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Predicate Nominatives & Adjectives

Predicate Nominative
a word or word group in the predicate identifies the subject can be a noun, pronoun, or word group that functions as a noun connected to the subject by linking verbs

Example 1
A dictionary is a valuable tool. What is the subject? What is the verb? What is the predicate nominative (subject-complement)?

A dictionary is a valuable tool. Subject dictionary Verb- is Predicate Nominative tool.

Example 2
This piece of flint could be an old arrowhead.
What is the subject? What is the verb? What is the predicate nominative (subject-complement)?

This piece of flint could be an old arrowhead.

Subject piece Verb- Could be Predicate Nominative arrowhead

Example 3
The winner of the race was she. What is the subject? What is the verb? What is the predicate nominative (subject-complement)?

The winner of the race was she. Subject winner Verb- was Predicate Nominative - she

Example 4
Is that what you ordered? What is the subject? What is the verb? What is the predicate nominative (subject-complement)?

Is that what you ordered? Subject that Verb- Is Predicate Nominative what you ordered

Predicate Adjective
an adjective in the predicate describes the subject connected to the subject by linking verbs

Example 1
Cold milk tastes good on a hot day.
What is the subject? What is the verb? What is the Predicate Adjective (PA)?

Cold milk tastes good on a hot day.

Subject milk Verb- Tastes PA - good

Example 2
The pita bread was light and delicious.
What is the subject? What is the verb? What is the predicate adjective?

The pita bread was light and delicious.

Subject bread Verb- was PA light & delicious

Example 3
How kind are you? What is the subject? What is the verb? What is the PA?

How kind are you? Subject you Verb- are PA - kind

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