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1h|s |s your f|rst and f|na| warn|ng

Ma|n ku|es
1 use common sense
2 o noL prop push surf cllmb and ecL
kLMLM8Lk lf you propcllmb you musL leave Lhe props Lhere and you cannoL prop
cllmb for mallclous purposes
3 -o spam of any klnd any
4 o noL MeLagame Lhls ls a rule LhaL wlll be enforced
S o noL modlfy player properLles (eg Color MaLerlals ecL)
6 o noL change map/global maLerlals (skybox grass concreLe ecL)
7 o noL use any props LhaL explode
8 o noL use vehlcles/props Lo geL lnLo anoLher players house lL's consldered an explolL
9 o noL bulld on oLher players bulldlngs
10o noL lmpersonaLe oLher admlns/players (or aLLempL Lo)
11o noL flame oLher admlns/players 1reaL oLhers as you wanL Lo be LreaLed
12o noL dupllcaLe weapons or enLlLles
13o noL 8M 8andom deaLh maLchlng or kllllng wlLhouL a valld reason
14o noL break -8 (-ew llfe rule when you dle you forgeL your pasL llfe) ?ou have Lo
walL 2 mlnuLes Lo reLurn Lo Lhe spoL where you dled
1Suslng a slgn Lo 8M ls noL LoleraLed
16?ou musL have a valld keypad worklng for every fadlng door (Max for one door ls 3)
17?ou cannoL rald as a ClLlzen Medlc emollLlon LxperL Car ealer rug ealer Pobo
Cun ealer or Mayor
18fLer placlng a hlL on someone you have Lo walL 10 mlnuLes before placlng anoLher on
LhaL same person
kLMLM8Lk ?ou musL have a valld reason Lo puL a hlL on someone 1hey kllled you you
were bored and Lrololol AkL NC1 good reasons
19lf an admln Lells you Lo do someLhlng l1!
20elng a smarLass and bendlng Lhe rules wlll geL you punlshed
1 ?ou can change any ro|ep|ay|ng rule 1he ma|n ru|es a|ways stay
2 use /placelaws Lo place a blllboard wlLh Lhe laws (?ou can change Lhe defaulL laws)
3 use /addlaws Lo add a law
1 ?ou need 3 pollce Lo rald a player's house
2 lways Lry Lo baLLerlng ram a door lnsLead of a wall
3 Pave valld reasons for arresLlng/wanLlng players
1 ?ou have Lo have 3 gang members of Lhe same gang

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