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Required Lesson Plan Format: Snowden, P. L.

Fall 2011

Required Lesson Plan Format

Teacher Candidate: ___ James Wiley ______ Date: __10/31/2011__ Content Area: _______Living Environment____________ Grade Level: __10__ Text: Miller, Kenneth R., Levine, Joseph S. (2010). The Neuron. Biology (pp. 894-901). Boston: Pearson. Fundamental Skills/Important Concept(s)/Essential Question(s): Be able to identify the different structures of a neuron and the functions of these structures. Understand how nerve impulses travel through the body. Understand how the nerve impulses stimulate muscles to contract (connecting previous lesson) Introduction to the Nervous System Lesson Title Lesson Focus The focus of this lesson will be to examine the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. Living Environment Core Curriculum- Standard 4 Key Idea 1.2 c, 5.3 a RST.9-10.4. Determine the meaning of symbols, key terms, and other domain-specific words and phrases as they are used in a specific scientific or technical context relevant to grades 910 texts and topics. RST.9-10.5. Analyze the structure of the relationships among concepts in a text, including relationships among key terms (e.g., force, friction, reaction force, energy). RST.9-10.7. Translate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text into visual form (e.g., a table or chart) and translate information expressed visually or mathematically (e.g., in an equation) into words. RST.9-10.9. Compare and contrast findings presented in a text to those from other sources (including their own experiments), noting when the findings support or contradict previous explanations or accounts. RST.9-10.10. By the end of grade 10, read and comprehend science/technical texts in the grades 910 text complexity band independently and proficiently.

Core Curriculum Standards and/or NYS Standards and Performance Indicators ~~~~~~~~ (For Literacy-based lesson, can use NCTE/IRA Standards for the English Language Arts)

"Caring, Competent, Qualified Professionals" Knowledge of Content, Knowledge of Pedagogy, Professional Skills

Lesson Objectives
(Blooms Taxonomy; include behavior, conditions, and criteria)

(Use numbers for clarity) 1. The Student Will/The Learner Will -Recall and make connections to the previous readings in Miller & Levine (Comprehension) -Be able to define and differentiate between stimulus, impulse, response, receptor, and effector (Knowledge and Analysis) -Identify the structures of a neuron, and their functions (Knowledge + Comprehension) -Create a model of a neuron (Creating/Synthesis) -Explain how neurotransmitters work (Comprehension) -Interpret the diagrams in the guided notes (Application) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Use numbers for clarity) Evidence that students have achieved objective(s): Students successfully meet the objectives if they are able to display mastery on group work, end of lesson quiz (held at the beginning of the following class) and again on the end of unit test (held at the end of the unit).

---------------------Acceptable Evidence (process and/or product)

Instructional Procedure(s) ___________ A. Bell Ringer and Prior Knowledge Activation

This can be together or separately. Also called: set induction, anticipatory set, introduction/review

__________________________________ Think-Pair-Share - Identify one thing you have learned about the nervous system in your readings from last night. __________________________________________ (Use numbers for clarity) The teacher will 1. Provide students with guided notes, which will be completed during lecture. 2. Provide examples for students during guided notes lecture. 3. Provide students with a worksheet/group work activity. The teacher will circulate the room to assist students as they work to complete the activity. 4. Check for understanding while circulating the room, and going over the group work together after sufficient time is provided to students. 5. Quiz on information in order to practice for Unit Test

_______________ B. Teacher input, explanation, & development

1. Specific instructional method(s); 2. Modeling; 3. Guided practice;

Required Lesson Plan Format: Snowden, P. L.

4. Check for understanding 5. Independent practice

Fall 2011

Specific students actions

The students will -Read pages 894-900 in Miller & Levine -Complete guided notes during lecture -Complete group activity: Model of a Neuron -Complete any unfinished definitions for homework -Study guided notes for quiz on lesson

Assessment (Type and purpose)


-Short quiz at the beginning of the fourth class (after different parts of the nervous system have been learned). The purpose of this quiz will be to evaluate the students knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the nervous system. -Unit Test. Students will answer questions based on this lesson in a unit test that combines this lesson with several others.

Evaluation, if used


Grading the quiz, analyzing the results to determine if the key ideas and performance indicators were met. Exit Slip: List three facts that you learned about nervous system, or nervous control.

Accommodations: 1. Students with exceptional learning needs (ELN); 2. Learning modalities & Learning Styles; 3. Multiple Intelligences

Teacher should accommodate to the range of abilities in the classroom. Teacher will make modifications to the classroom, as to group students according to ability. As students work on the provided worksheet, the teacher will circulate and answer any questions that students may have.


-Biology by Miller & Levine -Computer with some sort of projector -White Board
"Caring, Competent, Qualified Professionals" Knowledge of Content, Knowledge of Pedagogy, Professional Skills

-Guided Notes The Parts of the Nervous Systems -Group Activity Model of a Neuron and the materials necessary, including: play-doh, pipe cleaners, jelly beans, and any other materials the students may find (and have approved for use by the teacher) 2 class periods approximately 40-45 minutes Duration (time) Curricular and/or Unit Connections This connects with the lesson on movement and locomotion in the unit on the Human Body.

Adapted with permission by Snowden, P. L. (Fall, 2011) from: Hackett, Sarah. (2010). Enhanced lesson plan template. Plattsburgh, NY: SUNY-Plattsburgh.

Required Lesson Plan Format: Snowden, P. L.

Fall 2011 James Wiley Standard 4 Key Idea 1.2 c, 5.3 a Notes on the Nervous System

*Example of Guided Notes, Whatever is in bold is given to students* Nervous Control Nervous control depends mainly on the functioning of nerve cells. (neurons) The nervous and endocrine gland systems interact to control and coordinate the bodys responses to changes in its environment, as well as growth, development, and reproduction. Stimulus: Impulse: Receptors: Response: Effectors: Neuron:

Parts of a Neuron Cyton: Dendrites: Axon: **All axons are covered with a fatty myelin sheath to provide electrical insulation.** Terminal Branches:

"Caring, Competent, Qualified Professionals" Knowledge of Content, Knowledge of Pedagogy, Professional Skills

Synapse: Neurotransmitter: How do neurotransmitters work to transmit the nervous impulse in humans? 1. 2. 3. Neuron:

Neurons may release chemicals to stimulate each other, or these chemicals may be released to stimulate a muscle or gland. An example of a muscle being stimulated by a neuron appears after the reflex path pictured in the diagram below.

Required Lesson Plan Format: Snowden, P. L.

Fall 2011

Dynamic equilibrium results from detection and response to stimuli. Stimulus: Response: Responses involve the action of effectors. Effectors: Organisms detect and respond to change in a variety of ways at both the cellular level and the organism level.

"Caring, Competent, Qualified Professionals" Knowledge of Content, Knowledge of Pedagogy, Professional Skills

Name ____________________

James Wiley Standard 4 Key Idea 1.2 c, 5.3 a Classwork for the Nervous System

Model of a Neuron In a small group (3-4 students) use materials provided or any material you may find (use your imagination!) and have approved by the teacher, in order to create a model of the neuron. Be sure to include all the major parts of the neuron listed below. As you construct the model, be sure to indicate on this sheet what each structure does, what you chose to represent each structure, and why you chose that material to represent the structure. Please focus on finishing the model in class, as you may finish the roles of the structures for homework. You will have 5-10 minutes at the beginning of next class to make any final touches to the model, and then we will present the models to the other groups. Cell Body:




Myelin Sheath


Axon Terminals:

Required Lesson Plan Format: Snowden, P. L. Name ________________

Fall 2011 Date ____/____/_____

Exit Slip: List three facts that you learned about nervous system, or nervous control. 1.



"Caring, Competent, Qualified Professionals" Knowledge of Content, Knowledge of Pedagogy, Professional Skills

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