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<RemixedMagic>[Clearly prances breezily down the rocky slope of a rough terrain, holding some captured pheasants in one hand.

He hums a tune as he carefully slid his way down.] <neaumont>Gioele: -Having just delivered some fresh meat to his encampment, he was wading quietly through the bushes, leaving to look for a stream to clean his bloodied hands. At this point in the survival exercise, he was suffering major nicotine withdrawal and at the moment wasn't in a great mood, not one bit.<RemixedMagic>[Clearly later reached the base of the slope, heading towards the stream close by for a short drink. When he reached the cold edge, he settled down the wild game and knelt forward to take some laps of the icy water.] <neaumont>Gioele: -Knelt down too, he was washing the blood off, heating his hands so they don't freeze in the water. It was undisturbed until he noticed a presence near him and stole a furtive glance towards that direction. Clearly wasn't difficult to spot in the night and he quickly steamed his hands dry as he rose; he lit two flames in his palms.- "State your business!" -He called out.<RemixedMagic>[Clearly jerked his head from the water and faced directly in the other's direction. He pulled his river-dampened hair away from his face and stood up with a friendly grin and playfully holding up his hands as if caught in an act.] "Who, me? I'm not doing anything," [he called back.] "Nothing wrong of any sort." <neaumont>Gioele: -Of course, he was skeptical and untrusting; if he remembered correctly, the last time they ever talked was when Clearly gave him a nice set of new scars. Pleasant. He approached him slowly, flames flickering.- "... Are you so sure?" <RemixedMagic>[Clearly retracted his hands back to his sides and retrieved his game.] "I simply showed here for a taste of water, nothin' more, nothin' less." [As Gio approached closer, Clearly saw the expression on the human's face and flickered his tail in uncertainty. His feet shifted apart to make flexible space.] <neaumont>Gioele: -He left some distance between them as a precaution.- "Is that so..." -Frankly, Clearly at the moment didn't look hostile at all, he wasn't even sure he wanted to fight but he wasn't going to let his guard down. Though the more he stood there and did nothing, the more it irritated him.<RemixedMagic>"So very so," [Clearly laughed cheerfully.] "My apologies if I had been, hum, trespassing in some way. Hope y' didn't mind that." [He turned around and slowly began moving in the other direction.] "Cold as the heat t'day," [he said in a singsong voice.] <neaumont>Gioele: "..." -Clenching his teeth, it might've just been his mood, but it particularly annoyed him of how nonchalant Clearly was behaving; he shot a small ball of flame at his feet.- "Wait, don't you leave... I want to fight you. I need to regain some dignity from what you did to me." -He was still shirtless having given Bell his shirt, his uniform jacket tied around his waist.<RemixedMagic>[Clearly jumped and sharply yelped at the unexpected heat of the fire aimed at his feet. He thwacked the flames away with his dead birds.] "You're still upset over that? Thought I apologized 'bout those cuts I gave ya." [He rubbed behind his head.] "I'm assumin' apologies don't work like that? Humans are, are, are un-pre-dict-able." <neaumont>Gioele: -He took that as insult and reacted accordingly.- "As are you demons... It doesn't mean I wouldn't like payback, now. And this exercise... is the perfect opportunity." -With that, the flames flashed, becoming larger and he sent them flying at Clearly.<RemixedMagic>[Clearly flung the game aside and quickly rolled to his right, part of his coat catching fire. Realizing the familiar stench of burning cloth, he immediately stripped the coat off and beat it on the ground. There was a large, flame-eaten area where it had singed.] ". . . y'know, I actually liked this coat." <neaumont>Gioele: "Oh, yeah? Well, you can get a new one." -He didn't back down as the flames kept shooting at their target at a fast pace.-

[Clearly dropped the coat and started dodging away from the fire balls. He felt the unwanted burst of heat each time one passed, or even grazed, by him. He'd close in

on Gioele for a strike, but the risk of becoming instant ashes dominated his decision. Gioele was acting much more aggressive than last time.]
<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he narrowed his eyes at the blade and the tendrils converged into a sheild again. He looked around again and he got an idea. He then grumbled at Samie- ......Okay, what? <Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *smiles sweetly* Okay okay. *Catches fire again, letting it burn blue around her, and starts running at the shield* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: Errr- -he stepped back as the the sheild extended upward and the tendrils diverged. They swung wildly as they hacked at the canopy above and branches of all size began to rain<Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *burns hotter than ever, catching the branches and the nearby trees to start burning, but ducks and dodges the ones that are falling, still trying to get to him for close combat* <RemixedMagic>(repost)[Clearly dropped the coat and started dodging away from the fire balls. He felt the unwanted burst of heat each time one passed, or even grazed, by him. He'd close in on Gioele for a strike, but the risk of becoming instant ashes dominated his decision. Gioele was acting much more aggressive than last time.] <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -that didn't work like he planned and ran behind a tree. He turned the sheild horizontally and began to cut into the tree. He mumbled- Sorry, tree -the tree cracked and popped as the makeshift flaming saw cut into it<Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *watches the tree warily as she runs closer, trying to get around it to get at Cillian* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -the tree wobbled as the blade cut through it but he stopped and withdrew his tendrils into a fire ball when he saw Samie trying to get around. Now the game of trying to get around the tree began<Sunflower-Baffu>*cut about half way through it <neaumont>Gioele: -If anything, he was trying to prevent Clearly dragging him into that damn shadow realm. As far as he was concerned, that meant instant defeat. Taking a short break, he stood there as he raised his internal temperature to a little over 100 degrees.<Bloody-Coontail>Samie: I will win this... *growls, stops moving, and simply puts one hand on the tree. She had no real long range, so she really needed to get closer to him, and he was playing fucking hide and seek. Brilliant.* <RemixedMagic>[The fire balls seemed to have stopped. Clearly assumed that Gioele needed to regain himself and used this chance to dash in, claws outstretched. He would have to hinder his opponent if he wanted to escape with success.] <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he patiently observed Samie and slowly began to shuffle around the tree away from her towards the charred cut in the tree with the ball of fire still in his hand<Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *starts walking around the tree, trying to move quickly to get to him* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he narrowed his eyes at her. She wasn't doing much. He started to shuffle the other way around the tree. He split his fireball between his two hands<Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *stops, laughs, swings knife around, then puts it away. Walks a couple steps away from the tree, and puts hands through hair, then turns back* Why won't you come face me? Are you scared? <neaumont>Gioele: "!" -Able to avoid a serious lashing in time, though not without claws nicking his stomach as he evaded. In return, he clamped a burning hand around the demon's arm, sharply flinging him back to where he came.<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: Hardly. -he was a little scared. And he didn't let his guard down- It would be no fun if I told you my thoughts. -his fingers touched the cut where he left off and he beat his hands against it in succession lodging the two fireballs inbetween the crack. The tree creaked at this-

<Bloody-Coontail>Samie: Are you gonna really make that thing fall on me? *looking towards him, crosses arms, starts to walk over to where he is* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: Depends. -he glanced at her and moved the fireballs in the crack in a way that will make the tree fall in her direction. He hopped back from the tree and detonated them. The tree slowly began to fell towards Samie- How fast can you move? -he began to step backwards quickly away from any branches that might hit him<RemixedMagic>[Clearly barely sliced Gioele in the stomach when he was abruptly thrown back several meters away. He skidded across the coarse ground and managed to roll back up, holding his affected arm tightly. The part of the sleeve where Gio had burned was shredding fabric. A low growl rumbled from the Haze's throat.] <Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *runs to another tree, and quickly moves around it, away from the falling one* Guh! *starts towards him again, heating up to burn the trees around down in what she hoped would be the previously joked about forest fire* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he stepped back and sent several exploding fireballs at her<Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *runs at them, the crazy setting in and making her not so smart in the 'lets not get hurt' respect* <neaumont>Gioele: -His pulse was starting to gain speed and that's what he needed. He bared his teeth slightly in response to the other's growl, knowing this was going to get serious. Temperature rising ever so gradually, the flames wrapped around his hands to envelope them whole; he taunted Clearly with a "come here" gesture.<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -she wasn't stopped by those explosions. He stepped back several steps and took cover behind a tree again as he was trying to think of what to do next<Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *darts around the tree he's behind, and throws a pair of quick punches to his gut, since that's the first thing she can reach, being short as she was* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he doubled over as the punches impacted with this gut. He stumbled back a bit from the impact<Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *steps in close and throws a side kick, also to the gut* <RemixedMagic>[Clearly responded to the taunt with a sweep of his hand. A black cloud quickly gathered from Gioele's shadow and formed before his eyes into a thick shadow blindfold. Clearly then bolted again toward the human.] <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -the impact sent him stumbling into another tree. He held onto it tightly and glared at the ground underneath Samie. He quickly converted his pain into power and there was a small flash under her. Then an explosion a little larger than the others<Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *shrieks as she's jerked around by explosions, then falls to the ground* <neaumont>Gioele: -The blindfold did hinder him, but he remained vigilant. Clearly was most likely coming straight at him, right in front and so he clapped his hands together, stepping forward to sent forth a blast of fire.<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he marched over to Samie and picked her up by the collar of her shirt. He was in pain and slightly annoyed now so large amounts of steam rolled off of him in to the crisp winter air<RemixedMagic>"!!" [Clearly immediately halted with a sharp skid when the sudden conflagration erupted before him. He crouched down and rolled to the side, but unfortunately his leg was not lucky enough to escape the blaze.] <Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *giggles a slight bit, all the flame from around her completely gone. The air around her is cool, and she looks up at Cillian with a smirk* Damn, *grabs his arm again, best she can with burns on her arms and hands* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he pushed her back onto ground and kneeled down. He placed on knee on her solar plexus<Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *her eyes go wide, and she stares at him* W-what are you doing? <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: I am going to make you yield. -he pressed his knee a little harder- You will go back to wherever you came from once I let up. -he pressed a little harder even more- Do I

make myself clear? <Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *stares at him* No... I can't lose this one too... *whispered* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: That's not my problem. <Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *again bursts with flame, trying to burn hot as Jenner had when she was pinned under him* <neaumont>Gioele: -Believing he was successful in his attempt, the light from that blast aided in dispersing the shadows from his eyes. To help even more, the flames of his hands, now considerably up his wrists, grew in intensity, producing just enough light to make the shadows start to disappear; he tried to do as fast as possible.<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he screamed at the sudden intense heat and slammed her against the ground by her collar again<Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *grabs his arms, and tries hard, so very hard, to raise the temperature to the white hot burning that she'd been put through herself. She wanted to win so badly. So she dug in her nails again, like her life depended on it.* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he bit his lip to try to endure the temperature. He bit so hard that blood rolled down his chin. He shifted his knee and drove it straight into her diaphram. He shakily flatted his palm on her sternum- I swear to god, if you don't stop, I will blow up both up. <RemixedMagic>[Clearly panted and crouched where he was in a nearly feral stance. His leg was painfully scorched; part of his left pant leg was burnt off and steaming a crispy smoke. Fleeing would be much harder now. Watching as Gioele produced more flames, Clearly tried to think of something quick.] <Sunflower-Baffu>*both of us <Bloody-Coontail>Samie: Then let us burn! *coughs it out, tears streaking down her cheeks* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he could barely take the heat anymore. He had to act quickly. He let go of Samie's collar and swung his arm out so that it contacted the ground and so was Samie's. He then began to make a small fire ball under Samie's elbow. His body began to shake from the pain<Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *Watches him, not ready to give up her streak of doing the stupid life threatening things she's threatened* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he moved his other hand to pin her upper arm and used his weight to make sure her arm didn't move away from the force of his upcoming explosion. He then detonated the small fireball under her elbow<Jazzikinns>Addy: *has been doing aerial scouting for several hours and finally decides--very apprehensively--to check out all the trees on fire. He doesn't really want to, but still. He lands far enough that the smoke doesn't obscure his vision, changes back into human form and throws on some clothes he'd been carrying with him and starts prowling around to the source of all the noise* <Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *screams as the blast tears away at her exposed elbow and arm* <neaumont>Gioele: "What's the matter?" -He gestured at him, forearms covered in flame.- "Did I hurt you? Don't worry... burns heal over time!" -With that he whipped out his arm, sending flames shooting across the ground towards the demon's position.<Jazzikinns>Addy: *an ear twitches and he follows the sound of Samie's screaming until he sees her and Cillian* Oh... *he should probably help his team mate right abouts now* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he slowly and shakily tried to get up onto his feet even though she still had a grip on his arms<RemixedMagic>[Clearly forced himself to move again. However, after dodging only a couple of fire balls he tripped over his bad leg and--] "Gack--" [--awkwardly tumbled forward. A fireball grazed his tail and it coiled jaggedly in reaction.] "Damn it . . . ," [he hissed under his breath as he glanced briefly at Gioele. And he thought his first battle with Jenner was bad enough.] <Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *lets go of his arms, holding her hands to her chest, crying now* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he glared down at Samie for a second before he walked away breathing shakily<Jazzikinns>Addy: ... *looks stunned from Cillian to Samie and approaches his team mate, walking

out of the trees and bushes towards him* Uh... <Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *gets to her own feet, cradling her wounded arm, angry tears falling down her face, and starts after him* Get back here! I'm not done with you! <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he glanced at Addy- Roc- ....-he tilted his head up and glanced back at Samie- No. I think you are. -he glanced at Addy with a "care to help?" look<Jazzikinns>Addy: *looks wildly from Samie to Cillian* Uhh... hi? *gives Samie an incredibly pitying look* Uh, are we going to leave her there, o-or continue to attack or what..? <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: Well...she still wants to fight. <neaumont>Gioele: "..." -His temperature was very intense, well over a 100 degrees and the flames cracked wildly; the ones on the ground began snaking around Clearly, Gio guiding them. Approaching him slowly, he knelt down when close enough. As he tried locking eyes with the demon, his were now the color of golden yellow, the whites turned black.- "... I could burn you to a crisp if I honestly wanted to." -He said.- "But I'm not that cruel... limp back to your base." <Jazzikinns>Addy: *shrugs* I-I can knock her out if you want. She's, uh, well, pretty close to that point anyway. <Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *walking up as quickly as she can, but notices her ear is bleeding now too, so she stops. She puts a hand to her ear, looking shocked for a moment, then looks at Cillian and Addy, bewildered* What are you two talking about? <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: Might as well. -he looked at his arms- We need to get back to camp. I need to get these taken care of..... <RemixedMagic>[Clearly stared back at Gio for a long, cold minute. Then he cracked a small smile.] ". . . you're too generous." [He flung his tail up and released an obscure cloud of poison gas directly in front of Gioele. Again forcing himself to move, he jumped up and ran around the human as quickly as possible.] <Jazzikinns>Addy: *frowns* Y-yeah... Uh. *looks at Samie* I'm just going to knock you out right now, s-sorry. *he raises a hand towards her and little tornado quickly starts spiraling around her, sucking the oxygen directly around her out of the air as it spins* <Bloody-Coontail>Samie: *collapses, bleeding and burnt, and is now lost in the woods to any and all* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he sighed as she collapsed-....I feel bad just leaving her there......but he have to get back....-his arms were shaking wildly<Jazzikinns>Addy: *nods and eyes Cillian warily* Uhh, yeah... Um. Um. So that..? <ten-chan>Flint: *trying to make his way back to the base, fucking naked because some little bitch stole his clothing* >BI <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: Yeah....-he looked around- I don't know which way I came from..... <Jazzikinns>Addy: *shrugs* I-I came in from the air. Uhh, I-I guess we'll just have to wander around for a little bit? <neaumont>Gioele: "!!" -Now that, he wasn't aware that Clearly could do. Thankfully enough, he only inhaled so much and only went into a erratic coughing fit. He jerked around, eyes stinging and located Clearly, immediately tackling him, using the pain to motivate him.<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he sighed- Yeah. I guess so....-he moseyed in a direction not near burning trees<ten-chan>Flint: *holding his torso as he hop-walks awkwardly through the snow barefoot* coldcoldcoldcoldcoldcoldcoldcoldcold <Jazzikinns>Addy: *nods and coughs a little from the surrounding smoke as he follows after Cillian* Um, d-do you want me to try and m-maybe get a view from the air, o-or stick around for a little bit? <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: ......Go ahead and look from the air.....I would prefer if you were by my side but at this point....I don't want to get lost. <Jazzikinns>Addy: *frowns* Um. I-I'll stay here if you'd prefer me too. *he glances behind them at the smoke* Besides, it's probably not a good idea until we're a bit farther away from all that clogging up the air...

** wonderwarthas joined <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he nodded and stumbled down a slight decline. He glanced back at Addy- How did you find me anyway? And what were you doing? ** Bloody-Coontailhas left [connection closed] <RemixedMagic>[It felt like a human iron had pummeled Clearly from behind and brought him down in a blazing hold. His teeth gritted tightly as he struggled and kicked to fight Gioele off. He dug his claws into Gioele's grip, but his outrageous body heat was becoming far too overwhelming. Desperate, he jangled his eyes around to seek an aid, a solution! Something of use!] <RemixedMagic>[But maybe --] <Jazzikinns>Addy: *points to the sky* Aerial scouting. Something like a-a fire tends to be rather noticeable, when you've got a forest full of fire users. I-I was going to check to see who it was and probably retreat. I, uh, I left the others back at camp. <ten-chan>Flint: *feels heat and smells burning wood, oh what a familiar smell so far away from home. But FIRE WAS WARM and his nipples were cold. As were other parts. So he headed towards the flaming trees* <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he chuckled softly- Yeah... I suppose so. -he hissed as the wind blew through the trees and chilled his wounds- Damn, burns..... <Jazzikinns>Addy: *frowns* C-can you hang on until we reach back? You can get healed then and stuff... *an ear twitches as he hears someone approaching over the snow and the sound of the fire* Uh... <ten-chan>Flint: what I wouldn't give right now to feel my balls. <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: Yeah. I sort of have to hang on until then......-he glanced at Addy- What is it? <Jazzikinns>Addy: Um, well, I could always poison you, in which case you wouldn't really feel anything, a-and I'm not sure, because there is a lot of other noise, b-but I'm pretty sure I'm hearing someone else... <neaumont>Gioele: -Using all his weight to hold down Clearly, blood begand to drip down his arms. He slammed his palms down upon the demon's chest as best as he could manage, hands blazing with searing fire, his smoldering eyes glaring fiercely as the uniform caught fire. Inside, the poison still effected his system and it felt like needles to breath combined with the lack of oxygen the smoke of the fire gave.<Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: Someone else? Other than the girl I fought? <ten-chan>Flint: *tries to move faster towards the trees* <Jazzikinns>Addy: *nods, looking uneasily around* Um. Y-yeah. I-I can't identify who it is, too much extra noise. D-do you want me to go and see and you go ahead back to base..? <RemixedMagic>[The demon choked back on a strangled scream from the increasing amount of fire. This was his only chance! Using all the full body strength he could muster, Clearly pushed over to the side and vigorously drove himself and Gioele to roll along the rough terrain---toward the stream.] <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: If you want....I can try to find my way.... <Jazzikinns>Addy: *frowns* Uh, o-okay. You don't look like you'd be able to manage another fight right now. *he points to the right* G-go in that direction then? I-I'll head the opposite way, where the noise is coming from? <Sunflower-Baffu>Cillian: -he nodded- Alright. -he walked a couple of feet before stopping- Don't get yourself hurt. -he then kept on his way hoping this was the right way<neaumont>Gioele: "!!" -Once they were in motion, he was able to discern Clearly's intention. Leaving little embers on the ground as they rolled, Gio was determined not to let himself become vunerable if they water would douse his only protection. Reaching out, he smashed the ground, the flames hot enough to dig into the earth for him to catch and slow himself down. He broke free of Clearly in that way, letting the other spash into the icy stream just below.<Jazzikinns>Addy: *nods* O-okay. I'll just fly away if I have to. *watches as Cilli goes for a moment, then turns and cautiously starts moving in Flint's direction*

<ten-chan>Flint: *streeaking through the snow, and wishing he had a sleigh, O'er the ice he goes, shiverring all the way* <RemixedMagic>[Clearly dropped freely into the icy waters of the stream and allowed himself to submerge. Although any form of freeze would greatly distress him as a cold-blooded demon, he felt . . . comfortable with it. At ease. The cold waters gradually numbed his fiery pain and he was soothed. For some reason, it felt good to be cold for once. It felt good to not be moving either . . . no, that wasn't right. That wasn't at the least bit a sensible thing to think of. Realizing he was sinking into an abyss that wasn't the shadows he knew, Clearly gave a frozen kick with his good leg and stiffly propelled himself to the surface, where he broke out with a gasp for air. He trembled violently when he actually grasped his condition.] <Jazzikinns>Addy: *does a double-take when he looks out from behind a tree and sees Flint moving butt naked through the snow* Uh. <neaumont>Gioele: -Temperature still burning hot, hands aflame, he lied on the ground as he steamed. Propping himself up on his elbows, he narrowed his golden eyes and got a good look at his oppenent in the moonlight. His opponent had suffered massive pain, hadn't he? In thought about giving some pity, he picked up coughing again, throat and lungs feeling pricked by thorns. That is when some anger came back, and yet...- "... G-GO!" -He shouted, looking at him.- "Go before I turn you into a pile of ash!! Ghhh--...!!" -That poison was really something and he hacked up some blood, his pulse racing; He felt he wouldn't be able to control the rush he was getting.- "... G-GO!!" <RemixedMagic>[Clearly turned to Gioele at the first word he said. He gave a nod as he shakily lifted out a hand to finally form a portal.] "Don't mind if I do . . . ," [he muttered, then slipped in to escape.] <ten-chan>Flint: So damn cold. So damn cold. I think My balls fell off. Oh what fun it must be to be so fucking warm! *runs at the fire* <Jazzikinns>Addy: ... *ducks behind a tree again and thinks that now would be an excellent time to either flee or attack. The second option is far more tempting than it has any right to be and he slowly follows after Flint, one arm raised* <ten-chan>Flint:*hears his instincts screaming at him, afterall you're supposed to run away from the goddamned fire.* just a few minutes... <neaumont>Gioele: -Though his chest felt constricted, like something was clawing at him, he worked himself to his feet, blood dripping from his mouth. Making certain that Clearly was gone and that no one else had come within the vicinity, the flames of his hands gradually flickered and extinguished, but his temperature was still pretty high. Washing his face in the stream, he went to make his way back to camp before stepping on Clearly's abandoned coat.- "... Hmmm." -Picking it up and rummaging in the pockets, he pulled out a pistol along with some extra ammo , examining it.- "... Huh. Lucky find." -Dropping the coat and pocketing the items, he headed back into the trees.<Jazzikinns>Addy: *creeps behind Flint and waves his hand slightly, sending a breeze that blows the flames right into his face* <ten-chan>Flint:HOTHOT HOT *runs away from the fire* <Jazzikinns>Addy: *lobs a little sphere of oxygen towards Flint and the flames, prompting a small explosion* <ten-chan>Flint: whatthefuckinghellman *kinda thrown alittle by the explosion. Decides its time to armor up and cover himself in rock, wishing he was a mole and could just bury himself into the ground for warmth* <Jazzikinns>Addy: *frowns and starts trying to blow more winds in Flint's direction. May as well try and bake him inside that rock armour* <ten-chan>Flint: *starts to move away from the fire, aware that there was a bastard little air demon fucking with him now. oh he'd kill whoever it was. * <Jazzikinns>Addy: *starts backing away, trying to duck behind more and more trees as Flint moves. His best bet will either be to climb one of them or go demon and fly off, but that would give him away too soon and he wants to get away without being caught* <ten-chan>Flint: *climbs into a non burnt up onfire tree and starts to head away from the fire, filled with regreeeettttt*

<Jazzikinns>Addy: *backs away a bit more and then sends strong winds to shake up the tree Flint's climbed into*

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