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Tuesday, December 13, 2011 6:31 PM

LONG TERM CAUSES Imperialism-Euro rivals for control for colonies globally Panther incident in Morocco (GER, FR, GB) Russo-Japanese War Nationalism-Intense Patriotism Euros each claimed to be the best GB & GER locked in increasing rivalry Militarism-international arms race GB and GER @ forefront of rivalry Alliance Systems-mutual protection agreements

DESCENT TO WAR Black Hand-Serbian nationalist group-Assassinated Archduke Gavrilo Princip Austria-Hungary threatens war with Serbia Consults w/ GER-given the "blank check" Austria declares war on Serbia (7/28/1914) RUS mobilize on (7/30/1914) GER declares war on RUS (8/1/1914) GER declares war on FR (8/3/1914) GER invasion of Belgium leads GB to declare war on GER


Triple Alliance (1882) Triple Entente GER Austria-Hungary Italy GB FR Russia

THE ROYAL FAMILIES OF EURO Windsor-GB-George V Hohenzollern-GER-Kaiser Wilhelm II Habsburg-Aust-Hung- Franz Joseph Romanov-RUS- Nicholas II All but FR and Switzerland were monarchies

THE POWDER KEG AND THE SPARK Territorial disputes led to friction in the Balkans Dispute between Austria-Hungary and Serbia for control of Bosnia-Herzegovina Region an unstable mix of independent states won for Ottoman Empire Austria-Hungary & Russia main rivals for control of Balkans RUS supported Serbian claim to Bosnia RUS considered main Slavic power Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand while in Sarajevo

WHY DID THESE POWERS GO TO WAR? Attempts at peace Geneva Convention: the rules of "civilized war Olympic Games (1896) But countries heavily armed and had scores to settle Many looking to get on and over with

World War I Page 1

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