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A Year in Cardiology - 2011 Developments in Clinical Cardiology What you need to know 14th December 0815 - 0850 0850 0900 RCP, London Registration Welcome Address - Dr Sarah Clarke / Dr Shouvik Haldar

Key Take Home Messages from Guideline Updates Session Chair 0900 - 0920 0920 0940 0940 - 1000 Professor Keith Fox / Dr Sarah Clarke Acute Coronary Syndromes The NICE/ESC Guidelines - Dr Huon Gray Myocardial Revascularisation The ESC/EACTS Guidelines - Dr Bernard Prendergast Atrial Fibrillation - ESC Guidelines Dr Irina Savelieva

Latest on Pharmacological Therapy & Cardiac Risk Factors Session Chair 1000 - 1020 1020 - 1040 1040 1110 1110 1130 Dr Chris Burrell / Dr Iain Simpson Non-Cardiac Drugs The latest on PPIs and Thiazolidinediones - Dr Mike Seddon Dronedarone, Dabigatran, Rivaroxaban Who, when, and how? - Professor Paulus Kirchhof Modifying Cardiovascular Risk Whats new? - Professor Kaushik Ray Coffee Break

Subspecialties Update Expert Round-up of 2011 Session Chair Professor Keith Fox / Dr Chris Burrell

1130 1200 1200 1240 1240 1330 Session Chair

Adult Congenital Heart Disease - Dr Cathy Head Electrophysiology & Pacing - Dr Vias Markides Lunch Dr Sarah Clarke / Dr Iain Simpson

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1330 1410 1410 1445 1445 1510 1510 1530 Session Chair 1530 1600

Ischaemic Heart Disease Dr Nick West Non-Invasive Imaging - Dr Rick Steed Structural Heart Disease - Dr Philip MacCarthy Coffee Break Professor Keith Fox / Dr Sarah Clarke Heart Failure & Devices - Dr Rakesh Sharma

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