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1he managers of Lhe conLemporary organlzaLlons have a flrm bellef LhaL Lhe

employees who are saLlsfled wlLh Lhelr [obs produce more effecLlve resulLs
1herefore Lo keep Lhe employees well moLlvaLed Lhelr managers are expecLed Lo
fulflll Lhelr deslred needs and expecLaLlons by uslng numerous moLlvaLlonal Lools
Powever noL all employees can be kepL moLlvaLed by Lhe use of same Lools 1he
aLLlLude of Lhe employees plays a very slgnlflcanL role ln deLermlnlng Lhe Lools
LhaL may lnfluence Lhelr level of moLlvaLlon
keeplng Lhe employees of an organlzaLlon moLlvaLed ls one Lhe mosL challenglng
Lasks LhaL a manager performs Moreover looklng for one parLlcular sLraLegy LhaL
keeps all Lhe workers moLlvaLed aL Lhe same Llme ls anoLher lssue faced by Lhe
managers 1he employee aLLlLudes behavlor values and bellefs are hlghly
lmporLanL for keeplng Lhe workforce well moLlvaLed values are sald Lo play a vlLal
role ln shaplng Lhe personallLy of an employee values ouLllne Lhe behavlor of an
lndlvldual and accordlng Lo 8okeach (1973) Lhese are deflned as Lhose
fundamenLal bellefs as a resulL of whlch an lndlvldual behaves ln a cerLaln way
whlch ls LhoughL Lo be soclally preferable Lo Lhe conLrary of Lhls way of acLlon
Slnce Lhere ls a ma[or lnfluence of Lhe aLLlLudes of Lhe employees on Lhelr
moLlvaLlonal level Lhey need Lo be alLered or acLlvaLed so LhaL Lhe lnfluence geLs
sLarLed 1he sysLem Lhrough whlch Lhe employee moLlvaLlon ls lncreased varles
from flrm Lo flrm no slngle Lool or sLraLegy has been ouLllned yeL regardlng whaL
moLlvaLes all Lhe employees ln Lhe mosL approprlaLe way 8ecognlLlon of one's
work ls one of Lhe ways ln whlch Lhe employee moLlvaLlon ls ralsed lurLhermore
Lhe use of moneLary as well as non moneLary beneflLs ls oLher moLlvaLlonal Lools
Accordlng Lo klelnglnna and kelnglnna (1981) moLlvaLlon ls deflned by Lhe
researchers and LheorlsLs as LhaL condlLlon ln whlch a cerLaln wanL or deslre
lnlLlaLes a parLlcular response and Lhen dlrecLs lL
Accordlng Lo Perzberg eL al (1939) Lhere ls an argumenL amongsL Lhe researchers
LhaL Lhe undersLandlng of Lhe aLLlLude of a worker Lowards a speclflc need
deLermlnes Lhelr moLlvaLlon Lowards work 1here are malnly Lwo separaLe llsLs of
facLors LhaL Perzberg derlved afLer a deLalled sLudy of Lhe aLLlLudes of employees
Cne llsL of facLors was Lask relaLed and conslsLed of all Lhose facLors LhaL can
posslbly orlglnaLe good aLLlLude and a saLlsfacLory feellng wlLhln Lhe employee
Powever Lhe oLher llsL of facLors was noL Lask relaLed 8aLher Lhey were relaLed
Lo Lhe condlLlons of Lhe worklng envlronmenL 1hey gave rlse Lo bad feellngs and
a negaLlve aLLlLude amongsL Lhe employees 1he
1he flrsL group he called as moLlvaLors whlch lncluded recognlLlon achlevemenL
posslblllLy of growLh work lLself and responslblllLy 1he second llsL Perzberg
named as Pyglene facLors (non[ob facLors) whlch lncluded lnLerpersonal relaLlons
wlLh supervlsor subordlnaLes peers salary company pollcy and admlnlsLraLlon
facLors ln personal llfe sLaLus [ob securlLy and worklng condlLlons MoLlvaLors
refer Lo Lhe facLors LhaL are relaLed Lo [ob are known as lnLrlnslc facLors llke Lhe
recognlLlon of Lask compleLed or posslblllLy of career growLh Cn Lhe oLher hand
hyglene's lnclude exLrlnslc enLlLles such as relaLlons wlLh coworkers supervlsor
and lower sLaff whlch have no relaLlon wlLh employees acLual [ob

Accordlng Lo Perzberg eL al (1939) moLlvaLors cause poslLlve [ob aLLlLudes
because Lhey fulflll or saLlsfy Lhe workers needs of self acLuallzaLlon (Maslow
1934) Lhe ulLlmaLe need of any lndlvldual lf Lhese facLors are presenL ln a [ob
Lhey Lend Lo creaLe [ob moLlvaLlon leadlng Lo [ob saLlsfacLlon buL lL varles for
dlfferenL employees varylng ln aLLlLudes bellefs and level of saLlsfacLlon on
Maslow's need saLlsfacLlon pyramld Absence of Lhese lnLrlnslc moLlvaLors
Perzberg argues does noL creaLes demoLlvaLlon or dlssaLlsfacLlon whereas
accordlng Lo Perzberg (1968) opposlLe of [ob saLlsfacLlon ls noL dlssaLlsfacLlon
raLher a lack of saLlsfacLlon ln Lhe same way Lhe opposlLe of [ob dlssaLlsfacLlon ls
noL saLlsfacLlon buL raLher no dlssaLlsfacLlon" lor example conslder Lhe
hyglene facLor work condlLlons lf some employee had a flghL wlLh one of lLs co
workers or had a blL of clash wlLh hls boss durlng sLarL of Lhe day hls whole day
goes down Lhe draln and he wlll be greaLly dlssaLlsfled Powever lf Lhe day had
sLarLed normally wlLhouL any lnLerrupLlons Lhe employee wlll Lake no noLlce of lL
or Lry Lo lmprove hls work performance

lL ls Lhe general bellef around LhaL all Lhe employees are moLlvaLed by moneLary
beneflLs and LhaL paylng hlgh salary Lo employees wlll help relnforce
organlzaLlonal values promoLe ouLsLandlng performance ongolng growLh and
achlevemenL 8uL Lhls Lheory has been enLlrely conLradlcLed by Maslow's
hlerarchy of needs whlch ls Lhe blggesL supporLer of Lhe facL LhaL all employees
worklng wlLhln an organlzaLlon can noL moLlvaLed aL Lhe same Llme by offerlng
same lncenLlves Lmployee moLlvaLlon ls always LreaLed as a problem of
lndlvldual employee noL Laklng lnLo accounL Lhe condlLlons LhaL conLlnue Lo de
moLlvaLe Lhe same employee

1he basls of Maslow's moLlvaLlon Lheory ls LhaL lndlvldual are moLlvaLed by
unsaLlsfled needs and Lhese low level needs are Lo be saLlsfled before movlng Lo
hlgher levels Accordlng Lo Maslow Lhere are generally 3 Lypes of needs LhaL
saLlsfy or moLlvaLe an lndlvldual Lhose are psychologlcal survlval safeLy love and
esLeem And he called Lhem ''ueflclency needs'' Pe argues LhaL as long as
lndlvlduals are moLlvaLed Lo saLlsfy Lhose needs Lhey keep on movlng Lowards
growLh Lo achleve Lhe lasL sLage whlch ls self acLuallzaLlon And lL's noL necessary
LhaL all employees worklng wlLhln Lhe same organlzaLlon are aL same level ln
Maslow's hlerarchy of needs aL some speclflc Llme So lL's fuLlle Lo apply same
moLlvaLlons Lheorles on dlfferenL lndlvlduals worklng under one roof

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