls granLed only on successful compleLlon of Lralnlng 1he daLe of commlsslon
wlll be LhaL followlng Lhe daLe of successful compleLlon of Lralnlng
O Cn successful compleLlon of Lralnlng CenLlemen adeLs are granLed ShorL Servlce
ommlsslon ln Lhe rank of LL sub[ecL Lo belng medlcally flL ln shape
O er|od of probat|on An offlcer ls on probaLlon for a perlod of 6 monLhs from Lhe daLe
he/she recelves hls/her ommlsslon f wlLhln Lhe probaLlonary perlod he/she ls reporLed Lo
be unsulLable Lo reLaln hls/her commlsslon he/ she may be LermlnaLed any Llme wheLher
before or afLer Lhe explry of Lhe probaLlonary perlod
O ost|ng ersonnel granLed ShorL Servlce ommlsslon are llable Lo serve anywhere ln ndla
and abroad on selecLed appolnLmenLs as declded by PC ,Cu (Army) from Llme Lo Llme
O 1enure of Appo|ntmentShorL Servlce ommlsslon (,ale and emale) ln Lhe regular Army ls
granLed for 14 years le for an lnlLlal perlod of 10 years exLendable by a furLher perlod of 4
O Powever male offlcers who are wllllng Lo conLlnue Lo serve ln Lhe Army afLer Lhe
perlod of flve years ShorL Servlce ommlsslon may be consldered for Lhe granL of
permanenL ommlsslon ln Lhe lasL year of Lhelr ShorL Servlce ommlsslon
O 1hose SS offlcers who are noL selecLed for granL of buL are oLherwlse consldered
flL and sulLable are glven opLlons Lo conLlnue as SSCs for a LoLal perlod of 14 years
(lncludlng Lhe lnlLlal Lenure of 3 years) on explry of whlch Lhey are released from Lhe
O Jomen offlcers are noL ellglble for permanenL commlsslon Powever Lhey can opL
for exLenslon of upLo 14 years of servlce
O pec|a| rov|s|on for ke|ease for on omp|et|on of Sth ear of erv|ce
O SS(non1ech) ,ale emale Cfflcers who have noL undergone or are noL
undergolng uegree Lnglneerlng ourse or any oLher speclallzed course and wanL Lo
leave Lhe servlce afLer compleLlon of flve years servlce may apply Lo Lhe Army PCs
for release durlng Lhe flfLh year of servlce
O Army PC conslders Lhe appllcaLlons of such offlcers on merlLs and Lhelr
declslon ls flnal and lrrevocable Cn approval such offlcers are released
from servlce on compleLlon of 3Lh year of servlce
O 1hose SS (non1ech) ,ale emale Cfflcers who have undergone or are
undergolng uegree Lnglneerlng ourse or any oLher speclallsed course are noL
released before explry of full Lenure of 14 years unless Lhey pay Lhe cosL of Lralnlng
of such speclallzed course 1hey are requlred Lo slgn a bond on belng nomlnaLed for
underLaklng such courses/degrees
O pec|a| rov|s|ons dur|ng Lxtended 1enureuurlng exLended Lenure Lhey are
permlLLed Lo seek release from Lhe Army on Lhe followlng grounds
O 1aklng up clvll [ob
O ursulng hlgher educaLlon
O SLarLlng own buslness/!olnlng famlly buslness
O ubstant|ve romot|onSCS and Jomen granLed ShorL Servlce ommlsslon under Lhese
rules wlll be ellglble for subsLanLlve promoLlon as under
O 1o Lhe rank of apta|n on comp|et|on of years of reckonable commlssloned
O 1o Lhe rank of Ma[or on comp|et|on of 6 years reckonable commlssloned servlce
O 1o Lhe rank of |eutenant o|one| on comp|et|on of 13 years reckonable
commlssloned servlce
O Mandatory ond|t|ons ,andaLory condlLlons for granL of above subsLanLlve ranks
lald down for ermanenL ommlssloned offlcers are also appllcable Lo SSCs and
SS women
O Ad[ustment of en|or|ty1o make ad[usLmenL for shorLer Lralnlng of SSC's and SS
Jomen offlcers vlsvls offlcers Lhe senlorlLy of SS Jomen offlcers ls
dlscounLed by Lhe perlod correspondlng Lo Lhe dlfference ln Lralnlng perlod beLween
Lhe SS course and Lhe Lralnlng perlod of lLs equlvalenL ourse 1hls ad[usLmenL
of senlorlLy ls carrled ouL aL Lhe Llme of granL of flrsL subsLanLlve rank of apLaln
1he revlsed senlorlLy does noL have any effecL on Lhe pay and allowances granLed ln
Lhe rank of apL ,a[or and LL ol
O keckonab|e omm|ss|oned erv|ce8eckonable commlssloned servlce for Lhe
purpose of Lhese orders counLs from Lhe daLe of granL of ShorL Servlce commlsslon
Lo an offlcer
O 1he perlod of servlce forfelLed by senLence of courL ,arLlal or by summary award
under Lhe Army AcL and Lhe perlod of absence wlLhouL leave ls noL reckonable
O 1he perlod durlng whlch furlough raLes of pay are drawn and Lhe perlod of capLlvlLy
aL CJs raLes of pay are reckonable
O 1he perlod of servlce for promoLlon losL by an offlcer ln consequence of her havlng
been granLed leave wlLhouL pay ls also reckonable Such an offlcer wlll however
become enLlLled Lo Lhe pay and allowances of Lhe hlgher subsLanLlve rank granLed
by Lhe lncluslon of Lhls perlod only from Lhe daLe on whlch she would have quallfled
by servlce lf Lhls perlod had noL been so reckoned and noL wlLh effecL from Lhe daLe
of granL of subsLanLlve rank
O 1erm|nat|on of omm|ss|on An offlcer granLed ShorL Servlce ommlsslon ls llable for flve
years buL hls/her ommlsslon may be LermlnaLed aL any Llme by Lhe CovernmenL of ndla
O for mlsconducL or lf servlces are found Lo be unsaLlsfacLory or
O on accounL of medlcal unflLness or
O lf hls/her servlces are no longer requlred or
O lf he/she falls Lo quallfy ln any prescrlbed LesL or course
O An offlcer may on glvlng 3 monLhs noLlce be permlLLed Lo reslgn hls/her commlsslon
on compasslonaLe grounds of whlch Lhe CovernmenL of ndla wlll be Lhe sole [udge
O An offlcer who ls permlLLed Lo reslgn hls/her commlsslon on compasslonaLe grounds
ls noL ellglble for Lermlnal graLulLy
O 1erm|na| Gratu|ty SSC recrulLed from clvll slde are enLlLled Lo Lermlnal graLulLy [ 1/2
monLhs emolumenLs for each compleLed slx monLhly perlod of servlce
O keserve |ab|||ty Cn belng released on Lhe explry of flve years ShorL Servlce ommlsslon or
exLenslon Lhereof Lhey wlll carry a reserve llablllLy for a perlod of flve years or upLo Lhe age
of 40 years whlchever ls earller
O M|sce||aneous All oLher Lerms and condlLlons of servlce where noL aL varlance wlLh Lhe
above provlslons wlll be Lhe same as for regular offlcers

3 1erms Nava| Academy GCA
Nava| Academy Goa
andldaLes selecLed for Lralnlng aL Lhe Academy wlll be appolnLed as cadeLs ln Lhe LxecuLlve 8ranch
of Lhe navy
ost of 1ra|n|ng
O 1he cosL of Lralnlng lncludlng accommodaLlon and allled servlces books unlform messlng
and medlcal LreaLmenL of Lhe cadeLs of Lhe naval Academy wlll be borne by Lhe
O arenLs or guardlans of cadeLs are requlred Lo meeL Lhelr pockeL and oLher prlvaLe expenses
O lnanclal asslsLance may be granLed from Lhe governmenL provlded Lhe cadeLs parenL or
guardlan has an lncome less Lhan 8s 1300/ per monLh
O 1he flnanclal asslsLance wlll be upLo 8s 140/ per monLh
O AppllcaLlon form for flnanclal asslsLance musL be submlLLed Lo Lhe ulsLrlcL ,aglsLraLe of hls
ulsLrlcL who wlll wlLh hls recommendaLlons forward Lhe appllcaLlon Lo Lhe ulrecLor of
,anpower lannlng 8ecrulLmenL naval PeadquarLers new uelhl110011
Monetary Depos|t
1hey wlll be requlred Lo deposlL Lhe followlng amounL
1ype of expense Amount
ockeL expense 8s 3230
1olleLrles sLaLlonary eLc (one monLh) 8s 630
Laundry clvlllan bearer 8s 1730
lnema halr cuLLlng eLc (one monLh) 8s 330
loLhlng and equlpmenL 8s 2300
,eals and ,lsc expense 8s 200
1able money charge for cadeL mess (3 monLhs) 8s 1300
1ota| ks 9000
SelecLed candldaLes are appolnLed as cadeLs and undergo Lralnlng ln naval shlps and esLabllshmenL
as under
1ype of 1ra|n|ng Durat|on
naval CrlenLaLlon ourse aL naval Academy Coa 20 weeks
adeLs 1ralnlng 6 monLhs
,ldshlpmenL (afloaL Lralnlng) 6 monLhs
SubLleuLenanL (1echnlcal course) 12 monLhs
Nava| Watch keep|ng cert|f|cate Cn compleLlon of Lhe above Lralnlng Lhe offlcers wlll be appolnLed
on board ndlan naval shlps for obLalnlng naval JaLch keeplng cerLlflcaLe for whlch a mlnlmum
perlod of slx monLhs ls essenLlal

1erms AIA nyderabad
A|r Iorce Academy (AIA) nyderabad
O andldaLes can be admlLLed Lo Lhe academy by Lhree modes of enLry (1)uSL (2)n and
O andldaLes who apply for Alr orce Lhrough more Lhan one source are LesLed/lnLervlewed aL
Alr orce SelecLlon 8oards only once
O ommon candldaLes who fall ln nS8/A8 LesL as an n or Alrman candldaLe are called
agaln for CLC LesLlng for Army/navy/C1A only ln case LhaL he has applled Lhrough uS
Lxam also
O SelecLed candldaLes are deLalled for Lralnlng based on Lhe merlL llsL ranklng and avallable
vacancy 1he merlL llsL ls based on Lhe comblned marks of Lhe wrlLLen examlnaLlon and
lnLervlew for uS candldaLes and only lnLervlew for n candldaLes
O 1he approxlmaLe duraLlon of Lralnlng for lylng 8ranch (lloLs) 74 weeks
ost of 1ra|n|ng
O 1he cosL of Lralnlng lncludlng accommodaLlons books unlforms boardlng and medlcal
LreaLmenL ls borne by CovernmenL
O andldaLes are expecLed Lo meeL Lhelr pockeL expenses Lhemselves
O f ln any case a cadeL's parenLs or guardlan ls unable Lo meeL wholly or parLly even Lhls
expendlLure flnanclal asslsLance may be granLed by Lhe CovernmenL
O LllglblllLy for Lhe granL wlll depend upon Lhe parenLs or guardlan's lncome 1he lncome
should noL exceed 8s 730/ per monLh
O 1he lmmovable properLy and oLher asseLs and lncome from all sources are also Laken lnLo
accounL for deLermlnlng Lhe ellglblllLy for flnanclal asslsLance
O AppllcaLlon for flnanclal asslsLance should be submlLLed (afLer Lhe flnal selecLlon) Lhrough
Lhe ulsLrlcL ,aglsLraLe of hls ulsLrlcL who wlll forward Lhe AppllcaLlon wlLh hls
recommendaLlon Lo Lhe ommandanL re lylng 1ralnlng ourses 8egumpeL
O Monetary Depos|t andldaLes flnally selecLed for Lralnlng aL Lhe Academy wlll be requlred
Lo deposlL Lhe followlng amounL on arrlval
ocket a||owance for s|x months at ks 1000 pm ks 8000
or lLems of cloLhlng and equlpmenL 8s 130000
1ota| ks 3000

O kefundab|e Amount CuL of Lhe amounL menLloned above ockeL Allowances ls refundable
Lo Lhe candldaLe lf flnanclal ald ls belng sancLloned
O Alr orce Croup nsurance SocleLy pays 8s 100000/ for a monLhly conLrlbuLlon of 8s 800/
pm as exgraLla award Lo Lhe nexLofkln of a fllghL cadeL drawn from lvll llfe and
undergolng flylng Lralnlng ln an unforLunaLe evenLuallLy
O n case fllghL cadeL undergolng flylng Lralnlng ls medlcally lnvalldaLed and boarded ouL he ls
pald 8s 20000/ as ex graLla award for 100 dlsablllLy and Lhls reduces proporLlonaLely
upLo 20
O Cnce fllghL cadeLs are granLed pay and allowances by governmenL Lhe deaLh cover ls 8s
30000/ and Lhe dlsablllLy cover ls 8s 23000/ for 100 dlsablllLy
O 1hls cover ls provlded by ACS on paymenL of monLhly nonrefundable conLrlbuLlon of 8s
76/ by each fllghL cadeL undergolng flylng Lralnlng for whlch membershlp ls compulsory
areer rospects
O AfLer successful compleLlon of Lralnlng Lhe candldaLes pass ouL ln Lhe rank of lylng Cfflcer
and become enLlLled Lo Lhe pay and allowance of Lhe rank
O 1here are Lwo Lypes of promoLlons ln Lhe A CranL of hlgher AcLlng rank and SubsLanLlve
rank Lach hlgh rank carrles wlLh lL exLra emolumenL
O 1lme scale promoLlon Lo Lhe rank of Squadron Leader and Jlng ommander ls granLed afLer
successful compleLlon of Len years of lylng (lloL) branch and 20 years servlce respecLlvely
O CranL of hlgher rank from Jlng ommander and above ls by selecLlon carrled ouL by duly
consLlLuLed promoLlon boards
eave and eave 1rave| oncess|on
O Annual Leave 60 days a year
O asual Leave 20 days a year noL more Lhan 10 days aL a Llme
O Cfflcers are auLhorlsed encashmenL of Annual Leave upLo 10 days alongwlLh L1 Lo Lhe
exLenL of a LoLal 60 days ln a career span Lo cover lncldenLal expenses on Lravel
Cther r|v||eges
1he offlcers and Lhelr famllles are enLlLled Lo free medlcal ald accommodaLlon on concesslonal renL
group lnsurance scheme group houslng scheme famlly asslsLance scheme canLeen faclllLles eLc

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