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Joseph Chavez Ms. Smith English 2331-48 F 29 July 29, 2011

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How the inferno poem fits into the Middle Ages period politically, sociologically, philosophically, spiritually and physiologically Inferno is an epic poem written by Dante Alighieri. The poem focuses on the journey of Aligheri via a largely medieval concept of hell. The concept of hell is shown as nine circles of suffering that are situated within the earth. The poem is an allegory that exhibits the journey of the soul towards God. The inferno describes the recognition of sin and its rejection. The poem is used to shows how the Christian soul sees sin and three beasts in the poem are used to represent three different kinds of sins. There are three kinds of sins according to the poem. That is self indulgent sin, malicious sin and the violent sin. Dantes hell is divided according to the three sins. The upper hell is made up of the first five circles and it represents the self indulgent sins. In addition, circle six and seven is used to represent violent sins. Also, circle eight and nine represent the malicious sin (Zimmerman 2003). The author has explored a wide range of themes in the poem. For example, the author analyzes political issues that happened during his time like corruption and the consistence of the church and the state. He also analyzes Gods justice. In this case, Dante shows the souls sin on earth and the kind of punishment people will get for committing the sins. For example, the author examines murder, corruption and violence and the punishment corresponding to each sin. He argues that God created Hell to punish sinners. Other themes analyzed in the poem are

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immorality and good versus Gods will. The author has shown how different kinds of sins like corruption, murder and violence contract the will of God (Zimmerman 2003). The poem inferno fits into the Middle Ages period well. The poem fits into the period both historically and politically. It also fits into the period sociologically, spiritually and philosophically. This is evidenced by the themes analyzed by the author. First, the poem fits into the medieval period historically. Most of the large cities in Europe and other countries played a crucial role in the lives of citizens. The cities played important roles in economic life and social life in the country. The cities formed the basis for social organizations in the countries. For instance, the cities were important in Italy as they formed an important base of social organizations as evidenced by Dantes city, Florence. The author has represented hell as a medieval city. This is evidenced by the words inscribed on the Gate of Hell in canto III as shown below (Zimmerman 2003). Through me you enter into the city of woes The author has described hell like a medieval city as exemplified by its design. The Hell is designed in a similar manner like cities built during the medieval period in Europe. The walls and the gates of Hell are similar to the walls and gates of the cities. Thus, the author has

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incorporated the medieval period in his work by illustrating how cities were built during this time (Alighieri &Musa 2004). Moreover, the poem fits into the Middle Ages politically. Political issues were common in different parts of the world including Europe during this time. For instance, the church and the states were unable to coexist. The relationship between the church and the state during this period was poor. The king and the religious leaders in the country had different views on the control of the state. For instance, in Europe, the monarch believed that they should control the state. On the other hand, religious leaders like popes believed that they should control the state. The differences between the state and religious leaders resulted to conflicts in different parts of the world including Europe. For instance, it led to conflict between the Guelphs and Ghibelliness. Dante showed how the church and the government fought to control the state. The author argued that the state and the church should work together to promote political stability in Europe and other countries. Most of the political leaders and religious leaders during the medieval period worked hard to attain their own interest. The leaders did not care about the interest of the citizens. The political leaders in the country managed to rule the country after taking power from the pope. Political leaders and other people are punished in hell because of corruption and not caring for other people. They are also punished for violence and murder. Thus, the author reflects the political problems and behaviors of different leaders during the

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middle ages. Dante has commented on the political issues in his city Florence during the 14th century. Dante was exiled from his city after the black Guelph came into power. The leaders ordered him to pay fine and they also killed many people in Florence. Dante condemns the political leaders for exiling him as he scatters them ruthlessly in hell. The author emphasizes on the corruption and political issues in his city. Thus, Dante believes that the political leaders should work hand in hand with religious leader. He believes that the state and the church should be separate, but have equal powers. To avoid conflict the two should have different roles. For example, the state should control the person and the church should control the man spirit. Hence, the poem reflects the political situation in his city during the medieval period (Alighieri &Singleton 1990). Further, the poem fits into the Middle Ages period spiritually. The spiritual teachings in the poem are similar to spiritual teachings in various religions that existed during this time. The teachings are similar to catholic teachings and protestant teaching. The Catholic Church and the protestant churches encourage Christians to repent so that their sins can be forgiven. Christians who repent their sins do not go to hell like Christians who do not repent. Moreover, the teachings in the poem are similar to catholic teachings and beliefs. The catholic Christians believe that Christians who have lived a good life do not go to hell after death. Instead, their souls go to purgatory. The architecture of Dantes hell is similar to the architecture of hell portrayed in

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catholic teachings. The poem shows clearly the religious beliefs that were common during the medieval period. The beliefs are still common in todays society. Also, the geography of Hell described in the poem and their organizations conform to the catholic theology during the middle ages (Alighieri &Singleton 1990). The inferno reflects the social life of the society during the medieval period. The poem has helped the author understand social behaviors in the society. For example, the author was able to understand the religious beliefs, values and practices that were common during the medieval period. Catholics and Protestants believed that there is hell and heaven. They believed that people were punished according to the kind of sins committed. People who repented did not go to hell and vice versa. The poem also reflects the political situation in different parts of the world during this time. For instance, it shows political conflicts between the church and the state. It also identified political problems In Italy and Florence. Examples of problems identified included political corruption, fraud and greediness. Some of the political leaders in the country did not put the interest of the citizens first and this influenced political stability and development in the country. Like other literature works, the poem contributed a lot to the understanding of the society during the Middle Ages. This is because the author has given a clear description of the society during middle ages (Alighieri 2009).

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Lastly, the poem fits into the medieval period as it focuses on the medieval philosophy. Medieval period is considered one of the philosophical developments in the world. The development is influenced heavily by Christian theology. Philosophers analyzed different problems during the medieval period. For instance, the philosophers analyzed the relationship between faith and reason. They also examined the existence of God and simplicity of God. The poem has discussed various concepts that were analyzed during the medieval period. For instance, the poem determines how evil contradicts Gods will. The author has shown how different sins contradict Gods will and are punished. Also, the author has analyzed the perfection of God. Dante believes that God created hell to punish people who committed sin. Like other Philosophers, Dante tries to justify God. Dante started carrying out his philosophy study before his wife died. Thorough his poem, he managed to explain different issues like sin, hell and punishment. Thus, the poem is considered part of the philosophy works produced during medieval philosophy period (Alighieri 2009).

Reference Alighieri, D. Inferno, 2009. Hackett Publishing

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Alighieri, D., &Singleton, C.S.The Divine Comedy, I. Inferno. Part 1. Text, 1990. Princeton University Press Alighieri, D., &Musa, M.Inferno, 2004. Indiana University Press Mack, M. (1997).The Norton anthology of world masterpieces. W.W. Norton Zimmerman, S.The Inferno of Dante Alighieri, 2003. Universe

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