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21 C8LA1lnC uA1A8ASL

MlcrosofL offlce access 2007 feaLures of number of

lmprovemenL LhaL makes Lhe process of creaLlng a new daLa
base easler Lven lf u have creaLed daLa bases before lL ls llkely
LhaL you wlll appreclaLe Lhese feaLures for Lhelr ablllLy Lo speed
up Lhe creaLlon process
1hls arLlcle cover Lhe baslc process of sLarLlng offlce access 2007
creaLlng a daLa base elLher by uslng a LemplaLe or by creaLlng
your own Lables forms reporLs and oLher daLa base ob[ecLs lL
also deLalls a few Lechnlques LhaL you can use Lo geL lnformaLlon
lnLo your new daLa base
SLep 1 Cpen a msaccess offlce

SLep 2 Cn Lhe CeLLlng SLarLed wlLh MlcrosofL offlce access page
under new 8lank uaLabase cllck 8lank uaLabase

SLep 3 ln Lhe 8lank uaLabase pane Lype a flle name ln Lhe llle
name box lf u do noL supply a flle name exLenslon access adds
lL for you Lo change Lhe locaLlon of Lhe flle from Lhe defaulL
cllck 8rows lor a LocaLlon 1o uL ?our uaLabase (nexL Lo Lhe
llLL nAML box) brows Lo Lhe new locaLlon and Lhen cllck Ck

SLep 4 Cllck CreaLe Access creaLe Lhe daLa base wlLh an empLy
Lable named 1able 1 and Lhen opens 1able 1 ln daLa sheeL vlew
1he cursor ls placed ln Lhe flrsL empLy cell ln Lhe Add new lleld
SLep 3 8egln Lyplng Lo add daLa or you can pasLe daLa from
anoLher source

22 CPAnClnC LCCA1lCn Cl uA1A 8ASL
When you creaLe a new daLa base MlcrosofL Cfflce Access
auLomaLlcally save Lhe daLa base Lo Lhe defaulL folder on your
compuLer's hard dlsk ?ou can elLher selecL a dlfferenL locaLlon
when you save a new daLa base or choose Lhe new defaulL folder
locaLlon ln whlch all new daLa bases are auLomaLlcally save
SLep 1 Cpen a ms access documenL

SLep 2 Cllck Lhe MlcrosofL Cfflce 8uLLon and Lhen Access
SLep 3 A new dlalog ls reopen up whlch wlll ask for varlous
locaLlon for Lhe daLa base
SLep 4 Cllck Lhe opular CaLegory
SLep 3 LocaLlon of a daLa base ls change

23 C8LA1lnC uA1A 8ASL uSlnC WlZA8uS
SLep 1 Cpen a new mlcrosofL access documenL

SLep 2 under Lhe Create" Lab choose Lhe "1ab|e 1emp|ates"
as per Lhe requlremenL

SLep 3 1he enLlLy requlred for Lhe CCn1Lx1" Lable wlll appear

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