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Address | 8lyadh klngdom of Saudl Arabla

hone | +966 367 671 826

L Mall | mohammedakmalshareef[gmallcom
Mohammed Akmal Shareef
SafeLy Cfflcer

LxecuLlve Summary

1o conLlnue worklng for repuLed and professlonal organlzaLlon where ever my
sound knowledge experlence and organlzaLlonal skllls ln occupaLlonal healLh and
safeLy can be uLlllzed Lo Lhe maxlmum poLenLlal for Lhe besL lnLeresLs of Lhe
organlzaLlon and groom my overall experlence and personallLy

Academlc CuallflcaLlon

lnLermedlaLe College

Ma[or LlecLlve MaLhemaLlcs Lconomlcs and Commerce

8oard of lnLermedlaLe | Pyderabad lndla

ulploma ln llre and SafeLy Lnglneerlng lrom Nat|ona| Inst|tute of I|re

Advanced ulploma ln llre and SafeLy Lnglneerlng from Slkklm Manlpal unlverslLy

Ceneral and 1echnlcal CuallflcaLlons

Cood knowledge ln MSWord Lxcel lnLerneL laclllLles eLc

Successfully compleLed ll8S1 Alu AWA8LnLSS course from SL !ohns Ambulance Servlce


3 ?ears of experlence ln Lhe fleld of llre and SafeLy

ro[ecLs AssoclaLed wlLh

8ahe[a l1 ark (k 8ahe[a Croup) Pyderabad lndla llre SafeLy Lnglneer

8oles 8esponslblllLles

O Carry ouL dally safeLy lnspecLlon Lo ldenLlfy unsafe worklng condlLlons
racLlces and equlpmenLs
O ldenLlfylng Lhe common hazards and unsafe pracLlces llkely Lo be found ln
work place and recommended cosL effecLlve remedlal acLlon
O ldenLlfylng Lhe maln requlremenLs of healLh safeLy and approved code of
O uay Lo day Laklng ln Lo conslderaLlon Lhe human and organlzaLlonal facLors
LhaL can affecL healLh and safeLy performance
O under Lake dally walk downs of slLe Lo ensure adherence and lmplemenLaLlon
Lo Lhe procedure as well as Lhe requlremenLs of
O Clve guldance for safeLy and advlce on approprlaLe acLlon Lo Lhe operaLlves
O !ob safeLy Lralnlng for newly [olned employees
O ConducLlng ln house safeLy and baslc flre flghLlng Lralnlng
O ldenLlfy hazards and provlde conLrol Lechnlques and forwardlng lL Lo Lhe
englneers for necessary recLlflcaLlons and refer more complex lssues Lo Lhe
pro[ecL manager wlLh recommendaLlons for soluLlons
O AsslsL Lhe cllenL maln conLracLor on weekly / monLhly walk downs of slLe
O CeLLlng Lhe slLe and documenLs updaLe llke scaffoldlng eLc
O MalnLenance of llre llghLlng equlpmenLs on a monLhly basls
O ldenLlfylng and 8eplaclng defecLlve llre llghLlng equlpmenLs

My SLrengLhs

O MaLured ulsclpllned dynamlc lnLellecL LnergeLlc Pard worklng and self moLlvaLed
person havlng lnnovaLlve leadershlp for hlgh growLh and efflclency
O lkes Lo be a resulL orlenLed and dlsclpllned leader by energlzlng poslLlve change and
seLLlng goals and achlevlng Lhe LargeL well wlLhln Lhe sLlpulaLed Llme perlod


18AvLlnC PC1CC8AP? lCC18A S18A1LC? CAMlnC Anu SWlMMlnC

ersonal lnformaLlon

23 ?LA8S ?CunC lnulAn MuSlM SlnCL Wl1P 18AnSlL8A8L lCAMA WllnC 1C 18AvL Lx1LnSlvL?
LACL8 Anu kLLn lC8 A CPALnClnC CSl1lCn AvAlA8L lMMLulA1L?

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