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UNWTO: 4th United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Forum in Doha Qatar

The Minister for Tourism Hon Najib Balala has stressed the need for integration, mutual respect and dialogue between communities in the global arena through tourism as a major vehicle that encourages dialogue between people from different communities, cultures and religious backgrounds. The Minister was speaking at the ongoing 4th United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Forum in Doha Qatar that aims at using cultural dialogue as a means to achieving international peace and development. The session organized by the UNWTO focused on the role tourism plays in cultural integration. It was noted that tourism is becoming a peoples way of life as they feel the necessity to travel and learn about other peoples culture, relax or visit other attractions. Hon Balala stressed that cultural integration has to start by recognizing and respecting the minority in communities such as minority religions and women. Only then will the communities be able to integrate and understand each other. He also stressed the need to educate the youth to respect their own culture and those of others. The Minister noted that governments can play a big role in ensuring this by making policies that will l enable the integration of the minority and recognize the role the youth can play in cultural integration and hence peace and stability in the regions. He gave the example of Kenya where the new constitution respects the minority religious groups and entrenches the representation of women in any public office. The forum identified education as one of the major tools that can be used to improve and encourage cultural integration and dialogue among communities. Governments need to educate their people starting from an early age to respect their culture and as such, respect the cultures of others.


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