Entrepreneurship Development 11

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Hospitality, and
p A30, B30 -
August 1998

Table of Contents
O Acknowledgements
O ntroduction
O !hilosophy and Rationale
O Aim, Goals, and Foundational Objectives
O Course Components and Considerations
4 Work Study Component
4 Course Modules
4 %me Requrements
4 Creatng Work Study Partnershps n %R
4 Common ssental Learnngs (C..L.s)
O Tourism, Hospitality, and Entrepreneurship A30
4 Module 1: ntrepreneurshp/Intrapreneurshp
4 Module 2: Introducton to the Food Industry
4 Module 3: Food Preparaton and Servce Procedures
4 Module 4: Saskatchewan Best Program
4 Module 5: Food SaIety and Santaton
4 Module 6: Work Study Preparaton and Follow-up Actvtes
4 Module 7: Work Study (Optonal)
O Tourism, Hospitality, and Entrepreneurship B30
4 Module 8: mployment and Busness Opportuntes
4 Module 9: Marketng and %rends
4 Module 10: Post-Secondary Opportuntes and Career ploraton
4 Module 11: Organng Food Functons (Optonal)
4 Module 12: Creatng a Venture
4 Module 13: Work Study Preparaton and Follow-up Actvtes
4 Module 14: Work Study (Optonal)
4 Module 88: Apprentceshp n Saskatchewan
O Certification, Articulation, and Evaluation
4 CertIcaton In %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp A30, B30
4 Apprentceshp and %rade CertIcaton
4 Food SaIe
4 Artculaton
4 Program valuaton
4 Student valuaton
O References
O Appendices
4 Append A: %he ntrepreneural Cycle
4 Append B: Questonnare Ior %R Student Placement
4 Append C: Busness Plan Gude
4 Append D: Assessment and valuaton %echnques
osptalty Sklls Checklst
osptalty Food Servce Sklls Checklst
Program valuaton Checklst
Suggestons Ior %eachng %R
Sample valuaton
mployee valuaton Form
4 Append : Methods oI Achevng Journeyperson Cook Status
Wthn Core Currculum, the Practcal and Appled Arts (PAA) s the eghth major area oI study.
Saskatchewan ducaton, ts educatonal partners, and other stakeholders, have collaborated to
complete the PAA renewal. Some PAA currculum gudelnes have been updated; some
components have been ntegrated, adapted, or deleted; some Locally Developed Courses have
been elevated to provncal status; and some new gudelnes have been developed.
A companon Practical and Applied Arts Handbook provdes background on Core Currculum
phlosophy, perspectves, and ntatves. %he andbook artculates a renewed set oI goals Ior
PAA. It presents addtonal nIormaton about the PAA area oI study, ncludng gudelnes about
work study and related %ranston-to-Work dmensons. A PAA InIormaton Bulletn provdes
drecton Ior admnstrators and others. Lsts oI recommended resources Ior all gudelnes wll be
compled nto a PAA Bblography wth perodc updates.
ilosop and Rationale
%he %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp (%R) currculum enables the student to
eplore entrepreneurshp as t relates to the Iood servce ndustry. %he currculum s desgned to
create an awareness oI the Iood servce ndustry and ts value to the economy. %he course allows
students to eperence components oI the Iood servce ndustry so that they may become
successIul ntrapreneurs or entrepreneurs wthn a busness. It s mportant to reale that
hosptalty means oIIerng good servce through Iood, beverage and accommodaton servces.
%he %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp currculum Iocuses prmarly on the areas oI
Iood preparaton and servce wthn the Food and Beverage sector oI the toursm ndustry. Food
and Beverage s the largest sector oI the eght toursm (trade) sectors n the provnce. %he Food
and Beverage Industry represents the largest part oI all present toursm busness and eperts
predct Iurther growth n the Iuture.
%oursm contrbutes sgnIcantly to the provnce's economy and employment. %he ndustry
contnues to grow n Saskatchewan and provde opportuntes Ior employment and certIed
tranng. %oursm n the provnce s bult upon the unque natural envronment, rch hstory, and
the many cultures that help shape the dentty oI the Saskatchewan people.
In Saskatchewan, hosptalty has a style oI ts own. %hs has been demonstrated through events
such as the Grey Cup, Bg Valley Jamboree, Canadan Western Agrbton, and other natonal
and nternatonal events held n the provnce. Provdng qualty guest servce and hosptalty can
mean the dIIerence between success and Ialure Ior major events such as these. IIectve
communcaton sklls, the ablty to antcpate and satsIy guest needs, combned wth a hgh
standard oI proIessonal appearance and behavours, are basc sklls students wll need to succeed
n %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp A30, B30. OIIerng these courses wll provde
relevant, practcal stuatons Ior students to develop and demonstrate these mportant sklls.
im, Coals, and Foundational Ub|ectives
%he am oI %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp (%R) A30, B30 s to provde students
wth an understandng oI the hosptalty ndustry n Saskatchewan and oI the components that
make t a successIul ndustry.
Awareness: %o become aware oI requred pre-employment sklls necessary wthn the Iood
servce ndustry.
Business Environment: %o respond to learnng and change n a busness envronment that wll
nclude decson makng, problem solvng and a sense oI entrepreneurshp.
Employability Skills: %o develop team-buldng sklls by workng cooperatvely wth others. %o
acqure certIcaton sklls recogned by the Iood ndustry Ior employablty.
!ersonal Management Skills: %o promote selI-esteem, conIdence, and a postve atttude Ior
Communications: %o develop eIIectve socal and communcaton sklls Ior busness
Business and Entrepreneurship Attitudes: %o eperence a practcal approach to usng one's
potental and opportuntes to ntate ventures based on nIormed rsk-takng.
Foundational Objectives
Foundatonal objectves are the major, general gudng statements that each student s epected
to acheve Ior the modules oI the PAA currculum gudelnes conIgured nto courses.
Foundatonal objectves ndcate the most mportant knowledge, sklls, atttudes/values, and
abltes Ior a student to be able to learn n a subject. Both subject and Common ssental
Learnngs (CLs) Foundatonal Objectves to be emphased are stated n ths document. Some
oI these statements may be repeated or enhanced n dIIerent modules Ior emphass or Ior
achevng addtonal or more n-depth objectves. For %oursm, osptalty, and
ntrepreneurshp, epectatons Ior students nclude beng able to:
O demonsLraLe an undersLandlng of enLrepreneurshlp/lnLrapreneurshlp and Lhe role played ln Lhe
hosplLallLy lndusLry
O develop workplace skllls knowledge and aLLlLudes LhaL may lead Lo successful employmenL
O galn a knowledge of preparaLlon and servlce wlLhln Lhe food lndusLry ln order Lo fulfll Lhe
requlremenLs of an enLry level employee wlLhln Lhe lndusLry
O provlde servlce excellence wlLhln a buslness seLLlng
O ldenLlfy Lhe careers and opporLunlLles ln Lhe fleld of hosplLallLy LhaL exlsL ln SaskaLchewan and
oLher provlnces
O evaluaLe Lhe lmpacL of markeLlng and Lrends on Lhe food servlce lndusLry and
O creaLe a venLure plan Lo be used as a plannlng Lool for a poLenLlal opporLunlLy relaLlng Lo Lhe
food lndusLry
All oI the subject and CLs Foundatonal Objectves are stated eplctly at the begnnng oI
each module.
ourse omponents and onsiderations
%hs currculum descrbes two Practcal and Appled Arts courses whch are among the specIed
electves at the Secondary Level. %hese courses may be oIIered n a varety oI learnng
envronments that range Irom a classroom n a school to an ndustry workste. %hey provde a
balance between academc and work-based learnng allowng students to keep open optons oI
gong to a unversty, to a techncal nsttute, to a regonal college, to a tranng program or
drectly to employment. %he n-class porton provdes techncal knowledge that wll be
renIorced n the workplace.
%oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp A30, B30 are desgned to create an awareness oI the
Iood servce ndustry and develop the sprt oI adventure through an entrepreneural Iocus. %here
are two 100 hour courses descrbed n ths document -- %oursm, osptalty, and
ntrepreneurshp A30 and B30. Students enrolled n the courses wll have the opportunty to
eplore Iood-related occupatons n the hosptalty sector oI %oursm. %he courses nvolve work
study placements at some oI the provnce's hotels, restaurants, prvate clubs, and other Iacltes
oIIerng Iood servces.
In the %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp A30 course, the student wll spend 50 hours n
the classroom learnng prncples oI Iood servce, communcaton sklls, customer relatons
sklls, and personal management sklls as they relate to ndustry standards. %he course ncludes
two ndustry certIcaton programs: $askatchewan Best and Food $afe.
In the remanng 50 hours, students complete a work study component by specal arrangement
wth the employer, student, and the teacher montor. Dependng on the desred outcome Ior the
student and avalable workstes, the student may complete the work study wthn one or two
workste placements.
In %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp B30, students wll spend 50 hours n the
classroom Iocusng on entrepreneurshp, trends and ssues n the Iood servce ndustry,
employment, busness, and post-secondary educaton and tranng opportuntes.
As n the A30 course, Ior the remanng 50 hours, students complete a work study component to
be determned by arrangement wth the employer, student, and the teacher montor. Dependng
on the desred outcome Ior the student and avalable workstes, the student may complete the
work study wthn one or two workste placements.
ork Study Component
ProIessonals n the ndustry have had nput nto the gudelnes through ntervews and surveys
conducted durng currculum desgn. %he workplace component permts the student to apply
academc and school-based learnng to workplace settngs. %hs part oI the currculum s very
mportant to the success oI the program because oI the many beneIts to all partners.
Students are provded wth an opportunty to eperence the work study component n sutable
places wthn the communty. Stes Ior work study may nclude hotels, restaurants, Iast Iood
outlets, bakeres, senor cten care homes, and other locatons. Portons oI modules n %R
A30, B30 relatng to sklls wthn the ndustry may be delvered n the workplace settng.
Because the courses are not prerequste n nature, some schools may oIIer only one course. II
only %R B30 s oIIered, Module 6, Work Study Preparaton and Follow-up Actvtes (Iound
n %R A30) must be taught n %R B30, I the students have never partcpated n a work
study module pror to enrollng n the course. II students have completed a prevous work study
module n another course, less tme wll be spent n work study preparaton, thus allowng the
balance oI the tme Ior that module to be spent etendng the work study module.
For a copy oI the ndustry survey lsted above see Append B. %hs survey may be adapted Ior
use n the local communty. It wll assst the school n the selecton oI workplaces and n the
mplementaton oI ths currculum.
Course Modules
Modules Suggested
A30 Course
%R1 1. Entrepreneurship/ntrapreneurship 3-4
%R2 2. ntroduction to Food ndustry 5
%R3 3. Food !reparation and Service !rocedures 20
%R4 4. Saskatchewan Best !rogram (certIcaton) 6
%R5 5. Food Safety and Sanitation (certIcaton) 8
%R6 6. ork Study !reparation and Follow-up Activities 5-10
%R7 7. ork Study 50
Total: Minimum 100 hours
B30 Course
%R8 8. Employment and Business Opportunities 5
%R9 9. Marketing and Trends 5
%R10 10. !ost-Secondary Opportunities and Career Exploration 5
%R11 11. Organizing Food Functions (optonal) 10-15
%R12 12. Creating a Venture 10-15
%R13 6. ork Study !reparation and Follow-up Activities (as
%R14 7. ork Study (as above) 50
Total: Minimum 100 hours
II only %R B30 s beng oIIered, students are requred to complete Modules 4 and 5 as part oI
the %R B30 credt. Module 11 should not be oIIered I ths s the case.
Time Requirements
%he %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp A30, B30 course(s) wll demand Ileble class
schedulng. mployers may request that students eperence a Iull day oI work to allow students
the opportunty to eperence a large part oI the operaton. Students may be requested to work
varous shIts to enable them to eperence the begnnng oI the day as well as the end oI the day.
From the ndustry's pont oI vew, ths s mportant to ganng a good understandng oI how
varous aspects oI the busness operate. Many oI the busnesses surveyed n program
development preIerred ths arrangement. %he hours oI work must be clearly stated n a contract
between the student learner, the workplace employer, the teacher-supervsor-montor and the
parent or guardan pror to the student begnnng work. %hs wll ensure that there s no
msunderstandng once the student begns the work placement.
II work study placements etend beyond the school day, t may be necessary to obtan
permsson Irom the Mnster oI Saskatchewan ducaton to etend the school day or week n
order to accommodate the placement. For more nIormaton, reIer to the Practical and Applied
Arts Handbook.
Students may be placed at one or more workplaces dependng on the desred learnng outcomes.
It s mportant however, that a student eperence both the Iood preparaton and servce
components oI the busness n order to IulIl the objectves oI the course.
A mnmum oI 50 hours has been suggested Ior the work study component oI each course. Usng
ths as a gude, the number oI hours worked wthn a busness should be determned by a survey
oI the busnesses where students wll be placed. It s mportant that the partners are
encouraged/permtted to have nput nto some oI these decsons made wthn the program. In
total, through one or two placements, students wll be epected to complete 50 hours oI work
Mnmum %me Requrements
%R A30 (1 credt) - 100 hours
O classroom componenL 30 hours
O work sLudy componenL 30 hours
%R B30 (1 credts) - 100 hours
O classroom componenL 30 hours
O work sLudy componenL 30 hours
%he decson to oIIer one or two courses n %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp s a local
one. One course credt wll be granted Ior A30 or B30, I the student has met the mnmum
requrement oI 50 hours n class and 50 hours n the workplace. %R A30 s not a prerequste
Ior B30. owever, t s recommended that students have a good background n Food Studes
beIore selectng %R B30.
In the work study component, a student may select two work placements oI 25 hours or reman
n one workplace Ior the 50 hours. It s recommended at the completon oI the work study
component, that the teacher conclude the program wth a summary oI what students have learned
n the workplace.
Both the A30 and B30 course credts may be granted to the student who has met the mnmum
combned requrement oI 100 hours oI n class and 100 hours oI work study. It s recommended
that students recevng two course credts eperence at least two placements. %hs allows
students to eperence dIIerent types oI Iood establshments wthn the Iood ndustry and
dIIerent styles oI servce studed n the classroom component oI the course.
Creating ork Study !artnerships in THER
Creatng partnershps s mportant to the success oI ths currculum. Wthn ths currculum, there
are Iour dstnct partners, all oI whom play an mportant role. %hese partners nclude the
ndustry, the school, post-secondary nsttutons, and the student. It s mportant that nIormaton
about the currculum be gven to each oI the partners. %he partners must have the opportunty to
ask questons and respond to the nIormaton presented about the currculum. It s through ths
contact, that the currculum can be adapted to It the needs oI all oI the partners nvolved.
Personal contact s the best approach to buldng partnershps. %hs can be done by makng a
presentaton to colleagues wthn the school, to the student body, to school board members, to
parents, and to local busness. It s mportant to outlne the currculum and the beneIts and
responsbltes, to each oI the partners.
Common Essential Learnings (C.E.L.s)
%he Common ssental Learnngs are beng ncorporated throughout all Practcal and Appled
Arts courses oI study. %hroughout the %R currculum, the CLs have been dentIed as
Communcaton (COM)
Numeracy (NUM)
Crtcal and Creatve %hnkng (CC%)
%echnologcal Lteracy (%L)
Personal and Socal Values and Sklls (PSVS)
Independent Learnng (IL)
Module 1: Entrepreneurship/ntrapreneurship
Suggested Time: 3-4 hours
Foundational Objective
O %o understand entrepreneurshp/ntrapreneurshp and the role played n the hosptalty
Common Essential Learnings Foundational Objective
O %o enable students to understand the meanng oI entrepreneurshp and ntrapreneurshp as
they relate to the Iood servce ndustry. (COM)
Learning Objectives Notes
1.1 %o develop and eplan the
meanng oI
entrepreneurshp as t
relates to the hosptalty
ndustry. (COM)

O DeIne the word entrepreneurshp usng a dctonary.
O Use the small busness deInton "to start up a small
O a more general deInton s: "the process oI lookng at
thngs n such a way that possble solutons to
problems and perceved needs may evolve nto
1.2 %o develop and eplan the
meanng oI
ntrapreneurshp. (COM)

"Intra" means wthn, thereIore ntrapreneurshp means
plantng the sprt oI entrepreneurshp wthn an organaton.
ow can one become a good ambassador oI the busness Ior
whch he/she works?
O IdentIy some ntrapreneural sklls.
O Dscuss how students n a workplace settng mght
dsplay ntrapreneural sklls n hosptalty.
O Dscuss how students may become valuable
employees wthn the Iood ndustry.
More nIormaton on ntrapreneurshp may be Iound n
the ntrepreneurshp 30 Currculum Gudelnes and
the recommended resources wthn the bblography
supportng the ntrepreneurshp 30 currculum.
1.3 %o Ioster an awareness oI
the entrepreneurshp cycle.

Revew the entrepreneural cycle (see Append A). Revew
the course content and eplan how t relates to the cycle.
Module 2: ntroduction to the Food ndustry
Portons oI modules n %R A30, B30 relatng to sklls wthn the ndustry may be delvered n
the workplace settng. Learnng Objectves that may be delvered wthn the workplace are
ndcated by *.
Suggested Time: 5 hours
Foundational Objectives
O %o create an awareness oI the operaton oI the Iood ndustry and ts contrbuton to the
O %o develop workplace sklls, knowledge, and atttudes that may lead to successIul
O %o evaluate the mportance oI Iood saIety and santaton wthn the Iood servce ndustry.
O %o create an awareness oI the roles and epectatons wthn the Iood ndustry workplace
Common Essential Learnings Foundational Objectives
O %o develop an understandng oI how the Iood servce ndustry has contrbuted to socety
today. (CC%)
O %o strengthen student knowledge and understandng oI how to convert, measure, and use
systems oI measurement n Iood preparaton. (NUM)
O %o promote an understandng oI the roles oI workers wthn the Iood servce ndustry and
the mportance oI teamwork. (PSVS)
O %o grow as ndependent learners wthn the classroom envronment whch promotes
curosty to seek nIormaton Irom the communty, lbrary and other research sources.
O %o develop an understandng oI technology and how t can be used eIIectvely n the Iood
servce ndustry. (%L)
Learning Objectives Notes
2.1 %o establsh the hstorcal
background oI the Iood
ndustry. (COM)

It s mportant Ior students to understand how the past helps to
shape the Iuture. Modern Iood servce began n 1793 durng
the French Revoluton. amne the role oI the cheIs durng
that tme and what events led to the evoluton oI the Irst
restaurant. Students may research the hstory and the events
whch led to the evoluton oI the Irst restaurant.
Dscuss wth the students some oI the leaders n the cheI
proIesson and why they became well known. What
contrbutons would cheIs have to make to become renowned?
Students may research some Iamous cheIs n the world today.
ventually, nvte a cheI as a guest speaker.
*2.2 %o recogne the
contrbutons oI the menu
to the use oI resources n
the past and n today's Iood
ndustry. (CC%) (COM)

%he menu served s an mportant tool wthn the Iood servce
ndustry because t s used to determne what jobs need to be
done. It s a gude to determne the organaton oI workers.
Students are to generate a lst oI Iunctons oI the menu n the
Iood ndustry today. %he menu may be used to determne:
O supples needed;
O number oI workers and sklls requred;
O equpment needed; and,
O the clentele oI the busness.
amne the Iactors whch nIluence the menu:
O people to be served
O cost
O type oI cusne
O equpment
O skll oI workers
O cultural and regonal dIIerences
2.3 %o determne the
contrbuton oI the recpe to
Iood producton. (COM)

Learnng Objectves 2.3 and 2.4 may be a revew oI Iood
studes courses prevously studed.
Generate a lst oI the reasons Ior usng a recpe to prepare
Outlne the structure oI the recpe and eplan the Iollowng:
O name oI recpe
O yeld
O ngredents
O equpment
O drectons Ior preparng
O cookng
O garnshng
2.4 %o eamne and compare
measurement standards used
n the Iood ndustry. (NUM)

Students should be Iamlar wth the mperal and metrc
systems oI measurement. Students should understand why
Iamlarty wth both systems s necessary. Students must be
able to convert recpes nto dIIerent amounts usng these unts
(e.g., ncreasng and decreasng recpes). (NUM)
2.5 %o generate a lst oI Iood
establshments wthn the
communty. (IL)

Students should comple a lst (e.g., Irom the telephone book)
oI Iood establshments that are avalable wthn the
communty. Major types oI Iood servce establshments
O hotels and motels
O nsttutonal ktchens
O schools
O hosptals
O employee lunchrooms
O correctonal nsttutons
O caterng and banquet servces
O Iast Iood restaurants
O Iull-servce restaurants
Students may Iormulate another lst oI Iood establshments
wthn an nsttuton whch provde a servce to the
communty that are not generally avalable to the publc. From
ths lst have the students suggest two or three possbltes Ior
a work placement (e.g., hosptals, geratrc centres, schools,
ndustry ktchens, or caIeteras).
2.6 %o establsh the roles played
by the Iood servce ndustry
wthn the communty. (IL)

Dscuss how events held wthn the communty mght serve to
generate revenue n the Iood sector. What other areas mght
beneIt and n what ways? ow mght the Iood ndustry play a
role n the promoton oI local events such as Iars, rodeos,
homecomngs, etc?
ow mght the class play a role n the promoton oI school
events such as dessert theatre, academc awards nght,
nternatonal supper, graduaton, etc?
*2.7 %o outlne the varous
roles oI Iood servce staII
wthn ndustry. (COM)

Assgn each oI the varous roles oI staII to students. DeIne
and make a lst oI the responsbltes each may have on the
job. Some oI the roles oI Iood preparaton staII nclude:
O eecutve cheI
O sous cheI
O staton cheIs
O cooks to ktchen helper
O banquet manager
O cheI steward
Some oI the roles oI other staII nclude:
O host/hostess
O matre d'
O Iood and beverage server
O wne steward
O bus person
O caterng Iunctons supervsor
Students should reassess these roles aIter ther work
placements. IdentIy whch oI these roles they encountered
wthn ther work placement. ave students dentIy whch oI
these roles they assumed n the workplace.
%he teacher may dentIy parts oI ths module, n consultaton
wth the work placements staII, that may be best covered at
the workste.
2.8 %o create an awareness oI
the standards oI
proIessonalsm. (COM)

%he Saskatchewan Best program ncludes topcs about
proIessonalsm and about provdng servce wthn a
busness. For more detals about the $askatchewan Best
program see the CertIcaton secton on page 42 oI ths
gudelne. A successIul employee dsplays a postve atttude
and Iollows an unwrtten behavour code called
proIessonalsm. Dscuss wth students what t means to be a
proIessonal. Lsted below are some oI the qualtes oI a
O conIdentalty
O dedcaton to qualty
O ethcal behavour
O epertse n the Ield
O personal appearance
O personal hygene
O postve atttude on the job
O postve selI-mage/selI-esteem
O posture
O a team player
O wllngness to learn
Students should be able to recogne the beneIts oI
proIessonalsm on the job. Students should dscuss what s
nvolved n each oI these qualtes and how the qualtes and
behavours mght be dsplayed on the job. Students may be
dvded nto groups and case studes may be dstrbuted Ior
students to solve problems about the workplace that requre a
proIessonal to make a decson. (CC%) %hey should note
where the qualtes oI proIessonalsm are necessary. ( PSVS)
Module 3: Food !reparation and Service !rocedures
Portons oI modules n %R A30, B30 relatng to sklls wthn the ndustry may be delvered n
the workplace settng. Learnng Objectves that may be delvered wthn the workplace are
ndcated by *.
Suggested Time: 20 hours
Foundational Objectives
O %o gan a knowledge oI preparaton and servce wthn the Iood ndustry n order to IulIl
the requrements oI an entry level employee wthn the ndustry.
O %o dentIy and develop basc entry level sklls and knowledge to operate wthn ndustry.
O %o promote an understandng oI how to provde servce ecellence wthn a busness
O %o create an awareness oI the roles and epectatons wthn the Iood ndustry workplace
Common Essential Learnings Foundational Objectives
O %o enable the students to understand and use the vocabulary and Iorms oI epresson
used n the Iood servce ndustry. (COM)
O %o encourage students to use the language oI the workplace n lstenng, speakng,
readng, and wrtng durng classroom work. (COM)
O %o develop students' ablty and nterest to meet ther own learnng needs. (IL)
O %o enable the students to thnk Ior themselves, to recogne how ther classroom
eperences can be transIerred to the workplace settng. (CC%)
Learning Objectives Notes
3.1 %o develop an
understandng oI ndustry
terms relatng to dvson oI
work wthn a workplace

DeIne front of the house and back of the house. Use objectve
2.7 Ior an eample oI workplace roles Ior Iront oI the house
and back oI the house. Learnng Objectves 3.2-3.6 reIer to
back oI the house (Iood preparaton) whle 3.7-3.10 reIer to
Iront oI the house n a Iood servce establshment.
*3.2 %o deIne basc Iood terms
related to Iood preparaton
wthn the ndustry.

%erms have been dvded nto cuttng, mng, and cookng
technques whch are requred topcs oI study. Many terms
Irom the requred lst oI topcs have been prevously
ntroduced n ntroductory Ioods courses. %he optonal terms
lst s an optonal area oI ndependent study Ior the student
who would lke to artculate wth the SIAS% Pallser Campus
"%rade Knowledge" Module Cook 14 oI the ProIessonal
Cookng program.
Cutting Techniques
pare or peel
Mixing Techniques
Iold n
cut n
Cooking Techniques
deep Iry
pan brol
Optional Terms
au jus
Ioe gras
jus le
al dente
ban mare
chna cap
en papllote
Iond le
glace de vands
lard lason
bouquet garn
Iondue swss
garde manger
mse n place
pate a chou
pressure Iryng

*3.3 %o dentIy basc Iood
preparaton equpment and
ts use wthn the Iood
ndustry. (COM) (%L)

amne the varous types oI knves and cuttng tools and
ther use n the commercal ktchen.
O apple corer
O bonng knIe
O butcher knIe
O carborundum stone
O cleaver
O cuttng board
O decoratng knIe
O decorator
O Iork
O French or cheI's knIe
O melon baller
O parng knIe
O peeler
O scalloped knIe
O scmtar knIe
O slcer
O spatula
O steel
O ester
*3.4 %o demonstrate the proper
technques nvolved n the
cleanng, storage, and care
oI knves. (%L)

O Descrbe the procedures Ior cleanng knves.
O Descrbe the procedures Ior storng knves saIely.
O Descrbe or demonstrate the procedure Ior sharpenng
knves saIely.
*3.5 %o demonstrate the proper
use oI a knIe Ior
choppng, dcng, slcng,
and peelng Ioods.

%he teacher may want to nvte someone Irom the ndustry to
demonstrate or ths may be done n the workplace.
*3.6 %o dentIy other small
tools and ther uses n a
IdentIy the Iollowng tools and ther uses: electrc mers and
varous styles oI beater attachments.
commercal ktchen
settng. (%L)

amne small hand tools and utensls and ther uses; e.g.,
spatulas (rubber, straght, oIIset), wre whp, sandwch
spreader, tongs, pastry brush, pastry bag, chna cap, Iood mll,
straner, chnos bench scraper, pe server, pastry wheel,
skmmer, spoons, colander, seve, grater, pastry bag and tubes.
3.7 %o descrbe the types oI
Iood servce avalable n
eatng establshments:
O Iast Iood servce
O drve through
O pck up and delvery
O buIIet servce
O Iamly servce
O Ine dnng servce
O caIetera
O caterng

Note: Objectves 3.7-3.10 cover sklls and knowledge Ior the
Iront oI the house n a Iood establshment.
Students should descrbe these types oI servce. Make a lst oI
as many Iood establshments as they can and dentIy the
types oI Iood servce whch they oIIer. ClassIy restaurants
nto Ive categores; Iast Iood, Iamly restaurant, casual dnng,
Iormal dnng, and a caIetera wthn a large busness.
*3.8 %o assess the contrbuton
oI table settng to the meal.

DeIne the term table cover and table settng.
IdentIy the tableware used Ior the Amercan style oI table
settng. Demonstrate the Amercan style oI table settng by
drawng a table cover. Lst the rules to Iollow Ior proper table
settng. Revew gudelnes Ior santaton observances when
settng tables. Students may eperment wth the varous
methods oI napkn Ioldng.
Students may demonstrate the Amercan style oI table settng
Ior other students n the class or they may work n groups.
*3.9 %o demonstrate sklls n
provdng good table
servce. (CC%)

%hese sklls may be best taught wthn the workplace by pror
arrangement wth the employer. %he style oI table servce s
usually a preIerence oI management. Students should be made
aware oI how to:
O greet the customers and seat them
O take reservatons
O pour water
O take an order
O serve courses
O present the check
II tme permts, have students role play to practce these sklls
n the classroom. Some busnesses may permt students to
handle cash and learn how to process a check usng a charge
card. %hs should be outlned by the busness n addton to
other epected dutes oI the work placement pror to the
commencement oI the student's actvty n the workplace.
*3.10 %o demonstrate the sklls
when busng tables.

Students should be shown how to
O change table cloths
O load a bus pan and trays
O carry a bus pan wthout dsturbng customers
Module 4: Saskatchewan Best !rogram
%hs s an Industry CertIcaton module oIIered wthn %oursm, osptalty, and
ntrepreneurshp wth permsson Irom Saskatchewan %oursm ducaton Councl.
Suggested Time: 6 hours
Foundational Objectives
O %o understand how to provde servce ecellence wthn a busness settng.
O %o create an awareness oI the roles and epectatons oI workers wthn the Iood ndustry
workplace settng.
O %o provde opportuntes Ior students to practse customer relatons and reIlect upon how
to meet customer epectatons wthn a workplace settng.
Common Essential Learnings Foundational Objectives
O %o develop good communcaton sklls that may be used n practcal learnng eperences
on the job to provde qualty customer servce. (COM)
O %o assess stuatons wthn the busness and gve approprate responses when
communcatng wth co-workers and customers. (COM) (CC%) (PSVS)
O %o dscuss behavours and qualtes assocated wth developng and mantanng the
postve atttude necessary Ior provdng the Best hosptalty. (COM) (CC%) (PSVS)
Learning Objectives Notes
4.1 %o create an awareness oI
customer epectatons
relatng to servce wthn the
busness. (COM)

Dscuss some oI the problems and demands oI customers
O %hey encounter hassles or red tape.
O %hey have to wat Ior servce.
O %hey have to deal wth servce provders wth varyng
personaltes and patence.
O Products or servces they need may not be avalable.
O Surroundngs may not be clean or well mantaned.
4.2 %o understand the concept
oI nternal and eternal
customers. (COM) (CC%)

DeIne the meanng oI nternal and eternal customers.
Look at eamples oI roles wthn the Iood servce ndustry to
determne who servces nternal and eternal customers.
4.3 %o create an awareness oI
the eIIect oI servce on
customer epectatons.
(COM) (CC%)

Dscuss wth the students how servce mght aIIect customer
epectatons. ow mght servce provded by other busnesses
set a standard oI customer epectatons Ior other busnesses?
4.4 %o enhance telephone
communcaton sklls oI
potental employees.

Outlne the procedure Ior answerng the telephone.
Ask students to lst other mportant telephone courteses when
communcatng wth customers on the telephone.
Ask the students to eplan how they thnk employee
telephone conversaton mpacts on the vocaton and sales.
Varous resources have actvtes you may use here.
4.5 %o eamne servce
recovery and learn how to
use t eIIectvely when
communcatng wth
customers n a varety oI
stuatons. (CC%) (PSVS)

DeIne servce recovery.
Outlne the Ive steps n the process oI servce recovery cycle.
Use case studes to demonstrate how each oI these steps can
be used eIIectvely n a varety oI realstc stuatons that may
occur n a varety oI busness stuatons.
4.6 %o eamne the mportance
oI atttude wthn a busness
on customer servce and on
nteractons wth co-
workers. (COM) (CC%)

Students are to dscuss how to develop and mantan a postve
atttude wth customers, co-workers, and supervsors.
Use case studes/vgnettes to demonstrate how to dsplay a
postve atttude wthn a busness.
4.7 %o determne who are
Saskatchewan Best
ambassadors. (COM) (CC%)

amne the contrbutons oI employees and how they serve
to shape the dentty oI a busness and the provnce oI
4.8 %o nvestgate the
mportance oI toursm n

DeIne toursm.
Lst the eght sectors that make up the toursm ndustry.
Accommodaton, Adventure %oursm, Attractons, vents and
ConIerences, Food and Beverage, %oursm Servces, %rade
%ravel, and %ransportaton.
IdentIy the opportunty Ior employment wthn the toursm
ndustry n the provnce.
Module 5: Food Safety and Sanitation
%hs s a certIcate module oIIered through the regonal publc health dstrct.
Portons oI modules n %R A30, B30 relatng to sklls wthn the ndustry may be delvered n
the workplace settng.
Suggested Time: 8 hours
Foundational Objectives
O %o evaluate the mportance oI Iood saIety and santaton wthn the Iood servce ndustry
O %o create an awareness oI the roles and epectatons oI workers wthn the Iood ndustry
workplace settng.
Note: %hese Foundatonal Objectves wll be met through enrolment n a Food andlers course.
Common Essential Learnings Foundational Objectives
O %o develop a knowledge oI Iood saIety and santaton and how t may be used eIIectvely
n the workplace. (COM)
Learning Objectives Notes
5.1 %o promote the practce oI
Iood saIety wthn the Iood
ndustry. (CC%

%hs learnng objectve Iocuses on saIety wthn the workplace
and s not part oI the certIcaton program oIIered by the
publc health dstrct. It may be taught by the classroom
teacher or n the workplace by pror arrangement.
%eachers should note that ths s not part oI Food SaIe but
should be nstructed concurrently wth the Food SaIe program.
Work wthn the Iood ndustry s relatvely saIe n comparson
wth many other ndustral jobs; however, many accdents can
be avoded by creatng an awareness oI the haards. Accdents
such as cuts, burns, or Ialls may occur and could be avoded
by ensurng good saIety practces are Iollowed wthn the
Dscuss saIety usng the Iollowng deas:
. saIety oI buldng structure and equpment
4 wrng
4 ets
4 non-slp Iloors
4 adequate lghtng
4 smooth traIIc patterns
. preventng cuts
. preventng burns
v. preventng Ires
v. preventng njures Irom machnes and equpment
v. preventng Ialls
v. preventng an njury Irom lItng
Learnng Objectves 5.2-5.7 are topcs covered n the certIcaton courses. %eachers may choose
to oIIer the Food SaIe Program Ior 6-8 hours or the Food andlers course Ior 3 1/2 hours
through ther regonal publc health dstrct.
Note: It s advsable, Ior artculaton purposes, to oIIer the Food SaIe Program, I students are
contnung nto a post-secondary program.
Learning Objectives Notes
5.2 %o dentIy some oI the
causes oI Iood borne llness
common to the Iood servce
ndustry. (COM)

%hs module wll be taught by usng one oI the Iood handler's
programs avalable through your local health dstrct oIIce.
What s mcrobology? It s a study oI mcroscopc Iorms oI
lIe, ncludng bactera. Bacteral nIectons are most common
to the Iood servce ndustry. It s mportant Ior students to
understand under what condtons dsease-causng bactera
grow and spread. (%L)
5.3 %o lst the varous
classIcatons oI bactera
and where they are Iound.

Most bactera are harmless; however, some are not. %hese
classIcatons nclude:
O harmless bacteria;
O beneficial bacteria that lve n our ntestnal tract and
help Ight nIectons n our bodes. (%hs type s oIten
used n the producton oI cheese and yogurt.);
O undesirable bacteria that cause Iood to become sour,
slmy, have a bad odour, and decompose; and,
O pathogens that cause most Iood borne llness.
Contact the bology teacher or publc health nurse n your
school Ior addtonal nIormaton on bactera.
5.4 %o eamne the condtons
whch cause bacteral
growth. (COM)

O Iood
O mosture
O temperature
O acdty or alkalnty
O ar
O tme
5.5 %o nvestgate some oI the
harmIul eIIects oI Iood
borne llness. (COM)

plan Iood borne llness such as Botulsm, Salmonella, or
Streptococcal nIectons. %rchnoss and chemcal posonng
may also be eamned.
5.6 %o recogne the
mportance oI personal
hygene n Iood preparaton.

Most Iood borne bactera s spread Irom workers. People have
bactera on ther skn, har, n ther mouth and nose. II gven
the opportunty, some oI these bactera wll grow n Iood and
make people ll. ave students lst some oI the ways that they
can practce personal hygene to prevent Iood borne llness.
5.7 %o dentIy practces that
may be used n the Iood
ndustry to prevent the
spread oI bactera. (COM)

Some oI these practces nclude:
O proper Iood storage;
O Iood handlng and preparaton; and,
O cleanng and santng equpment.
Module 6: ork Study !reparation and Follow-up Activities
Note: Module 6 Work Study Preparaton and Follow-up Actvtes s 5-10 hours. II students have
partcpated n a work study module n a prevous Practcal and Appled Arts course, a revew oI
ths module s stll requred but less tme s needed.
Portons oI modules n %R A30, B30 relatng to sklls wthn the ndustry may be delvered n
the workplace settng.
Suggested Time: 5-10 hours
Foundational Objectives
O %o gan a knowledge oI preparaton and servce wthn the Iood ndustry n order to IulIl
the requrements oI an entry level employee wthn the ndustry.
O %o dentIy and develop basc entry level sklls and knowledge to operate wthn ndustry.
O %o develop workplace sklls, knowledge, and atttudes that may lead to successIul
Common Essential Learnings Foundational Objectives
O %o develop an awareness oI partnershp roles. (COM)
O %o use a wde range oI language eperences -- lstenng, speakng, wrtng, and readng -
- that are requred n the workplace. (COM)
O %o enable students to recogne how the classroom work sklls development wll be used
to meet ndustry epectatons. (CC%)
O %o support students n ganng an understandng oI personal and moral ssues n the
workplace. (PSVS)
Learning Objectives Notes
6.1 %o create an awareness oI
the epectatons oI each oI
the partners n the work
study component.

In order to establsh a successIul workng relatonshp wth all
oI the partners nvolved n the workplace, t s mportant to
deIne the epectatons oI each partner.
ReIer to Guidelines for ork Study, a component oI the
Practical and Applied Arts (PAA) Handbook Ior epectatons
oI employer, student, teacher-supervsor-montor, and school.
6.2 %o determne Iactors that
would aIIect the student
contrbuton n the
workplace. (CC%)

%he students may Iormulate a lst oI what they can brng to
the workplace and how each may mpact on ther job. (CC%)
O school subjects
O past eperences
O selI-concept and personalty
O needs, values, and nterests
O knowledge, sklls, and atttudes
O career goals and plans
Ask students to do a selI-assessment oI sklls usng the
nIluences n the above lst as a gude. %hey are to eplan
how these sklls would be valuable to the Iood servce
ndustry. %ry to emphase the value oI communcaton and
teamwork durng the dscusson.
6.3 %o understand the
mportance oI good
communcaton n the
workplace and to practce
developng the sklls oI
good communcaton.

Dscuss verbal and non-verbal communcaton. Lst some
ways n whch negatve non-verbal communcaton may be
dsplayed. ncourage students to role play ways oI
demonstratng eIIectve technques oI verbal communcaton
on the job when: gvng or recevng nstructons, and
resolvng conIlct. Wth the use oI case studes, dvde the
students nto groups and role play to show how eIIectve use
oI communcaton can resolve conIlct on the job.
6.4 %o develop a resume and
cover letter that can be
Iorwarded to a potental
employer. (CC%) (COM)

%he student wll develop a resume and cover letter usng an
accepted Iormat. %he resume and cover letter may be used by
the student as an ntroducton to the employer oI a workplace
ste pror to an ntervew.
%he resume: %R teachers should work wth other staII
members to ensure that wrtng a resume and cover letter has
been taught. %he resume and cover letter s currently
presented n nglsh Language Arts 20 and A30, InIormaton
Processng 10, Work perence ducaton 20, and numerous
Students should develop the resume on a computer dsk and
update the resume Ior the duraton oI the course, as reIerences
are accumulated.
II students have already learned how to wrte a resume and
cover letter n another course, the teacher may do a revew and
encourage students to update ther resumes. Students shall
submt a resume Ior teacher approval pror to gong to the
6.5 %o determne student
gudelnes n preparaton Ior
an ntervew. (COM)
(PSVS) (CC%) (IL)

%hrough a classroom dscusson or n groups, students
generate a lst oI gudelnes Ior an ntervew. AIter the
students Iormulate ther lst, the nstructor may add mssng
tems to the lst.
Outlne and descrbe the three stages oI an ntervew. Pont
out to the students when each oI the gudelnes they generate
wll be used.
%he greeting nvolves an ntroducton between the student
and employer. Dscuss or demonstrate how ths should be
%he exchange s where the employer asks a seres oI
questons and engages n a conversaton wth the student
about nIormaton on the resume and other matters relatng to
the job placement.
%he parting brngs the ntervew to a close. It can be just as
mportant as the greetng. plan how ths can be done.
Provde the students wth a lst oI questons Irequently asked
by employers or ask students to Iormulate a lst n a group and
role play the stages oI the ntervew.
6.6 %o dscuss the post
ntervew. (COM) (PSVS)
(IL) (CC%)

AIter the student has completed the ntervew wth the
employer, do a Iollow-up actvty oI the student ntervew
wth the employer. Revew the ntervew wth the student
usng the three stages as tems Ior dscusson.
II more than one placement has been made n the course, Iollow-up actvtes must be completed
aIter each placement.
Learning Objectives Notes
6.7 %o develop procedural
gudelnes Ior the workste
wth respect to: (COM)
a. transportaton
b. absence and
c. when problems arse
on the workste
d. role oI teacher,
student, and
e. evaluaton crtera
I. epected hours oI

Dscuss wth the student the above ssues pror to student
ClarIy these ponts n your post ntervew wth the students.
%hs may be done by askng student to respond to the ponts
lsted below (n an assgnment or n a verbal ntervew):
a. epected hours oI work
b. dress code
c. job descrpton
d. school epectatons
e. employer epectatons
I. role oI teacher-supervsor-montor
g. goal deInton
6.8 %o relate Ieedback Irom the
work placement. (CC%)

Students provde Ieedback about work placement ncludng:
where they were placed, type oI busness, dutes, most
rewardng eperence, most dIIcult stuaton, and how t was
handled. It s recommended that each student send a thank you
note or card to the employer upon the completon oI each
work placement.
Module 7: ork Study (Optional)
Suggested Time: 50 hours
Foundational Objectives
O %o create an awareness oI the careers and opportuntes n the Ield oI hosptalty whch
est n Saskatchewan and other provnces.
O %o dentIy and develop basc entry level sklls and knowledge to operate wthn ndustry.
O %o develop workplace sklls, knowledge, and atttudes that may lead to successIul
O %o ntegrate classroom learnng wth workplace learnng.
Common Essential Learnings Foundational Objectives
O %o provde an opportunty Ior work study and the development oI entry level workplace
sklls that may lead to sustanable employment. (PSVS)
O %o develop an awareness oI employablty sklls as they relate to the work envronment.
O %o provde opportuntes Ior Iurther development oI employablty sklls. (IL)
O %o epand career research beyond the classroom settng. (IL)
For more nIormaton about mplementng work study n schools see the ork Study
Guidelines ncluded n the Practical and Applied Arts Handbook.
ourism, Hospitalit and Entrepreneursip B
Module 8: Employment and Business Opportunities
Suggested Time: 5 hours
Foundational Objectives
O @o assess opporLunlLles for buslness and employmenL ln Lhe food servlce lndusLry
O @o creaLe an awareness of Lhe careers and opporLunlLles ln Lhe fleld of hosplLallLy LhaL exlsL ln
SaskaLchewan and oLher provlnces
O @o creaLe an awareness of Lhe roles and expecLaLlons wlLhln Lhe food lndusLry workplace
Common Essential Learnings Foundational Objectives
O @o develop sLudenLs ablllLles Lo meeL Lhelr own needs Lo seek fuLure employmenL (lL)
O @o use a wlde range of communlcaLlon experlences for developlng sLudenL [ob search neLworks
(CCM) (@L)
O @o develop a sLrong sense of ablllLy Lo evaluaLe or dlfferenLlaLe buslness opporLunlLles (CC@)
O @o conLrlbuLe Lo crlLlcal and creaLlve Lhlnklng skllls (CC@)
O @o fosLer creaLlvlLy and Lhe ablllLy Lo evaluaLe ldeas relaLlng Lo buslness (CC@)
Learn|ng Cb[ect|ves Notes
81 @o explore ways Lo flnd
employmenL (lL) (@L)

Studes ndcate that young people wll change ther
occupatons appromately s tmes throughout ther lves.
%hereIore, the challenges oI Indng a job become essental to
overcome. It becomes ncreasngly mportant that young
people master the sklls oI conductng a job search.
In groups oI three or Iour students branstorm ways n whch
jobs may be Iound.
O personal and professlonal conLacLs
O [ob adverLlsemenLs Lhrough medla (radlo @I newspaper)
O employmenL agencles
O governmenL employmenL cenLres
O yellow pages
O school counsellors
O llbrarles
O unlons and professlonal Lrade assoclaLlons
O workshops convenLlons and [ob falrs
O lnLerneL and [ob klosk
82 @o research [obs relaLed Lo Lhe
food servlce lndusLry (lL) (@L)

Students should Ind three advertsements Ior jobs that nterest
them wthn the Iood ndustry. Make a lst oI all the
nIormaton gven n each advertsement and compare the
Determne common sklls requred Ior jobs n these ads and
why these sklls are mportant. Select one oI the jobs and
eplan why t appeals to them.
83 @o deflne Lhe sklll of
neLworklng and how lL may be
used ln a [ob search or may
lead Lo successful
employmenL (CC@)

What s networkng? What are some ways to use successIul
networkng to obtan employment? Why s networkng
84 @o deLermlne buslness
opporLunlLles wlLhln Lhe food
servlce lndusLry (lL) (CC@)

Student groups may branstorm the number oI busness
opportuntes wthn the Iood servce ndustry that may gve
rse to the buldng oI a venture. Ideas may nclude:
O a varleLy of resLauranLs
O equlpmenL sales for resLauranLs
O servlclng and lnsLalllng equlpmenL used ln Lhe resLauranL
O selllng cloLhlng for resLauranL workers
O packaglng and markeLlng resLauranL food and cleanlng
supplles and
O adverLlslng resLauranLs and oLher relaLed venLures
(buslness cards eLc)
Module 9: Marketing and Trends
Suggested Time: 5 hours
Foundational Objectives
O @o evaluaLe Lhe lmpacL of markeLlng and Lrends on Lhe food servlce lndusLry
O @o creaLe an awareness of Lhe roles and expecLaLlons wlLhln Lhe food lndusLry workplace
O @o assess opporLunlLles for buslness and employmenL ln Lhe food servlce
O @o develop workplace skllls knowledge and aLLlLudes LhaL may lead Lo successful employmenL
Common Essential Learnings Foundational Objectives
O @o develop sLudenL ablllLles Lo assess knowledge (lL)
O @o promoLe creaLlvlLy and Lhe ablllLy Lo evaluaLe poLenLlal ldeas for markeLlng producLs ln a
food servlce venLure (CC@)
O @o analyze and predlcL ways of successful markeLlng (CC@)
Learn|ng Cb[ect|ves Notes
91 @o ldenLlfy consumer Lrends
LhaL would lmpacL on Lhe food
lndusLry (CC@) (CCM

Formulate a lst oI trends and what mpact they would have on
the Iood servce ndustry today.
O smoklng bylaws
O dleLs for Lhe welghL consclous vegeLarlans dlabeLlc or for
oLher healLh reasons (low faL hlgh flbre)
O changes ln llfesLyle (worklng parenLs wlLh busy schedules)
O economlc condlLlons
O eLhnlc orlglns and rellglous resLrlcLlons
O envlronmenLal concerns
plan how these ssues mght mpact on deas or success oI
a busness.
92 @o deflne markeLlng and Lhe
beneflLs of buslness/producL
markeLlng (CCM) (CC@)

What s marketng and why do we market? plore reasons
such as to create a need Ior product; to create an awareness oI
busness; to ncrease product recognton (create product
recognton); etc.
93 @o ldenLlfy ways ln whlch
producLs/buslnesses can be
markeLed (CCM) (CC@)

Outlne the many dIIerent ways oI marketng.
O radlo
O @I
O flyers and newspaper
O blllboards
O wlndow dlsplays
O word of mouLh
O lnLerneL
(Adapted Irom: Saskatchewan ducaton. (1993).
ntrepreneurshp 30 Currculum Gude, page 150.)
94 @o ldenLlfy Lhe four s of
markeLlng (producL prlce
place promoLlon) and how Lo
LargeL a successful venLure
uslng Lhe four s (CCM)

Marketng research usually provdes data about customers,
products, servces, prces, advertsng, and consumer
behavour. It s used to reIne and adapt servces and products.
It also gves some dea oI what competton ests and what
can be done to make the entrepreneural venture more
appealng or desrable than the compettor's servce or
93 @o ldenLlfy Lhe purpose and
examlne Lhe value of
markeLlng research lncludlng
prlmary and secondary
research (CCM)

What s !rimary Research? Prmary research s completed
wth the drect nvolvement oI the partcpants. It may be
reIerred to as "Irst hand" research. Students nvolved n
prmary research may observe, eperment, ntervew, or use
questonnares to obtan desred nIormaton. Prmary research
may also use telephone surveys, personal ntervews, or mal-
out surveys.
Secondary Research nvolves collectng second hand data.
Second hand data reIers to data that may have been collected
by another person/agency and may or may not be drectly
related to the proposed entrepreneural opportunty and
Secondary research can take many Iorms. %rends and
predctons may be researched and plotted graphcally. %he
school or communty lbrary may be used to obtan data. %he
local marketplace may be analyed to determne the
nIormaton requred. Journals, newspapers, the yellow pages
n a telephone drectory, government publcatons, trade
journals, market nIormaton Irom busness, nIormaton Irom
Statstcs Canada, and varous databases may all be utled n
secondary research.
%he collecton oI nIormaton may Iollow a procedure. %he
objectves/goals Ior collectng the nIormaton must be
determned, the sources oI nIormaton must be dentIed, the
data must be collected and analyed, and the results must be
appled to the venture.
Module 10: !ost-Secondary Opportunities and Career Exploration
Suggested Time: 5 hours
Foundational Objectives
O @o creaLe an awareness of Lhe careers and opporLunlLles ln Lhe food servlce lndusLry whlch exlsL
ln SaskaLchewan and oLher provlnces
O @o assess opporLunlLles for buslness and employmenL ln Lhe food servlce
O @o ldenLlfy and develop baslc enLry level skllls and knowledge requlred Lo operaLe wlLhln
O @o ldenLlfy workplace skllls knowledge and aLLlLudes LhaL may lead Lo a successful career wlLhln
Lhe food lndusLry
Common Essential Learnings Foundational Objectives
O @o ldenLlfy personal lnLeresLs and apLlLudes ln order Lo lnlLlaLe career exploraLlon (lL SIS)
O @o fosLer Lhe ablllLy Lo evaluaLe ldeas relaLlng Lo career cholces (CC@)
O @o develop Lechnologlcal ablllLles Lo access career research lnformaLlon (@L lL)
O @o promoLe an awareness of Lhe posLsecondary programs avallable ln SaskaLchewan ln Lhe
food servlce lndusLry (CCM)
Learn|ng Cb[ect|ves Notes
101 @o develop a llsL of career
opporLunlLles relaLed Lo Lhe
food servlce lndusLry (CCM)

Students wll create a lst oI the many dIIerent career
opportuntes n the proIessonal, sem-proIessonal, and
sklled trade areas related to the Iood servce ndustry. %hey
should begn by lstng all oI the guest speakers who have
made presentatons throughout the course, then lst workers
wthn the Ield oI the toursm hosptalty ndustry. Students
are encouraged to use a varety oI sources oI nIormaton such
as gudance counsellors, career soItware packages, personal
ntervews, and webstes.
102 @o ldenLlfy personal skllls and
lnLeresLs LhaL may lead Lo a
career exploraLlon (CC@) (lL)

Ask each student to create an nventory oI actvtes and
nterests. ave students eamne ther lst to determne how
these actvtes and nterests mght be job related. %hs task oI
an nterest nventory may be done usng a varety oI computer
program soItware packages. Once students have determned
an area oI nterest related to the hosptalty ndustry, they
should research the career usng avalable resources n ther
lbrary, communty, or by usng Internet webstes lsted n the
103 @o deLermlne skllls and
lnLeresLs LhaL would enhance
career cholces (CC@)

From the lst created n 3.1 ask the students to select two
choces oI possble careers Ior Iurther research. Investgate the
career choces ncludng:
O Lhe descrlpLlon of work duLles
O whaL personal quallLles an lndlvldual musL possess Lo
succeed ln Lhe career
O Lhe process Lo become cerLlfled wlLhln Lhe career/Lrade
lengLh of educaLlon and Lralnlng school locaLlons cosL of
educaLlon and upgradlng
O Lrends wlLhln Lhe buslness or career
O Lhe besL and worsL parLs of Lhe [ob and
O beglnnlng salary and opporLunlLles for advancemenL
II a work study component s beng done, the student may
nvestgate career lnks wthn the communty Ior possble
work study placement. %he student may conduct and
ntervew the proIessonal/tradesperson wthn the communty
as part oI the career research.
A class presentaton may be done by students, I tme permts.
ave students evaluate themselves and each other.
104 @o examlne Lhe focus of each
of Lhe food lndusLry
programs offered aL SlAS@
kelsey Campus SlAS@ alllser
Campus and aL Lhe
unlverslLy of SaskaLchewan
(CCM) (CpLlonal)

SAST Kelsey Campus Food Services Administration s a
two-year dploma program that prepares students Ior a career
n Iood servce management. %he program has three
components consstng oI:
O nuLrlLlon (normal and cllnlcal)
O food (producLlon and servlce) and
O managemenL (flnanclal and human resource)
Students wll spend 60 oI the tme n the classroom and 40
n Ield tranng. A resource vdeo on the Iood servces
admnstraton program s avalable Iree upon request. For
more nIormaton about the programs, contact resource
persons lsted n ths gudelne or n the SIAS% calendar.
Hotel and Restaurant Administration s a two-year program
whch provdes students wth thorough tranng n the hotel
and restaurant ndustry. Students wll have the opportunty to
gan entry level sklls n the hosptalty ndustry.
SAST !alliser Campus - Kelsey Campus - oodland
Campus !rofessional Cooking s a 36-37 week course oI
study whch provdes students wth tranng n the Iood
servce ndustry. Basc ktchen management and Iood
preparaton are key components oI ths course. For more
nIormaton about these programs, see the SIAS% calendar or
contact the resource persons lsted n these gudelnes.
For more nIormaton, see the certIcaton secton n these
Module 11: Organizing Food Functions (Optional)
%hs module has been ncluded to accommodate the placement oI students n a work study when
optons Ior placement n the communty are lmted. %hs module gves the teacher an
opportunty to provde work study hours Ior students. Students may wsh to consder knowledge
ganed n ths module to create a venture n Module 5. %hs module provdes work study hours
wthout the need Ior retal Iood partners.
Suggested Time: 10-15 hours
Foundational Objectives
O @o creaLe an awareness of plannlng food funcLlons
O @o assess opporLunlLles for buslness and employmenL ln Lhe food servlce
O @o evaluaLe Lhe lmpacL of markeLlng and Lrends
Common Essential Learnings Foundational Objectives
O @o develop an undersLandlng o Lhe lmporLance of plannlng Lo Lhe success of an evenL (CC@)
O @o promoLe creaLlvlLy ln plannlng an evenL and Lhe ablllLy Lo evaluaLe Lhe success of opLlons
O @o develop sLudenLs ablllLles Lo meeL Lhelr own learnlng needs Lhrough plannlng an evenL (lL)
Learn|ng Cb[ect|ves Notes
111 @o evaluaLe Lhe lmporLance
of food funcLlons wlLhln Lhe
communlLy (CC@)

DeIne the term "Iuncton" as t apples to the Iood servce
ndustry. Students wll lst the range oI events that are
consdered Iood Iunctons wthn the communty. IdentIy
successIul Iunctons and the Iactors whch have attrbuted to
the success oI the Iuncton. Dscuss the value oI successIul
events to the communty, such as: graduaton banquet, dnner
theatre, curlng banquet, school staII dnner, academc awards
nght, nternatonal suppers, etc.
112 @o dlscuss some of Lhe
facLors Lo conslder when
plannlng a menu for a
funcLlon (CCM) (CC@)

Factors may nclude:
O Lheme
O cosL
O Llme
O number of people
O lndlvldual requlremenLs
O varleLy
113 @o examlne Lhe lmporLance
of Lhe menu selecLlons Lo Lhe
food funcLlon (CC@) (CCM)

Dscuss the Iactors whch wll determne the type oI menu and
Ioods to be served.
O JhaL ls Lhe naLure of Lhe funcLlon?
O Jhlch locaLlons and sub faclllLles wlll be used?
O Jho are Lhe cusLomers?
O Jhere do Lhey come from where do Lhey llve?
O ow much ls Lhelr dlsposable lncome?
O JhaL ls Lhelr age?
O JhaL ls Lhelr eLhnlc background?
O JhaL ls Lhelr role wlLhln Lhe communlLy?
Students may research types oI menus and desgn a menu
layout Ior a Iood Iuncton.
114 @o organlze and plan a food
funcLlon Lo flL Lhe needs of
your school communlLy (lL)
(CC@) (SIS)

In groups or as a class, suggest a lst oI Iood Iunctons Ior the
communty. Select a Iuncton and outlne the steps Ior
plannng a Iood Iuncton. Assgn tasks to groups oI students to
plan, to coordnate, and to eecute a Iood Iuncton to It the
needs oI the communty.
113 @o deLermlne Lhe budgeL for
food funcLlon menus (nuM)
(CC@) (SIS)

Outlne some oI the Iactors that would determne the cost oI a
Iood Iuncton:
O Lype of servlce
O avallablllLy of food lLems
O preparaLlon meLhods
O labour cosLs
O varleLy of menus
O operaLlonal cosLs (renL uLlllLles laundry eLc)
Module 12: Creating a Venture
Suggested Time: 5-10 hours
Foundational Objectives
O @o assess opporLunlLles for buslness and employmenL ln Lhe food servlce
O @o evaluaLe Lhe lmpacL of markeLlng and Lrends
O @o creaLe an awareness of plannlng food funcLlons
O @o ldenLlfy workplace skllls knowledge and aLLlLudes LhaL may lead Lo a successful career wlLhln
Lhe food lndusLry
O @o develop a venLure plan LhaL can be used as a plannlng Lool for a poLenLlal opporLunlLy
relaLlng Lo Lhe food lndusLry
Common Essential Learnings Foundational Objectives
O @o enable sLudenLs Lo analyze poLenLlal buslness opporLunlLles wlLhln Lhe food servlce lndusLry
O @o develop sLudenLs ablllLles Lo access knowledge uslng varlous resource Lechnology Lools (@L
O @o develop sLudenLs ablllLles Lo meeL Lhelr own lnLeresLs and learnlng needs (lL)
O @o sLrengLhen sLudenLs knowledge of maLhemaLlcal concepLs used ln venLure plannlng (nuM)
O @o develop an undersLandlng of Lhe conLrlbuLlons of socleLy and enLrepreneurs Lo Lhe success of
a food servlce venLure (SIS)
O @o recognlze personal ablllLles and LalenLs LhaL would provlde a basls for creaLlng a venLure
Learn|ng Cb[ect|ves Notes
121 @o ouLllne a venLure plan
uslng a suggesLed sLepby
sLep approach and apply lL Lo
a venLure of Lhe sLudenLs
cholce (@L) (CC@) (lL)

Students may eplore a Iood caterng venture Ior an
entrepreneural event or events, such as, weddngs, Iunerals,
conventons, etc., and develop a busness plan venture.
%he determnaton oI Iood, labour, and operatonal costs
studed n Module 4 Organng Food Functons may be
useIul nIormaton n the development oI a caterng venture
plan. Module 4 and 5 may be taught concurrently.
Students may nvestgate a Iood venture that ests wthn
ther communty. %hs may be done by ntervewng a Iood
ndustry entrepreneur. Consder:
O food servlces and/or food producLs provlded
O markeL nlche occupled
O markeLlng sLraLegles
O crlLerla for success
(Adapted Irom: Saskatchewan ducaton. (1993).
ntrepreneurshp 30 Currculum Gude, pages 170, 171.)
Students may use venture templates ncluded n the
appendces oI that gude and webstes lsted n the
bblography Ior ths gude.
1 ary or Descr|pt|on of the Ventre @hls ls Lhe
execuLlve summary of Lhe venLure and should be one Lo
Lhree pages ln lengLh @he summary should sLaLe Lhe
purpose of Lhe venLure and may lnclude a coverlng leLLer
@he quallLy of wrlLlng ls very lmporLanL clarlLy and
preclseness are deslrable lL ls recommended LhaL Lhe
reader clearly undersLand Lhe conLenL of Lhe plan Lo declde
lf she or he wlshes Lo proceed wlLh readlng Lhe venLure
2 @ab|e of Contents @hls ls a llsL of Lhe approprlaLe LlLles and
secLlons wlLhln Lhe documenL formaLLed ln a clear and
organlzed manner
3 ,arket kesearch Ana|ys|s and |an @hls secLlon of Lhe
venLure plan ls perhaps Lhe mosL lmporLanL @he sLudenL
wlll develop a buslness plan for a food venLure whlch
4 lnlLlal cosL
4 operaLlng cosL
4 operaLlng sLandard
4 food and/or menu plans
4 cosL of producL
4 markeLlng sLraLegles
4 food servlces and food producLs provlded
4 mlsslon sLaLemenL
4 LargeL markeL
4 crlLerla for success
4 expecLed growLh of buslness
4 deslred locaLlon of buslness
4 sLrengLh and weakness of venLure
Some deas Ior ventures could be n restaurant
equpment sales and repar, packaged Iood sales,
clothng/unIorms, nteror Inshng and decor,
caterers, restaurants, Iood stores, specalty Iood stores,
caIeteras, etc. Menus may also be ncluded where
4 Cperat|ng ched|e Coals/sLraLegles may be ldenLlfled for
Lhe followlng operaLlons sLraLegy ma[or evenLs rlsks
sLraLeglc plan and LlmeLable lmmedlaLe ob[ecLlves
lnLermedlaLe ob[ecLlves and longLerm ob[ecLlves and
3 |nanc|a| |an @he sLudenLs should be able Lo address Lhe
followlng lssues reason for flnanclng sources of flnanclng
flnanclal package Llmlng and sLages of flnanclng prevlous
flnanclal lnformaLlon currenL flnanclal poslLlon conLracLs
for renL offlce equlpmenL sales agreemenLs and wasLe
removal oLher lncome legal resLrlcLlons/requlremenLs
presenL flnanclal poslLlon and how shorLLerm and long
Lerm lncome wlll be used
II tme permts, students may prepare, evaluate, and adapt
Ioods Ior ther venture wthn the school.
Apprenticeship in Saskatchewan
Suggested time: 2-5 Level: Introductory
!rerequisite: None
Module Overview
Students wll be ntroduced to the apprentceshp and trade certIcaton process and the role oI
the Saskatchewan Apprentceshp and %rade CertIcaton Commsson. Students wll also
eplore a varety oI opportuntes that apprentceshp oIIers, and the relatonshp between
secondary level and apprentceshp tranng .
%hs module s avalable Ior all Practcal and Appled Arts currcula related to a desgnated trade,
but n each case should be taught Irom the perspectve oI the specIc trade nvolved.
Foundational Objectives
O %o create an awareness oI apprentceshp programs and opportuntes n Saskatchewan.
Common Essential Learnings Foundational Objectives
O %o broaden students understandng oI the apprentceshp program and the role t plays n
the trade ndustres. (CC%)
O %o eamne partcular trade opportuntes that are approprate Ior themselves. (IL, PSVS)
Learning Objectives Notes
88.1 %o understand and descrbe the
process and beneIts oI
Students should recogne that apprentceshp s a process oI
tranng and certIyng workers n specIc trades.
Students could perIorm research to determne whch trades are
desgnated n Saskatchewan and how those compare to those n
other provnces.
Students should branstorm reasons why a person would become
an apprentce. Alternatvely, they could ntervew
journeypersons or apprentces to Ind out what they Ieel the
advantages oI the apprentceshp program were Ior them.
Students should be able to descrbe the dIIerence between a
provncal certIcaton and the Interprovncal Standards "Red
Seal" program.

88.2 %o understand and use the
approprate termnology related to
Students should be able to use a wde varety oI terms
approprately, ncludng but not lmted to the Iollowng:
O Journeyperson
O Indenture
O Jont tranng commttee
O Pre-employment tranng
O Desgnated trade and sub-trade
O Advanced standng

88.3 %o determne the steps nvolved
n becomng an apprentce.
Students need to be aware that the applcant must be workng n
the trade, must sgn a Iormal contract wth the employer and the
Saskatchewan Apprentceshp and %rade CertIcaton
Commsson, and must be prepared to attend techncal tranng,
typcally once per year.
Students could ntervew a journeyperson or an apprentce to
learn about ther eperence.

88.4 %o determne the relatonshp
between the A%CC and the varous
trade boards.
Students should be aware oI how a trade board becomes
establshed, and how a trade becomes desgnated n
ach student could contact a trade board, and Ind out the role
they play n the apprentceshp process. %hey should also
determne the relatonshp between the trade board and the
A%CC. Students could share and compare ther Indng wth
other students n the class.

88.5 %o develop an understandng oI
the programs avalable to help make
the transton Irom secondary level to

Students should be aware oI the recognton oI tme that s
avalable. Students should also be aware oI the opportunty Ior
challengng the Level I eamnaton n a gven trade, provdng
certan condtons are met.
88.6 %o determne the length oI
apprentceshp and the annual
tranng requred n a partcular trade
that may be oI nterest to the student.
Students should eplore the requrements oI one or more specIc
trades ncludng years and hours requred, locaton oI annual
tranng, and the duraton oI annual tranng. Students could also
eplore employablty and epected wages Ior those trades. %hey
could share ther Indngs wth the rest oI the class.

88.7 %o eplore the qualtes oI a
successIul apprentce.
Students could ntervew employers to determne personal
characterstcs that wll help make an apprentce n a partcular
trade successIul. %hey could also branstorm a lst oI qualtes
and dscuss them. Wth these qualtes n mnd, the students
could perIorm a selI or peer assessment to gauge ther own
sutablty Ior a career n that trade.
ertification, rticulation, and Evaluation
Certification n Tourism, Hospitality, and Entrepreneurship A30, B30
CertIcaton s a process whereby ndvduals employed n toursm occupatons challenge ther
competency aganst ndustry standards. %hs process ncludes an eam, perIormance revew and
ndustry evaluaton. CertIcaton s recogned across Canada and s managed by the Canadan
%oursm uman Resource Councl at the natonal level and the Saskatchewan %oursm
ducaton Councl provncally. Industry CertIcaton wthn the toursm ndustry related to ths
course ncludes: Food and Beverage Server, Banquet Server, Sales and Manager, ost/ostess,
Matre'd, Drector oI Sales and Marketng, Specal vents Coordnator, and Specal vents
Manager. Students can track ther hours n the workplace toward the ndustry hours requred to
challenge the process.
CertIcaton s a process whereby ndvduals are recogned Ior meetng ndustry standards
through an evaluaton oI ther knowledge, sklls, and atttudes. %he beneIts oI certIcaton Ior
the students are the Iollowng:
O ldenLlfy career paLhs
O enhance publlc lmage
O provlde a basls for selflmprovemenL and enhance [ob opporLunlLles and
O provlde a means for recognlzlng compeLenL performance
%he $askatchewan Best program may be oIIered by teachers to ther students wthn the school.
Based on an agreement between Saskatchewan ducaton and the Saskatchewan %oursm
ducaton Councl, Saskatchewan ducaton wll purchase the rghts to delver $askatchewan
Best annually n provncal schools oIIerng %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp A30,
B30. %eachers oI the $askatchewan Best wll be requred pay a $150.00 tranng Iee and attend a
1 day semnar. Upon completon oI the semnar, an nstructor's certIcate wll be awarded
allowng them to provde $askatchewan Best program nstructon to students n provncal K-12
schools and n %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp A30, B30 only. $askatchewan Best
CertIed %eacher Instructors, n collaboraton wth Saskatchewan %oursm ducaton Councl,
may provde tranng to other teachers Ior certIcaton n the Best program Ior K-12 schools.
%eachers can also contact Saskatchewan %oursm ducaton Councl to have a certIed
nstructor delver the program to ther students. For more nIormaton on delvery models and
cost Ior the program please contact the Saskatchewan %oursm ducaton Councl.
For more nIormaton contact the Saskatchewan %oursm ducaton Councl. ach student
enrolled n ths program wll receve a book and upon completon oI the s-hour program, a pn
and certIcate wll be gven. A nomnal Iee wll be charged to each student to cover the cost oI
the materals whch the student receves (appromately $15.00 Ior workbook, certIcate and
It s recommended that the $askatchewan Best program be oIIered Ior one Iull day or two halI
days to IulIl the s hour requrement.
For nIormaton on CertIcaton, %oursm Apprentceshp, $askatchewan Best, and %he A%P
Career Passport contact:
ecutve Drector
Saskatchewan %oursm ducaton Councl (S%C)
2154 Arport Drve
Saskatoon SK S7L 6M6
CertIcaton wll be granted upon completon oI the "Food SaIe" program oIIered n Module 5.
Apprenticeship and Trade Certification
ach oI the %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp 30 courses ncorporates a work study
component oI 50 hours, Ior students to acqure ndustry sklls tranng. Students can receve
advance standng towards apprentceshp tranng Ior the hours spent n workplace tranng.
mployees record student work study hours on a Form 6 whch s to be submtted to the
Apprentceshp and %rade CertIcaton Unt when a student makes applcaton Ior apprentceshp
tranng aIter completng hgh school.
%he crtera to acheve journeyperson certIcaton n the Cook trades and Food and Beverage
Person appear n Append . Drect your nqures to S%C Ior Food and Beverage Person.
%o apply Ior apprentceshp tranng aIter hgh school completon, please contact:
%he Apprentceshp and %rade CertIcaton Unt
Saskatchewan Post-Secondary ducaton and Sklls %ranng
Room 226, 3085 Albert Street
Regna SK S4P 3V7
Food Safe
Food saIety and santaton certIcaton. %here are two courses that are 6-8 hours each n length.
%hese are Food $afe and National $anitation Training Program (NS%P). %he Food $afe course
s recommended because t s a newer verson. %hese are prepackaged courses whch are
avalable Ior purchase n Brtsh Columba.
%he courses establsh employee standards that are recogned provnce-wde by the Iood
ndustry. %eachers oI ths course may nclude: nutrtonsts, health nspectors, or ome
conomcs teachers wth a Iood scence background. In order to nstruct ths course, teachers
must submt a wrtten request to the regonal health dstrct n the area and be prepared to work
wth the publc health nspector n the area. %eacher credentals must be verIed by a commttee.
In preparaton Ior nstructor certIcaton, the teacher must be prepared to enroll n a 7-8 hour
course gven by the publc health nspector n the health dstrct. Upon successIul completon oI
the course, a teacher may then nstruct the course at no cost to the student. %he course s
desgned wth a number oI target objectves. %eachers may desgn ther own program to meet the
objectves oI the Food $afe Program and submt t to the senor health nspector n the health
dstrct area, Ior approval pror to oIIerng t to students Ior certIcaton. At ths tme, there s no
charge to regster students Ior certIcaton. II school personnel are unable to nstruct ths course,
a certIed nstructor wll come to the school, and the course wll be taught to the students Ior the
cost oI $15 Ior the Irst person and $10 Ior each person thereaIter. Contact the publc health
nspector n the area Ior more detals.
Upon completon oI the program, students wll wrte a standard eam that s admnstered by the
publc health nspector. SuccessIul canddates' names are placed on a regstry Ior Saskatchewan
by submttng them to the senor health nspector n the dstrct. It s recommended that
employees take a reIresher course every Ive years, but t s not mandatory. %hs certIcaton s
requred by law n accordance wth secton 10 oI the Publc atng stablshment Regulatons
whch states "unless eempted by a medcal health oIIcer, every holder oI a lcence shall ensure
that a person who has successIully completed a course n Iood santaton approved by the
mnster s workng n the publc eatng establshment at all tmes when Iood s beng prepared
and served." %hs means that at least one person per shIt workng n a Iood establshment must
have certIcaton n the Food andlers course.
%oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp A30, B30 have been desgned to provde students
access to entry level postons n Iood ndustry employment or a smooth transton Ior those
students plannng to enrol n a post-secondary nsttuton Ior Iurther career development. Post-
secondary nsttutons may develop a system oI transIer oI credts and recognton oI pror
learnng. %ranston to SIAS% Wascana Campus, Kelsey Campus and Pallser Campus, s a
major goal oI ths course. Course oIIerngs related to %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp
A30, B30 are as Iollows:
Articulation with !ost-Secondary nstitutions
A A@ Wascana Caps offers a varleLy of shorL courses for SaskaLchewan @ourlsm LducaLlon
Councll relaLed Lo Lhe @ourlsm lndusLry and @L8 A30 830 @hese courses are llsLed below lor
more lnformaLlon abouL Lhese courses see Lhe SlAS@ calendar
STEC Core Skills Training - ntroduction to Tourism
STEC Train the Trainer
STEC Occupation Specific Skill Training
Food and Beverage Server
8 A@ ke|sey Caps offers Lhe followlng programs
Food and Nutrition Management
A two year dploma program provdes students wth tranng n Iood producton and
servce, normal and clncal nutrton, and Iood servce management. Graduates oI the
program seek challengng and rewardng careers as Food Servce Managers n
restaurants, department stores, ndustral caterng, schools and colleges, health care
Iacltes, and other nsttutons.
Hotel and Restaurant Management
%hs s a two year dploma program enablng students to develop the Iull range oI
nterpersonal, academc and reasonng sklls necessary Ior job entry nto the hosptalty
Ield, leadng to postons wth ncreasng manageral ablty.
%hs program oIIers:
4 an undersLandlng of Lhe challenges faclng an effecLlve manager
4 fundamenLal processes of effecLlve supervlslon and
4 skllls developmenL and pracLlcal experlence ln
4 servlce of food and beverage
4 fronL offlce procedures
4 housekeeplng operaLlons
4 plannlng and caLerlng funcLlons
4 sales and markeLlng
4 slx weeks lndusLry placemenL
!rofessional Cooking
%hs one year certIcate program provdes students wth tranng n a varety oI
components oI the cookng trade ncludng the basc prncples oI cookng, gourmet
cookng, menu plannng, and Iood costng procedures. Graduates oI the program seek
employment opportuntes n major hotels, restaurants, resorts, caterng Iacltes, and
nsttutonal Iood servce establshments.
Food Service orker !rogram
%hs program s currently oIIered at SIAS% Pallser Campus and SIAS% Woodland
Campus. %hs dstance educaton program s desgned to mprove the knowledge and skll
levels oI Detary Ades, Cook's elpers, Assstant Cooks, and Cooks employed n
commercal and nsttutonal Iood servce establshments. Students receve nstructon
through SCN televson broadcasts, vdeotape, and/or wrtten correspondence. %he
program conssts oI ten (10) courses whch may be taken ndvdually or as part oI the
certIcate program:
4 nuLrlLlon
4 Speclal uleLs
4 8ole of Lhe lood Servlce Jorker
4 klLchen LqulpmenL
4 CommunlcaLlons
4 lood reparaLlon and Servlce
4 loodsafe Level l
4 loodsafe Level ll
4 klLchen SafeLy
4 CusLomer Servlce Skllls
C A@ a|||ser Caps offers Lhe followlng programs
!rofessional Cooking - see above
Cook 120 - Safety, Sanitation & !ersonal
Students complete an accredted Canadan Food Santaton Course. All students wll learn
the proper santaton procedures and personal hygene needed to gan and hold
employment n the cookng Ield.
Cook 122 - Elementary Kitchen Management
Dscusses standards oI proIessonalsm n the cookng trade, organatonal structure oI
the modern ktchen, weghts and measures, and basc prncples oI Iood producton and
supply utlaton and storage. Students wll learn to read recpes to convert standard
recpes to meet current needs, and to plan basc menus.
Cook 124 - Kitchen Tools & Equipment
Students receve nstructon on the correct procedures Ior usng, operatng, cleanng, and
mantanng all hand tools and equpment avalable to the Cookng %rade. Students wll
be epected to demonstrate ther ablty to use varous hand tools and equpment.
Cook 126 - Trade Knowledge
%hs course dscusses ktchen termnology and cookng methods, uses oI seasonngs and
Ilavourngs, and basc preparaton technques. Stressng the basc prncples oI nutrton
and the nutrtonal requrements through the human lIe cycle, the course asssts the
student to prepare well-balanced meals.
!rogram Evaluation
A survey was conducted oI ndustry proIessonals to determne ther wllngness to partner wth
the development oI these courses. Results oI ths survey were used to determne areas taught
wthn the program so that ndustry needs could be met. A copy oI the survey has been adapted
Ior teacher use and s ncluded n Append B.
Regular program evaluaton could nclude a survey oI parents, students, and employers to
determne program eIIectveness and need Ior change, I any. InIormaton specIc to program
evaluaton s Iound n Saskatchewan ducaton's $chool-Based Program Evaluation Resource
Book (1989) and the Practical and Applied Arts Handbook.
Student Evaluation
Student evaluaton s an mportant part oI teachng, as t allows the teacher to report successes
and challenges to the student and the parent. valuaton also provdes valuable Ieedback about
how a student learns best. It s mportant that teachers use a varety oI evaluaton strateges to
evaluate student progress. For more nIormaton on evaluaton oI student achevement see
Saskatchewan ducaton's Evaluation in Education, Report of the Ministers Advisory Committee
on Evaluation and Monitoring (January 1989) and $tudent Evaluation. A Teacher Handbook
(December 1991).
At the begnnng oI the course, t s mportant that the teacher dscuss the evaluaton strateges to
be used n the course; when the evaluaton can be epected to occur; and the weghtng oI each
component oI the evaluaton. %he weghtng oI the evaluaton should be determned n relaton to
the amount oI tme spent on each area oI the course.
%he %oursm, osptalty, and ntrepreneurshp A30, B30 currculum provdes many
opportuntes Ior teachers to use a varety oI nstructonal and evaluaton strateges. Included n
Append D oI ths gude are samples oI overall evaluaton schemes Ior the course oI study,
checklsts Ior work study progress, evaluaton Ior general student sklls, and ndustry specIc
sklls. Sample copes oI evaluaton nstruments used n teachng ths course are ncluded n
Append D.
Alberta ducaton. 1996. Career and Technology $tudies. Tourism. dmonton, AB: Author.
Gsslen, W. (1995). Professional Cooking. New York, NY: John Wley & Sons, Inc.
Knght, J. & Kotschevar, L. (1989). Quantity Food Production, Planning, and Management.
New York, NY: John Wley & Sons, Inc.
Msener J. & Kearns, S. (1993). Expanding Your Hori:ons, A Career Guide. %oronto, ON:
McGraw-ll Ryerson Lmted.
Powers, %. (1995). Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry. New York, NY:
John Wley & Sons, Inc.
Saskatchewan ducaton. (1993). Entrepreneurship 30. A curriculum guide for the $econdary
Level. Regna, SK: Author.
Saskatchewan ducaton. (1992). $askatchewan school-based program evaluation resource
book. Regna, SK: Author.
Saskatchewan ducaton. (1991). Instructional Approaches. A Framework for Professional
Practice. Regna, SK: Author.
Saskatchewan ducaton. (1991). $tudent Evaluation. A Teacher Handbook. Regna, SK:
Saskatchewan ducaton. (1989). Evaluation in Education. Report of the Ministers Advisory
Committee on Evaluation and Monitoring. Regna, SK: Author.
Saskatchewan ducaton. (1988). Understanding Common Essential Learnings. A handbook for
teachers. Regna, SK: Author.
Saskatchewan Insttute oI Appled Scence and %echnology, Pallser Campus. (1995). Kitchen
Management, Module 1, Professional Cooking. Moose Jaw, SK: Author.
Saskatchewan Insttute oI Appled Scence and %echnology, Pallser Campus. (1995). Trade
Knowledge, Module 14, Professional Cooking. Moose Jaw, SK: Author.
Saskatchewan Insttute oI Appled Scence and %echnology, Pallser Campus. (1995). Tools and
Equipment, Module 15, Professional Cooking. Moose Jaw, SK: Author.
Saskatchewan %oursm ducaton Councl. (n.d.) A Guide to Tourism Occupations. Regna, SK:
Saskatchewan %oursm ducaton Councl. (1996). $askatchewan Best. Saskatoon, SK: Author.
Saskatchewan %oursm ducaton Councl. (1994). Food and Beverage $erver: Saskatoon, SK:
Saskatchewan %oursm ducaton Councl. (1994). Food/Beverage $erver and Accommodation.
Food and Beverage $erver, Occupational $tandards. Saskatoon, SK: Author.

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