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Accordlng Lhe one of Lhe senlor global

economlsL Lhe global oll supply wlll run

ouL ln 49 years
A|ternat|ve Iue| Sources
-Why AIternative FueIs Are Needed
+ProbIems with using gasoIine
-The AIternatives
+Many aIternatives to oiI
-The ChaIIenges and advantages
of AIternative FueIs
+The expenses
Why AIternative FueIs Are Needed
Oil, Water and Climate : An ntroduction. Gautier, C. (2008).
+GIobaI Warming
-Emissions( Carbon Monoxide/Carbon
-Our supply is way under the demand.
-Running out
-As supply runs out, the costs will go up.
The AIternatives
Hydrogen Economy : Opportunities and Challenges. Ball, M., & Wietschel, M. (2009)
+Compressed natural gas (CNG)
+Hybrid Vehicles or motors.
+Liquefied natural gas (LNG)
+Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
+Liquids made from coal
The ChaIIenges and Advantages
Hydrogen Economy : Opportunities and Challenges. Ball, M., & Wietschel, M. (2009)
-Would be tremedous
-The alternatives are much cleaner.
-Energy/Fuel dependency overseas would
be limited
Work Cited
A Student's Guide to Alternative Fuel Vehicles. (2010, July 22).
Energy Quest Room. Retrieved September 6, 2011,
Ball, M., & Wietschel, M. (2009). The hydrogen economy:
opportunities and challenges. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
DiPeso, J. (2011). Five Alternatives to Fossil Fuels. Environmental Quality
Management, 20(4), 97-107. Retrieved September 6, 2011, from the
EBSCOhost database
Tickell, J. (Director). (2008). Fuel [Documentary]. United States of Amerca:
Cinema Libre Studio.

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