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MinistC'io de la Defensa Lniversidad Nacional Experimental !';cJeo Carabobo- Sede Valencia Profesor' :



de la Fuerza Armada Nacional

Departamento de Ingeniera, CtedraJngles

Nombre y apellido:






Prueba Diagnstico Ingls Tcnico IV Trmino

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Corrosion attacks a11engineering materials, especially metaIs. Corrosion is any chemicaJ action which harms the properties of materials. It reduces the .life of a material and increases the cost 01' a structure. For example, in a steel bridge must be repainted regularly to protect it frorn rust. Various metals have therefore been c\eveloped to resist corrosion. Among them are the stainless steels. When it is necessary, alloys made from copper and nickeJ are also corrosion resistant. For example money metal, is resistant to both fresh and salt water corrosion. Finally engineers can protect the surfaces of the metals in many different ways. One of the most common methods is to paint them. Parte "A" Responda las siguientes preguntas relacionadas al texto en espaol. 1.. Who might protect the surfaces ofthe metals.?

2.- What is your opinin about corrosion ?

3.-Write the sub-titIe ofthis paragraph

4,- When are the different metal s ereated to be protected from corrosion?

5.' Which topie is the above paragraph about?

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