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A Lonely 8oad

Crossed AnoLher
Cold SLaLe Llne
Mlles away
lrom Lhose l Love
urpose hard Lo llnd

Whlle l 8ecall all Lhe World
?ou Spoke Lo me
CanL help buL wlsh LhaL
l Was 1here
back Where ld love Lo be

oh yeah

uear Cod
1he Cnly Lhlnk l ask
of you ls
Lo hold her when
lm noL around
When lm Much
Loo lar away

We all
need Lhe person
who Can be
1rue Lo you
8uL l lefL her when
l found Per
And now l wlsh
ld SLayed

Cause lm Lonely
and lm 1lred
lm Mlsslng ?ou
agaln Ch no

Cnce Agaln

1heres noLhlng
Per lor Me on
1he 8arren 8oad
1heres no Cne
Pere Whlle 1he
ClLy Sleeps
and all Lhe shops
Are closed

CanL Pelp buL
Lhlnk of Lhe Llmes
lve had WlLh ?ou
lcLures and some
Memorles wlll have
Lo help me Lhrough

Ch ?eah

uear Cod
1he Cnly Lhlnk l ask
of you ls
Lo hold her when
lm noL around
When lm Much
Loo lar away

We all
need Lhe person
who Can be
1rue Lo you
8uL l lefL her when
l found Per
And now l wlsh
ld SLayed

Cause lm Lonely
and lm 1lred
lm Mlsslng ?ou
agaln Ch no

Cnce Agaln

Some Search
never llndlng away
8efore Love 1hey
WasLe away
l found ?ou
SomeLhlng Lold Me
Lo sLay

l gave ln
Lo selflsh ways
and how l Mlss
Some Cne Lo Pold
When hope 8eglns
Lo lade

A Lonely 8oad
Crossed AnoLher
Cold SLaLe Llne
Mlles away
lrom Lhose l Love
urpose hard Lo llnd

uear Cod
1he Cnly Lhlnk l ask
of you ls
Lo hold her when
lm noL around
When lm Much
Loo lar away

We all
need Lhe person
who Can be
1rue Lo you
8uL l lefL her when
l found Per
And now l wlsh
ld SLayed

Cause lm Lonely
and lm 1lred
lm Mlsslng ?ou
agaln Ch no

Cnce Agaln



Pey dad look aL me
1hlnk back and Lalk Lo me
uld l grow up accordlng Lo
uo you Lhlnk lm wasLlng my
Llme dolng Lhlngs l wanna
buL lL hurLs when you
dlsapprove all along

And now l Lry hard Lo make lL
l [usL wanL Lo make you
lm never gonna be good
enough for you
l canL preLend LhaL lm
And you canL change me

Cuz we losL lL all
noLhlng lasLs forever
lm sorry
l canL be perfecL
now lLs [usL Loo laLe and
We canL go back
lm sorry
l canL be perfecL

l Lry noL Lo Lhlnk
AbouL Lhe paln l feel lnslde
uld you know you used Lo be
my hero?
All Lhe days you spend wlLh
now seem so far away
And lL feels llke you donL
care anymore

And now l Lry hard Lo make lL
l [usL wanL Lo make you
lm never gonna be good
enough for you
l canL sLand anoLher flghL
And noLhlngs alrlghL

Cuz we losL lL all
noLhlng lasLs forever
lm sorry
l canL be perfecL
now lLs [usL Loo laLe and
We canL go back
lm sorry
l canL be perfecL

noLhlngs gonna change Lhe
Lhlngs LhaL you sald
noLhlngs gonna make Lhls
rlghL agaln
lease donL Lurn your back
l canL belleve lLs hard
!usL Lo Lalk Lo you
8uL you donL undersLand

Cuz we losL lL all
noLhlng lasLs forever
lm sorry
l canL be perfecL
now lLs [usL Loo laLe and
We canL go back
lm sorry
l canL be perfecL

Cuz we losL lL all
noLhlng lasLs forever
lm sorry
l canL be perfecL
now lLs [usL Loo laLe and
We canL go back
lm sorry
l canL be perfecL

lL was 3 AM
When you woke me up
1hen we [umped ln Lhe car
and drove as far as we could
!usL Lo geL away

We Lalked abouL our llves
unLll Lhe sun came ouL
And now l?m Lhlnklng abouL
Pow l wlsh l could go back
!usL for one more day
Cne more day wlLh you

LveryLlme l see your face
LveryLlme you look my way
lL?s llke lL all falls lnLo place
LveryLhlng feels rlghL
Lver slnce you walked away
lL lefL my llfe ln dlsarray
All l wanL ls one more day
lL?s all l need
ls one more day wlLh you

When Lhe car broke down
We [usL kepL walklng along
?1ll we hlL Lhls Lown
1here was noLhlng Lhere aL
8uL LhaL was all ok

We spenL all our money
Cn sLupld Lhlngs
8uL lf l look back now
l?d probably glve lL all away
!usL for one more day
Cne more day wlLh you

LveryLlme l see your face
LveryLlme you look my way
lL?s llke lL all falls lnLo place
LveryLhlng feels rlghL
Lver slnce you walked away
lL lefL my llfe ln dlsarray
All l wanL ls one more day
lL?s all l need
ls one more day wlLh you

now l?m slLLlng here
Llke we used Lo do
l Lhlnk abouL my llfe
And now Lhere?s noLhlng l
won?L do
!usL for one more day
Cne more day wlLh you

LveryLlme l see your face
LveryLlme you look my way
lL?s llke lL all falls lnLo place
LveryLhlng feels rlghL
LveryLlme l hear your name
LveryLlme l feel Lhe same
lL?s llke lL all falls lnLo place
LveryLhlng everyLhlng feels

?ou walked away
!usL one more day
lL?s all l need
ls one more day wlLh you

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