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Name of the Council 1. The name of the Council shall be Insaf Youth Council. Definitions 2. In this Constitution; a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. "Article" means an Article of the Constitution of the Insaf Youth Council. "Chapter" means part of the Constitution. "Clause" means clause of the Article of the Constitution. Committee means office bearers of the any tier of the Council. "Constitution" means the Constitution of the Insaf Youth Council. Council means Insaf Youth Council. Calendar Year means Year from January to December. Federal Youth Council, District Youth Council and Local Youth Council means branches of the Insaf Youth Council. Fiscal Year means Year form July to June. Misconduct includes violating the Constitution or any of its provisions or misuse of authority. Presiding Officer means the officer presiding over a meeting.. Youth means the youngster between 18-35 years of age.

Aims and Objectives of the Council 3. The aims and objectives of the Council shall be; I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. To strive for promotion of Pakistan Tehreek e - Insaf idealogy. To propagate awareness among the Youth about their rights and obligations. To disseminate information and awareness about social and Youth issues. To promote democratic values, gender equality, harmony, human rights, peace and tolerance. To promote education to make the Youth aware of their civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights. To develop a spirit of unity, mutual trust, brotherhood, solidarity and social integrity. To strengthen voice of the Youth for the vindication of their fundamental rights against the prevalent abuse. To encourage the youngsters, actively participate in political process. To train the Youth volunteers to assist the needy during emergencies and disasters. To develop and chain the Youth leadership. To strive for the reduction of the age for parliamentary candidature to 18 years so that the Youth of the country may equally contribute to the national fabric.

Constitution of the Insaf Youth Council

XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. To promote the Youth participation in social activities to play an active role to bring about a social change. To establish and maintain friendly relations with other national and international Youth organizations. To work for the reduction of unemployment through employment networks for the Youth and support cooperative enterprises and employment programs. To eliminate gender discrimination and ensure the enjoyment of public liberties by devising comprehensive policies and plans of action on the basis of equality. To conduct research and surveys to sort out the Youth issues and their probable solutions. To disseminate the Youth related information, policies, research and surveys. To enhance the constructive role of media to highlight the Youth related issues. To promote and strengthen respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. To work for the achievement of 100% literacy rate through adult literacy programs by Youth volunteers. To introduce a uniform curriculum to ensure the quality education in order to discourage elitism. To strengthen the family culture and values. To eliminate all kinds of prejudices; e.g. ethnic, religious, sectarian, linguistic or parochial. To protect the rights and interests of the minorities and respect their aspirations. To strive for the right of the citizens to have free access to public information.

Qualifications for the Membership 4. The membership of the Council shall be open to all young members of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf between 18-35 years of age without any discrimination of gender, religion, colour, creed etc. The members have to sign a declaration stating that; I. They are in agreement with the aims and objectives of the Insaf Youth Council and will abide by its constitution. II. They shall pay the prescribed subscription in advance. Loss of Membership 6. 7. The membership of the Council shall stand expired at the age of 35. The membership of the Council shall stand cancelled in case; I. Involvement in any activity against the idealogy of Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf or its leadership. II. Involvement in criminal or illegal activities. III. Involvement in any act contrary to the Constitution of the Council. IV. Guilty of corruption or embezzlements in case of public servant. V. Remains absent from two consecutive meetings without serving a reasonable notice. The order for the cancellation of the membership shall be issued by the President.



Constitution of the Insaf Youth Council CHAPTER 3 ORGANIZATION

The Council shall consist of following organizations; The Local Council 9. The Local Council shall; I. Be constituted at the Union Council level in the four provinces. The area of Union Council in Islamabad Capital Territory, Gilgit Baltistan and FATA shall be determined by the Tehsil Committee. Consist of at least 20 members form that Union Council.


The Tehsil Council 10. The Tehsil Council shall; I. Be constituted at the Tehsil Level in the four provinces. The area of Tehsil in Gilgit Baltistan, FATA and Islamabad Capital Territory shall be determined by the District Committee. The Tehsil Council shall consist of the Office Bearers of the Local Council.


The District Council 11. The District Council shall; I. Be constituted at the District Level in the four provinces. The area of District in Gilgit Baltistan, FATA and Islamabad Capital Territory shall be determined by the Divisional Committee. The District Council shall consist of the Office Bearers of the Tehsil Council.


The Divisional Council 12. The Divisional Council shall; Be constituted at the Division Level in the four provinces. The area of Division in Gilgit Baltistan, FATA and Islamabad Capital Territory shall be determined by the Provincial Committee. The Divisional Council shall consist of the Office Bearers of the District Council. The Provincial Council 13. The Provincial Council shall; I. Be constituted at the Province Level. The Gilgit Baltistan, FATA and Islamabad Capital Territory shall be considered as a Province. I.


Constitution of the Insaf Youth Council

II. The Provincial Council shall consist of the Office Bearers of the Divisional Council.

The Federal Council 14. There shall be a Federal Council of Pakistan. The Federal Council shall consist of the Office Bearers of Provincial Councils (Islamabad, Gilgit Baltistan and FATA shall be considerd as a separated province).


Functions of the Council 15. The Council shall perform the following functions; I. II. III. Elect Office Bearers for the Council. Consider and pass resolutions with regard to all matters, arising for time being, pertaining to the affairs of the Council. To consider and pass resolutions and take necessary steps with regard to the matters arising from time to time relating to the Council. It shall ensure all these steps to be taken in lines with the Constitution. To carry on and supervise the activities of the Council. To elect any casual vacancy of the respective tier of the Council. To approve the annual budget of the Council and to authorize payments in accordance with the same. To sanction other payments not provided in the Budget. To maintain, in the prescribed manner, a Register of Members of the Council in which the names and addresses of members shall be entered. To carry out correspondence on behalf of the Council and maintain the record thereof. To maintain records of the minutes of the meetings of the Council and the Committee. To ensure proper maintenance of the accounts of the Council. To ensure the issuance of printed acknowledgement for the grants, gifts, donations, or whatsoever received. To collect and consider all information necessary and useful with reference to the aims and objectives of the Council. To perform such other functions as the Council may for time being empower it to perform. To amend the constitution of the Council. To take necessary actions against the office bearers found guilty of misconduct. To suspend, dissolve or disaffiliate any tier of the Council which fails to comply with the decisions or directions of the Council or acts in contravention of such decisions or directions or hinders the progress of the Council in any manner whatsoever subject to a right of appeal to the Council.


Constitution of the Insaf Youth Council

Powers of the Council 16. The Council shall have the power; I. II. III. IV. V. To control, direct and regulate all activities of the Council in consonance with the aims, objects, rules and declared policy of the Council. To take disciplinary action against any member of the Council who violates the decisions of the Council. To appoint a Election Commission to organize and conduct elections for the office bearers. To acquire immovable / movable properties by purchase, lease, hire, exchange or otherwise and to erect, alter, improve, maintain, sell scarp or sale the same. To secure, receive, accept and manage funds, donations, and grants from the individuals, government, semi-government, trusts, companies, and donor agencies, national and international organizations. To open account with any scheduled banks in the name of the Council. To nominate any three persons from the office bearers and/or employees to open & operate any bank account in any scheduled bank within the Pakistan. To employ and dismiss staff and to determine their emoluments.


Meetings of the Council 17. The each tier of the Council shall meet at least once a year. Notice for the Meeting 18. The General Secretary shall be responsible to serve a notice to each member stating the time and venue for the meeting, not less than 20 days prior to the Meeting. Quorum for the Meeting 19. The presence of the one third of total membership of the Insaf Youth Council is required to initiate and continue the proceedings of the Meeting. Delegation of Powers 20. The Council may delegate any one or more of its powers to the office bearer, any office bearer or employee of the Council with such limitations, terms and conditions as it may deem fit.


The Office Bearers 21. The each tier of the Council shall elect Office Bearers as following; 1) A President

Constitution of the Insaf Youth Council

2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) The President 22. The President shall; I. II. III. IV. V. Preside over all the meetings of the Council. Have powers, in anticipation of the approval of the Committee, to sanction expenditure up to the limit approved by the Committee. Be responsible for proper working and functioning of the Council and its activities. The president shall be responsible to maintain the discipline while presiding over a meeting. Have power to delegate one or more of his powers to the Vice President of the Council. A Senior Vice President A Vice President A General Secretary A Joint Secretary A Finance Secretary A Media Secretary A Information Secretary

The Senior Vice President 23. The Senior Vice President shall Perform the functions of the President, in the absence, inability, disability, illness or resignation of the President, until he resumes or a new President is elected in case of resignation. The Vice President 24. The Vice President shall Perform the functions of the President, in the absence, inability, disability, illness or resignation of the President and Senior Vice President, until any one of them resumes or is elected in case of resignation. The General Secretary 25. The General Secretary shall; I. II. III. IV. V. Maintain the register of the members of the Council. Carry out correspondence on behalf of the Council and maintain records connected with the work of the Council. Convene the meetings of the Council or / and the Committee and Circulate the Notice of Agenda thereof. Maintain records of the minutes of all meetings of the Council and the Committee. Take steps for the implementation of the resolution(s) passed by the Committee.

Constitution of the Insaf Youth Council

VI. File suits in a court of law on behalf of the Council and defend the same, give evidence oral or through affidavit and take all the necessary steps in this behalf. Ensure smooth functioning of all administrative affairs of the Council and the constituent projects.


The Joint Secretary 26. The Joint Secretary shall Perform the functions of the General Secretary in the absence, inability, disability, illness or resignation of the General Secretary, until he resumes or a new General Secretary is elected in case of resignation. The Finance Secretary 27. The Finance Secretary shall; I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Ensure proper maintenance of the accounts of the Council. Ensure that proper printed receipts are issued for all monies, gifts, donations, aids etc. received. Ensure make payments on behalf of the Council after proper checking of the bills and getting acknowledgement of the receiver. Ensure maintenance of cash book, ledgers, and stock registers etc. Ensure preparation of final accounts get them audited and present the audited accounts before the Committee and the Council. Appoint internal auditors, external auditors, consultants, tax advisers, legal advisors etc. on behalf of the Council. Prepare and file various requisites, statements, returns, schedules etc. with any government and other bodies. Open bank account in any currency in or outside Pakistan and keep all money in banks not immediate required by the Council. Prepare and president the Annual Budget, before the Committee and the Council and get it approved by them. Guide and evolve a uniform system of book-keeping at all branches or at regional offices.

The Media Secretary 28. The Media Secretary shall; I. II. Responsible for responding to issues and questions pertaining to the Council. Responsible for preparing media or Press Releases for the Council and may from time to time, upon instruction by the President, brief the Media on certain issues. Responsible for supervising arrangements for interviews with the President. Responsible for liaising with local and international journalists.


Constitution of the Insaf Youth Council

V. To accompany the President, whenever requested, both locally and internationally, and contribute to the report of the Presidential over with specific focuses on media coverage. To carry our any other functions that the President may, from time to time assigned. Maintain close liaison with the office bearers of the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf or any of its wings, in carrying out relevant duties.


The Information Secretary 29. The Information Secretary shall Perform the functions of the Media Secretary, in the absence, inability, disability, illness or resignation of the Media Secretary, until he resumes or a new Media Secretary is elected in case of resignation. Accountability of the Office Bearers 30. The office bearers shall perform its functions in lines with the Constitution. It shall be accountable to the respective tier of the Council. Term for the Office 31. The term for the office bearers shall be 3 years. They would continue to serve until new office bearers are elected to replace them. Resignation of the Office Bearers 32. Any office bearer may resign from his office and such resignation shall be addressed to the President or the Vice President of the respective tier of the Council. Bye Elections 33. Any casual vacancy occurring among the office bearer may be filled by the President within three months and the person so appointed shall hold office for the remainder of the term of the office bearer in whose place he is appointed. Annual List of the Office Bearers 34. The General Secretary of each tier of the Council shall provide the annual list of the office bearers signed by the President to the General Secretary of upper tier of the Council in July every Year. Meetings of the Office Bearers 35. The each Executive Committee shall meet at least four times a year. Requisition for the Meeting

Constitution of the Insaf Youth Council

36. A special meeting of the office bearers shall be convened if the President receives a written requisition signed by one third of the total members of the Office Bearers, stating the purpose for which the meeting is required to be convened. The requisite meeting shall be convened within 7 days of the receipt of such requisition. Notice for the Meeting 37. The General Secretary shall, not less than 7 days prior to the ordinary meetings and 3 days prior to the special meeting, serve to the members a notice stating the time and venue for the meeting. Agenda for the Meeting 38. The agenda of every ordinary meeting shall be issued at least 5 days before the meeting, provided that this period may be curtailed by the President in special circumstances. 39. The office bearers must notify the General Secretary 3 days before the meeting, if they want to table a resolution giving the text of the same. But the President may with the consent of the office bearers permit the discussion of a subject even though the requirement of notice has not been fulfilled. Quorum for the Meeting 40. The presence of the one third of total membership of the office bearers is required to initiate and continue the proceedings of the Meeting. Decisions by Majority 41. All decisions shall be taken by the vote of simple majority of the members present and voting. Casting Vote 42. In case of tie, the Chair shall have a casting vote. Resolution in Writing 43. A resolution / decision in writing shall be circulated to all the office bearers through telex, telegram, E-mail and signed or affirmed by them or a majority of them shall be as valid and effective as if it had been passed by the meeting of the office bearers duly convened and held. Delegation of Power 44. The office bearers may delegate any of its powers to the President or the Vice President or employee of the Council with such limitations and restrictions as it may deem fit.

Constitution of the Insaf Youth Council

Sub Committees 45. The Executive Committee may constitute sub committees like finance committee, activities and events committee, membership committee, election campaing committee, polling station committee etc. The Lower Tier Office of the Council 46. The lower tier office of the the Council shall become vacant if an office bearer is elected as office bearer of uper tier of the Council.

Secret Ballot 47. The Council shall hold elections at six levels; the Local Council, the Tehsil Council, the District Council, the Divisional Council, the Provincial Council and the Federal Council, in a free and fair manner and by secret ballot. As far as possible, efforts will be made to achieve the objective of election by consensus. The Election Commission 48. The Election Commission shall consist of five members appointed by the office bearers of the Council for each tier prior to the election. 49. The existing office bearers of the Council and the candidates for an election shall not be eligible to become members of the Commission. 50. The Election Commission shall plan, organize and conduct elections at the Local Youth Council level. Bye-Elections 51. Any casual vacancy occurring in any tier of the Council shall be filled by the President of the respective tier of the Council, the person so appointed shall hold office for the remainder of the term of the office bearer in whose place he is appointed. Settlement of Election Disputes 52. The office bearers of concerned tier of the Council shall appoint an Election Tribunal for hearing of appeals and petitions against election to the respective tier of the Council. 53. Each Election Tribunal shall consist of one Chairman and two members. 54. A Tribunal shall regulate its own procedure for hearing and disposal of appeals and petitions relating to election as expeditiously as possible.


Constitution of the Insaf Youth Council CHAPTER 7 FINANCE AND ACCOUNTS

Membership Fee 55. The membership fee of the Council is Rs. 100/- payable to the Council and the Federal Committee may change it form time to time. Accounts of Income 56. All fees received from members of the Council as well as donations and contributions collected from time to time shall be accounted for properly as income of the Council. Deposit in Bank 57. The funds of the Council shall be deposited in the name of the Council with a bank approved by the Federal Committee. Operation of Accounts 58. The Committees shall nominate any three persons to operate the Bank account of Council jointly two of three. Annual Statement of Finance and Accounts 59. Proper account of income and expenditure shall be maintained by the respective Executive Committee for a fiscal year at the Federal, District and Local level and the annual statement of finance and accounts shall be presented to the Executive Committees concerned within two months of the close of Fiscal year (July to June). Audit of Accounts 60. The Vice President shall arrange audit of the accounts periodically and the report of audit shall be presented to the Executive Committees concerned along with the Annual Statement of Finance and Accounts.

Amendment of Constitution 61. The Constitution of the Council may be amended by the Federal Council by the vote of at least two-third majority of the members present and voting. Powers to make rules 62. The President of the Council shall, with the approval of the Federal Committee, make rules/by laws for carrying' out the purposes of the Constitution.

Constitution of the Insaf Youth Council

Removal of Difficulty 63. If any difficulty arises 'in giving effect to any of the provisions of the Constitutions, the President of the Council may make such provisions for the removal of the difficulty as he may deem fit. Office Bearers to hold office till Elections 64. If the term of an office-bearer expires, he shall continue to perform his duties until his successor in office is elected, or as the case may be, nominated by the competent authority. Number of Offices to Hold 65. Any Office Bearer of the Insaf Youth Council shall NOT hold two or more offices of any tier at the same time and shall hold only one office of the Council. Performance Reports 66. The each tier of the Council shall forward performance report to the upper tier of the Council through the General Secretary. Ethic and Discipline Committees 67. There shall be Ethics and Discipline Committees for each tier of the Council. The President shall nominate 5 members committee, headed by a senior member.


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