1st Grade Whole Group Lesson Plan - Reader's Workshop

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Who|e Group Lesson |an 1uesday Cctober 18 2011

Sub[ect 8eader's Workshop

1op|c WhaL Cood 8eaders uo

10 Ceneral 8eadlng rocesses
1op|c C lluency
SLudenLs wlll read orally wlLh accuracy and expresslon aL a
raLe LhaL sounds llke speech

SLudenLs wlll be able Lo ldenLlfy Lhe dlsposlLlons of a good reader and revlew our
readlng goals

O #Who can show me where we can flnd our flrsL grade readlng goals?"
O #WhaL are our Lhree readlng goals?"
O #ow do we pracLlce readlng llke we speak?"
O #ow do we pracLlce Lelllng whaL a sLory ls mosLly abouL?"
O #WhaL can we do Lo help us read all Lhe words?"
O #WhaL do we use Lo make sure we aren'L sklpplng any words ln our sLory?"
O #Who can show Lhe class whaL good readers look llke?" (1wo sLudenLs wlll
model whaL good readers look llke)
O #1oday we are golng Lo pracLlce on|tor]c|ar|fy whlle we read" Who
remembers whaL LhaL means? Cood readers reread a senLence when Lhey do
noL undersLand lL
4 sk yourself lf whaL you are readlng makes sense
4 f lL does noL reread lL ?ou can also look aL Lhe plcLures or even
keep readlng Lo see lf you can flnd clues ahead LhaL wlll help
O CreaL! can'L walL Lo see all of our good readers readlng Loday!

Lesson Steps
O |fferent|at|on Ms Slmon and Ms Maya wlll be walklng around and
meeLlng wlLh 2 sLudenLs each Laklng noLes of progress

Wrap Up
O SLudenLs wlll be called by Lable Lo puL Lhelr book bags away and geL back
Lo Lhelr seaLs qulckly for our maLh assessmenL!

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