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Yessenia Norato Professor R.

Wilhite ENG 2413 November 20, 2011

Introducing The Phoenix

Scene 1: Title Panel

Ad Title: Introducing The Phoenix Name: Yessenia Norato Date: November 27, 2011

Scene 2: Inside Ballroom: Guests At Tables

Upbeat music Setting: Guests having a good time at a party

Scene 3: Inside Ballroom: Take Of The Whole Ballroom

Setting: View of the whole ballroom with guests enjoying their party Voiceover: Our guests are able to experience a different level of service, with a modern ballroom that overlooks downtown San Antonio, personal service and catering needed for events The biggest benefit we will provide is the ability for you to enjoy a special moment.

Scene 4: Service at Work

Upbeat music Setting: The servers will be at the bar looking friendly and approachable, and also taking care of the guests needs. Voiceover: Come and let us show you the new way to do events! Disembodied Voice: The Phoenix

Scene 5: Credits Panel

Producer, Actors, Music, Images

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