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When you flrsL sLarLed comlng over you were falllng almosL every class And Loday you

u are Lhe wlnner

of a sclence falr pro[ecL ?ou are Lhe sLudenL of Lhe monLh and you are on Lhe honor roll l have helped
show you Lhe way Lo success and you have proven Lo yourself whaL you are capable of or whaL you can
do! ?ou are very smarL Andrew ?ou have Lhe ablllLy Lo go far ln llfe ?ou have been blessed wlLh such
a greaL braln and you have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo do a loL of good Lhlngs wlLh LhaL braln lmaglne Lhe
l Lhlnk you are aware now LhaL succeedlng as a sLudenL Lakes only 2 Lhlngs 1he flrsL Lhlng lL Lakes ls
lnLelllgence (whlch you have Lons of!!!) 1he second Lhlng lL Lakes ls self dlsclpllne Pow sad would lL be
lf Lhe person who lnvenLed Lhe nlnLendo uS was undlsclpllned? 1hlnk abouL lL We wouldn'L have a uS
lnLelllgence alone doesn'L produce good Lhlngs lnLelllgence mlxed wlLh work can make dreams come
now LhaL you know you have Lhe flrsL parL of Lhe equaLlon flgured ouL (lnLelllgence) lL ls Llme Lo sLarL
developlng Lhe flnal parL of Lhe equaLlon?our selfdlsclpllne
ulcLlonary deflnlLlon training of oneself, usually for improvement.
How will we do that? You will take small steps to get there.
I will no longer be working with you for hours and hours until your homework is done.
You are now in charge of seeing that your homework gets done.
I will only work with you for 2 hours per day. You will be responsible for completing any
leftover homework at home on your own.
I am passing the responsibility to your hands.
You have a choice to make.
Will you choose to succeed?

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