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1. Mantras that are Spiritually Elevating, erase Karmas, and create Peace Within and Without: 2.

Mantras for Organs of the Body: 3. Digestive Mantras: 4. Goal Oriented Mantras: Lalitham Lambodaram This mantra is an Obstacle Remover. If there is an unresolved problem and there is no end to the problem, chant Lalitham Lambodaram. If you say Lambodaram it wi ll remove all obstacles whatever type it may spiritual or life problems. Who doesn t have obstacles anyway? Hari Narayana Gopalam Hari Narayana Govindam Refer the blog for a detailed explanation on the mantra: http://healbymeditation Ambika Anaadhi Nithanaa Hari Brummendra Sevitha To remain content and be happy You will provide unconditional When you regret about anything hing but a routine. Why should y not ask like this every day. this mantra. For Marriage and Relationships love to others. or life, for example when you feel, My life is not I lead this life? I am just like a machine . We ma But on those days when you do feel so, then chant

Chant the mantras in the following order: Om Hum Namaha, Om Yum Namaha, Om Rum N amaha, Om Vum Namaha and Om Lum Namaha. For some more explainations refer: http: // Lalitham Sridharam, Lalitham Baskaram, Lalitham Sudarshnam It will fetch us abundance of money, happiness and comforts. Opens our eyes to a bundance. Our capacity to love others will increase. When the heart is bubbling with love by chanting Lalitham, we can also become as beautiful as Lalitham. There won t be any regression or setbacks, whether it s your life or your career. Al ways you will move forward in life. No need to fear for demotion and degradation . Confidence will be built. In turn, when you have confidence you will get promo ted. Removes obstacles including known and unknown obstacles (can be present in your life; for example even after all your efforts you may think there seems to be no solution on hand). Will burn away all the previous karmas. Whatever sins and mistakes you may have committed, Lalitham helps one to forget (release) and be forgiven. We say our ob stacles are due to karma which can be released thanks to Lalitham. Once they are

removed, then the obstacles are removed too. For Shade Sani Saturn it means delay restriction and obstacle. Knowing oneself self revelation (Darshan) They vibrate with the right brain. It s the right brain that has to guide our live s. If there is confusion, it gives clarity. If you want to know the truth and somet hing fishy happening, chant this mantra. For some more explainations refer: /16/lalitham-mantras-for-abundance/

5. Mantras for Internal Organs: 6. Health Care 24/7 mantras: 7. Handling serious illness like Cancer, Swine Flu through mantras: The pronunciation rendering of Mantras is provided in the CDs. Contact Shobana ( 98843 01634) or send an email to to buy CDs.

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