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Speak Japanese Fast

Speak Japanese Fast Evaluation Copy

Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

Speak Japanese Fast

Speak Japanese Fast (Evaluation)

Published by: David McGimpsey Osaka, Japan 532-0025 Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey. All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission of the author. Note: This e-book is optimized for viewing on a computer screen, but it is organized so you can also print it out and assemble it as a book. Since the text is optimized for screen viewing, the type is larger than that in usual printed books.

Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

Speak Japanese Fast

This report has been written to provide information about learning Japanese vocabulary quickly. Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However, there may be mistakes in typography or content. The purpose of this report is to educate. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errors or omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report.

Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

Speak Japanese Fast

Message From The Author

Hey there! I'm David McGimpsey. I live in Osaka, Japan. Like you, I wanted to learn Japanese. Like you, I didn't want to wait forever to utter my first full Japanese sentence! So, I started testing out memory tricks to help me learn vocabulary quickly. This e-book contains a memory technique to enable you to pick up vocabulary fast. I am excited to bring you this technique and look forward to hearing how it helps you. This is a sample e-book. To purchase the three volume set (over 300 pages), please visit: To your success!
Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

Speak Japanese Fast

How To Use This Course Let's Go! Important Note Resources 6 7 13 14

Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

Speak Japanese Fast

How To Use This Course

This course allows you to pick up Japanese vocabularly extremely fast. There is no real trick to this... If you can use your imagination then you can easily learn Japanese words fast. Let's use an example from this book to illustrate the steps required: 1. You will be shown the following on a page: kau
The Japanese for BUY is kau(cow) Imagine a COW buying something in a supermarket

2. Read the entire block, paying special attention to the sentence commencing with the word Imagine. Also note the pronunciation guide in brackets. 3. Close your eyes and imagine what you read. Really concentrate on it and get an image going in your mind. Keep concentrating on this image for 10 to 15 seconds. 4. In the above example, imagine a cow in a supermarket buying something, carrying a hand bag, pushing a shopping cart, etc.

Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

Speak Japanese Fast

The Japanese for BUY is kau (cow)

Imagine a COW buying something in a supermarket

Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

Speak Japanese Fast

The Japanese for CLOSE is shimeru (she - meh - roo)

Imagine you close a SHIMMERING door

Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

Speak Japanese Fast

The Japanese for SMOKY is kemutai (keh moo tie)

Imagine smoke starts pouring out of your CHEMICAL TIE

Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

Speak Japanese Fast


The Japanese for dazzling/radiant is mabushii (mah boo she)

Imagine the MARBLE SHEEN is dazzling in the sunlight

Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

Speak Japanese Fast


The Japanese for HILL is saka (sah kah)

Imagine playing SOCCER on a hill

Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

Speak Japanese Fast


Translate the following to English: mabushii (mah boo she) saka (sah kah) shimeru (she meh roo) kau (cow) kemutai (meh moo tie)

Translate the following to Japanese: buy close dazzling smoky hill

How did you go? Don't worry if you got some wrong, just continue on, come back later and practice again.

Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

Speak Japanese Fast


Important Note
There are many difficulties with learning another language, and Japanese is certainly no exception! You can take the hard work out of learning Japanese words by securing your copy of SpeakJapaneseFast. To get your 300+ page copy, visit See you soon, David

Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

Speak Japanese Fast


Speak Japanese Fast Learn Japanese Right Now

Copyright 2010 David McGimpsey

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