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Notes from LAkL roposa| Meet|ng

ln aLLendance uoug nusbaum (lun8 LA8L rogram) !lll Poffmann Shaena 8elnharL !ohn SouLh Clenn
Lange ScoLL Llnda 8odgers MaLL newell !anlce Snell uean larr !ason Armour
1he group vlslLed Lhe followlng slLes Lo dlscuss poLenLlal LA8L granL opporLunlLles and declded we would
llke Lo puL ln a LA8L granL appllcaLlon for each one
O reakwaLer loresL knoll Subdlvlslons Lhese nelghborhoods boLh conLaln foresLed ravlnes
LhaL are erodlng
4 uoug suggesLed an englneerlng feaslblllLy sLudy Lo sLudy whaL pracLlces could be used Lo
sLablllze Lhese ravlnes (Lhlngs dlscussed lnclude uslng downed maLerlals Lo bulld crlb
walls embeddlng rooL wads ln banks or uslng naLural rocks Lo bulld cross velns ln
sLream Lo dlrecL waLer Lo cenLer of channel) whaL upsLream acLlvlLles would help (raln
gardens bloswales) and how llkely Lhe homeowners are Lo supporL Lhese pracLlces
4 loresL knoll had Lwo large Lurf grass common areas LhaL could easlly lncorporaLe
bloswales or bloreLenLlon areas
4 1here are resldenLs from boLh nelghborhoods aware of and lnLeresLed ln flxlng Lhe
O ServanLs of ChrlsL Church near 73
4 Small rlprap swale carrles sLormwaLer Lo creek
4 Creek ls erodlng badly
4 uoug suggesLed a deslgn/bulld pro[ecL sLablllze banks wlLh some naLural pracLlce
(rooLwads posslbly hls oplnlon was LhaL blologs probably wouldn'L be sLable glven Lhe
hlgh flow of sLream aL Llmes) creaLe some crossvelns ln sLream Lo redlrecL waLer Lo
cenLer of channel and planL swale wlLh naLlve planLlngs
4 Could posslbly creaLe a small floodplaln area on norLh slde of creek as well
4 1hls slLe ls close Lo Lhe road and would be hlghly vlslble wlLh slgnage would glve ClCWA
more of a name wlLh Lhe communlLy
4 uean Lalked wlLh asLor 8lder Lhe church ls very lnLeresLed
O 1horpe Creek 113
SLreeL (near 8lnger 8oad) Lhls lnleL lnLo CelsL has been sllLed ln preLLy
badly malnly resldenLlal properLles borderlng creek and hlgh denslLy resldenLlal hlgher
4 uoug suggesLed dlgglng ouL or creaLlng a bench or floodplaln area could be Lurf grass or
fllled wlLh naLlves llke vlrglnla wlld rye
4 need Lo ldenLlfy who owns Lhls properLy Lalk wlLh Lhem lf we wanL Lo puL ln
appllcaLlon for Lhls area also need Lo declde fwe wanL Lo do here (leaslblllLy
sLudy? ueslgn/bulld?)
O CaLhollc Church near lall Creek 8oad rooks School 8oad
4 Church lnsLalled Lwo reLenLlon ponds buL Lhey sLlll overflow qulLe a blL lnLo nearby
ravlne LhaL empLles lnLo small cove of CelsL (cove Lhen geLs plnched under brldge so noL
much waLer flows ouL leadlng Lo somewhaL sLagnanL waLer ln cove whlch keeps
sedlmenL nuLrlenLs Lhere)
4 !anlce/ScoLL wlll Lalk wlLh laLher and see lf Lhe church ls lnLeresLed agaln need Lo
declde fwe'd wanL Lo apply for
Ceneral lnformaLlon
O luLure ldeas uoug would love Lo see some examples of floodplaln sLorage ln urban areas
O lf we submlL more Lhan one granL Lo uoug he wlll probably ask us Lo prlorlLlze Lhem so keep
LhaL ln mlnd
O lf we can show a sLudy wlLh resulLs on Lhese Lypes of pracLlces we may be able Lo geL some
lmprovemenL dollars from Lhe 1own of llshers (uoug sLaLed LhaL Lhere are loLs of models LhaL
can be run buL noLhlng really concreLe anoLher reason dolng an englneerlng feaslblllLy sLudy ln
a nelghborhood llke reakwaLer or loresL knoll would be beneflclal would 1own of llshers be
lnLeresLed ln helplng fund Lhls Lype of sLudy or [usL ln Lhe resulLs?)
O Lach group/enLlLy has a $300000 cap ln Lhe LA8L lmplemenLaLlon program so keep LhaL ln mlnd
4 Would lL be smarL for us Lo Lry Lo geL Lhe landowners Lo puL Lhe LA8L appllcaLlons under
Lhelr names? Cr are we more llkely Lo geL funded lf appllcaLlon ls under waLershed
alllance name? uoug n wanLed Lo dlscuss on Lhe phone buL unLll Lhen sald 1he shorL
of lL ls lndlvlduals can'L apply malnly organlzaLlons LhaL represenL a ma[orlLy of Lhe
sLakeholders So LhaL could be PCAs or oLhers"
4 We probably wouldn'L apply for more Lhan $100000 for one year
O 1hls granL ls 80/20 (LA8L supplles 80 of cosLs and we maLch 20) lf we can maLch even more
Lhan 20 would look beLLer when proposal ls belng revlewed f sLreLch our dollars furLher
before we hlL our $300000 cap
O Cn any of Lhe slLes we work on uoug recommended havlng Lhe conLracLor puL LogeLher a good
malnLenance plan LhaL can be copled glven Lo homeowners PCAs (puL Lhe creaLlon of Lhls
documenL ln Lhe conLracLor's scope of servlces)
O Landowners need Lo be Lalked wlLh by end of nexL week (12/16) so we can have conLracLors
come look aL slLes uec 1921 (!ohn S emalled conLracLors on uec 12)
O 1he group also dlscussed submlLLlng an appllcaLlon for aquaLlc vegeLaLlon managemenL 8od
Ldgell ls Lhe un8 lologlsL Lo dlscuss Lhls wlLh (redgell[dnrlngov or 2602446803 exL 230)

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