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Lamentable deplorable; bad; unfortunate Ambiguities open to two or more interpretations; having more than one possible meaning;

g; an expression whose meaning cannot be determined from its context Heretics anyone who does not conform to an established attitude, doctrine, or principle Haughty snobby; arrogant Augment increase; enlarge Gallant highest point in something; gentleman; polite to women Pilgrimage journey to a sacred place Shrift confession to a priest Kinsman a male relative Adversary someone who offers opposition Pernicious deadly; exceedingly harmful Grievance a wrong or hardship suffered, which is the grounds of a complaint; a complaint or resentment, as against an unjust or unfair act Fray fight; battle; brawl Importune to beg for (something) urgently or persistently. Pensive brooding: deeply or seriously thoughtful; having the appearance of thinking; looking thoughtful, especially from sadness; deep serious thoughtfulness

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