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EDUC 220 Fall 2011 Inspire project Lesson Plan

________________________________________________________________________ Name: Lisa Papez Grade Level: Third Grade Subject: Math Duration: 1 Week Title: Multiplication Description: Through this lesson, students will learn the fundamentals of basic multiplication and build on that knowledge. recycling and what they can do on their behalf to contribute to this worthy cause. Students will read Dr.Suesss The Lorax and learn about not only the importance of recycling but many environmental aspects as well. In reading this book, students will have a clear concept of Mother Nature and the importance of keeping her a beautiful, healthy place. Students will complete the reading, various worksheets and a project that challenges creativity and community to promote recycling. ________________________________________________________________________ 1. WVCSOs: a. b. c. d.

SC.O.3.3.9 SC.O.3.3.10 SC.O.3.3.11

2. Objectives: a. Demonstrate and model multiplication (repeated addition, arrays) and division (repeated subtraction, partitioning)

b. Listen to and be tolerant of different viewpoints by engaging in collaborative activities and be willing to modify ideas when new and valid information is presented. c. Develop respect and responsibility for the environment by engaging in conservation practices. d. Describe how modern tools and appliances have positively and/or negatively impacted their daily lives.

3. 21st Century Skills: Environmental Literacy; Creativity and Innovation; Critical Thinking and Problem Solving; and Communication and Collaboration ________________________________________________________________________ 4. Preparation: a. Day 1 Have copies of The Lorax ready Have recycling worksheets printed and ready to hand out b. Day 2

Have Make the World a Better Place example PowerPoint up and ready for students to review each individual slide c. Day 3 d. Day 4 Have Inspiration software up on students computers with recycling template set up and ready for students to complete Have projector set up for students to access and present the PowerPoint presentation e. Day 5 Have recycling petition printed and ready to pass out to students Have homework recycling chart printed and ready to hand Have coloring sheets printed and ready to hand out

5. Learning Activities: a. Read The Lorax by: Dr.Suess - 20-30mins/Day 1 b. Have class discussion on feelings of reading, environmental issues, ways we can help 20-25mins/Day 1 c. Get into groups, complete recycling maze worksheet (optional coloring, depending on time) 10-15mins/Day 1 d. Explain recycling project: With partner(s), create a PowerPoint on recycling, as shown on example PowerPoint consisting of at least 7 slides and lasting a total of 5-7 minutes. In slide one students create a title page with a catchy title for their project. In slides 2-4 students explain the Three Rs of Recycling: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. In slide five students are to create and explain a project that they and their partner can do to put the Three Rs of Recycling into action in their home/community. In slide 7 students are to cite at least three credible resources they used to find their information. - Remaining class time/Day 2 e. Get into groups and finish/wrap up recycling PowerPoint 30-40mins/Day 3 f. Hand out and explain worksheet to take home: Fill out items around your home/community that you could recycle. 10mins/Day3 g. Hand out optional coloring sheet (depending on remaining time) 15-20mis/Day3 h. Using homework worksheet as aid, students will access the Inspiration software already installed and up on their computers and complete the Inspiration template and outline on recycling. Upon completing the Inspire activity students will fill out their outline with knowledge learned and selected pictures as aids. 25-30mins/Day 4 i. Start presenting recycling PowerPoints Remaining class time/Day 4 j. Finish up recycling PowerPoints and have class discussion 30-40mins/Day 5 k. Sign a recycling petition to agree to do your part in recycling and helping the environment 10-15mins/Day 5 l. Discuss important aspects of lesson and answer any questions students may have 20mins/Day 5 6. Modifications: a. Talented Child Not only pick a recycling project but also choose another environmental issue that was read in book or discussed in class that you find worthy and could help to design a solution to and promote in your home/community. b. Child with ADD or ADHD More readings, worksheets to fill out/color, more PowerPoint options ________________________________________________________________________

7. a. b. c. d. e.

Methods: Lecture/Discussion student discussion/participation Scaffolding small groups Lecture/Discussion whole class instruction Direct Instruction/Lecture Discussion whole class discussion

8. a. b. c. d. e. f. g.

Materials: The Lorax by: D.Suess enough books to share and read or copies Recycling Maze Worksheet Recycling Chart homework assignment Inspiration - template and outline PowerPoint Example Recycling Pact Worksheet Computers with PowerPoint and Inspiration software

a. b. c.

9. Technology components: Inspiration program downloaded on all computers Microsoft PowerPoint


10. Assessment: At the end of each day students will be assessed on their participation in group work and class discussion, students will also be graded on their homework and comprehension of content. Not only will students be graded on homework and classroom participation, but also upon their comprehension and understanding of technology; as shown in Microsoft PowerPoint and Inspiration software and the instructed content area.

Primary goals/objectives

Assessment measures/activities Students recognize the importance

Individual assessment needs

Points possible 10

Explain a simple problem and identify a specific solution describing the use of tools and/or materials to solve the problem or to

complete the task. Listen to and be tolerant of different viewpoints by engaging in collaborative activities and be willing to modify ideas when new and valid information is presented. 10

Develop respect and responsibility for the environment by engaging in conservation practices.


Describe how modern tools and appliances have positively and/ or negatively impacted their daily lives.


Total Possible Points: 40 _______________________________________________________________________

11. Appendices: a. Suessville Worksheet: Recycling Maze b. Inspiration - Recycling Chart c. Suessville: Recycling Pact _______________________________________________________________________

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