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SA 8ACk C8Cunu !

W ueflnlng 8ack Cround [obs
W Schedullng 8ack Cround !obs
W AdmlnlsLraLlon and MonlLorlng
W 1Codes
SA background processlng allows Lhe auLomaLlon of rouLlne Lasks and
Lhe opLlmlzaLlon of Lhe use of SA compuLlng resources lL provldes you
wlLh exLenslve funcLlons for schedullng and admlnlsLerlng background
ow Lo schedule
W LxecuLe 1Code SM36
W LnLer a descrlpLlve [ob name ln Lhe Iob oome fleld
W LnLer Lhe background [ob prlorlLy ln Lhe Iob closs fleld 1he dlfferenL
prlorlLy levels from hlghesL Lo lowesL are A 8 and c
W 1he [ob class deLermlnes how Lhe background [obs are queued !obs LhaL
are absoluLely cruclal should be classlfled as A Lhose LhaL musL run buL
can be delayed wlLhouL causlng greaL dlsrupLlon Lo operaLlons should be
classlfled as 8 and [obs LhaL Lhe leasL lmperaLlve Lo buslness funcLlons
(such as mosL reporLs for example) should be classlfled as C
W LnLer Lhe hosL (server) LhaL wlll run Lhe background [ob ln Lhe @otqet
bost fleld
W 1o schedule Lhe background [ob cllck on Lhe tott tlme pushbuLLon
Schedullng opLlons
W mmeJlote 1hls opLlon wlll be used on several occaslons lro
When a [ob ls run on requesL by a user
When a [ob falls and musL be resLarLed
W ote/@lme 1he daLe and Llme Lhe [ob wlll release
W Aftet job !obs wlLh dependencles wlll be scheduled Lo
release upon compleLlon of lLs predecessor
W Aftet eveot !obs may be seL Lo release afLer predeflned
evenLs are ralsed
AdmlnlsLraLlon and monlLorlng
W ou can call Lhe !ob SelecLlon LransacLlon (LransacLlon SM37) and check
wheLher Lhe [obs acLually ran wlLhouL errors
1he followlng flelds are avallable Lo query all background [obs
W Iob oome 1o flnd a parLlcular [ob enLer Lhe [ob name ln Lhls fleld 1o flnd
all [ob names enLer *
W Dset oome 1o flnd [obs creaLed by a parLlcular user enLer Lhe user lu ln
Lhls fleld 1o flnd [obs by all users enLer *
W tott ltom/@o ote/@lme 1o flnd [obs wlLh sLarL Llmes ln a parLlcular
lnLerval enLer Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe lnLerval ln Lhe ltom
ote and @lme flelds and Lhe end of Lhe lnLerval ln Lhe @o ote and @lme
flelJs 1he beglnnlng or end of Lhe lnLerval may be lefL open
W tott ot eveot 1o flnd [obs LhaL were Lrlggered by an evenL enLer Lhe
evenL ln Lhls fleld Leave Lhe fleld blank lf lL ls noL appllcable
W Iobs totos 1o flnd [obs wlLh a parLlcular sLaLus selecL Lhe cllck box
assoclaLed wlLh each sLaLus More Lhan one sLaLus may be chosen SelecL
all cllck boxes Lo geL a llsLlng of [obs regardless of sLaLus 1he sLaLuses
SLaLuses of [ob
W cbeJoleJ 1hls sLaLus applles Lo background [obs LhaL have
been deflned by users who do noL have Lhe auLhorlLy Lo klck
Lhem off 1hese [obs musL be released by users who do have
Lhls auLhorlLy or else Lhey wlll noL run aL Lhelr sLarL Llmes
W eleoseJ 1hls sLaLus applles Lo background [obs LhaL wlll run
aL Lhelr sLarL Llmes
W eoJy 1hls sLaLus applles Lo background [obs LhaL have been
klcked off aL Lhelr sLarL Llmes buL have been queued Lo run
W Actlve 1hls sLaLus applles Lo background [obs LhaL are
currenLly runnlng
W llolsbeJ 1hls sLaLus applles Lo background [obs LhaL
compleLed normally
W coocelleJ 1hls sLaLus applles Lo background [obs LhaL ended
CLher CpLlons ln SM36
Cwn !obs 1hls wlll show all Lhe [obs scheduled by all Lhe users ln LhaL
sysLem lrrespecLlve of Lhelr sLaLus
!ob Wlzard 1hls opens a Cul for schedullng a [ob 1hls wlll gulde you sLep
by sLep for schedullng a [ob
SLandard !obs
SLandard [obs are Lhose background [obs LhaL should be run regularly ln a
producLlon SA SysLem 1hese [obs are usually [obs LhaL clean up parLs of Lhe
sysLem such as by deleLlng old spool requesLs
Some SLandard [obs are
IC8 Name keport to be run
SA_CCMS_MCnl_8A1C_u 8SAL_8A1C_1CCL_ulSA1ClnC
SA_8LC8C_8A1Clnu1 8S8uC8LC
SA_8LC8C_!C8S1A1lS1lC 8S8S1uL
SA_8LC8C_!C8S 8S81CuLL
SA_8LC8C_uuA1L8LCC8uS 8SM13002

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