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LxlsLlng LapLops

W CuanLlLy 10
W Make P Acer and Mac noLebook
W 1oLal Lrade ln value (LsLlmaLed) 230000
Au 2
W CuanLlLy 10
W rlces 49000
W 1oLal rlce local 490000
Au 2 ConflguraLlon
W 16 C8 Pard drlve
W Wlfl
W 1 year lnLernaLlonal WarranLy
W lCS 4
W Screen slze 97 lnch
W 8esoluLlon 1024 x 768
W ulmenslons PelghL 2412mm x WldLh 1837 mm x
uepLh 88 mm
W 10 hours baLLery
W uual Core A3 Chlp
W rlnLlng faclllLy
AdvanLages of lad over LapLops
W 8aLLery Llme
W orLablllLy
W 1hlngs Lo conslder lnclude web browslng
prlnLlng llsLenlng Lo muslc worklng wlLh
documenLs worklng wlLh lmages readlng and
Lhe use of perlpherals
W Apps LhaL can fulfll your managemenL needs
W Sllm and llghL welghL
W 1ravelllng parLner
W ower savlng because of baLLery
ulsadvanLages of lad over LapLop
W Peavy vldeo conLenL on Lhe web ls dlfflculL
W Less Pard drlve space

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