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SynLhesls for ChapLer lv 1he lamlly as an AcLlve arLlclpanL ln Soclal Llfe

Croup Leader 8eyes Ceofrey

Members Cabullo !erome
Cu Lorenzo
lnugu vlladlmlr
1ablos !aryd
1ablada Marc

249 lomlly ooJ wotk ote oolteJ by o vety speclol telotloosblp
ln mosL cases work may cause mlsundersLandlngs wlLhln a famlly and someLlmes lL does noL
help ln shaplng up values wlLhln Lhe members of Lhe famlly 8uL as such when famlly and work
ls unlLed by a sLrong relaLlonshlp lL would be very efflclenL ln a sense LhaL famlly members wlll
be sLrongly Lled ln Lerms of undersLandlng each' Lask and Lhe slgnlflcance of havlng work
wotk ls esseotlol losofot os lt tepteseots tbe cooJltloo tbot mokes lt posslble to estobllsb o
fomlly fot tbe meoos by wblcb tbe fomlly ls molotoloeJ ote obtoloeJ tbtooqb wotk
Work ls also a very lmporLanL maLLer ln ralslng a famlly Cf course wlLhouL work famlly survlval
would be very dlfflculL WlLh unlLy work wlLhln a famlly glves lL a sLrong relaLlonshlp LhaL each
member should help one anoLher ln order Lo survlve Lhe dally needs
1be coottlbotloo tbot tbe fomlly coo moke to tbe teollty of wotk ls volooble ooJ lo mooy
lostooces ltteploceoble
MosLly a famlly ls obllged Lo dellver Lhe besL care Lo Lhelr members lor lnsLance each wlll do
all he can ln order Lo help Lhe oLher and Lo geL a susLalnable llvlng economlcally and splrlLually
Clvlng proper educaLlon Lo chlldren ls also a crlLlcal Lask LhaL each parenL should be able Lo
achleve ln order for Lhelr chlldren Lo have a good professlon and cholce maklng ln Lhe fuLure
230 lo otJet to ptotect tbls telotloosblp betweeo fomlly ooJ wotk oo elemeot tbot most be
opptecloteJ ooJ sofeqootJeJ ls tbot o fomlly woqe
1hls passage explalns Lo us LhaL llvlng wlLh our famlly are a very lmporLanL Lhlng ln our llfe lL
also Lells us LhaL we are guaranLeed we can geL our freedom wlLh a loL of ways LhaL can brlng lL
ouL 8ulldlng up a famlly means proLecLlon wlLhln Lhemselves especlally for Lhe dependenL
famlly members

232 1be stottloq polot fot o cottect ooJ coosttoctlve telotloosblp betweeo tbe fomlly ooJ
soclety ls tbe tecoqoltloo of tbe sobjectlvlty ooJ tbe soclol ptlotlty of tbe fomlly AfLer readlng
Lhls senLence l remember Lhe lessons l've learned ln Lhe pasL years of my llfe lL Leaches us Lhe
respecL and carlng ln a famlly lL also explalns Lo us we have a freedom of cholce Lo do Lhlngs
rlghL or do Lhe rlghL Lhlngs ln concluslon we musL respecL lL share lL and [usL llve our llves wlLh
233 5ocletys setvlces of tbe fomlly becomes cooctete lo tecoqolzloq tespectloq ooJ ptomotloq
tbe tlqbts of tbe fomlly
1hls ls really Lrue and would be very effecLlve for every famlly ln order Lo geL Lhe famlly Lles
sLronger Lhey should be able Lo know respecL and upllfL as always each famlly's rlghLs ln order
Lo llve wlLh dlgnlLy unlLy and love Lach famlly should be respecLed by Lhe socleLy so as Lo geL
Lhelr famllles respecLed as well ln connecLlon Lo marrlage Lhey should all be knowledgeable
LhaL a famlly would always be Lhe breedlng ground of Lhe characLers or values LhaL each
member may have aL home and Lo Lhe socleLy

ln Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe famlly and work parLlcular aLLenLlon musL be glven Lo Lhe lssue
of Lhe work of women ln Lhe famlly ln housekeeplng women and men are equal when lL comes
Lo dolng chores Lven Lhe work of our moLhers Lhey are valued because lL ls devoLlon Lo Lhe
quallLy of our llfe And care musL be Laken Lo ellmlnaLe Lhe free declslon maklng among Lhem
because Lhls may lead Lo problems Care ls needed for Lhem Lo even undersLand more Lhelr
maLernal roles

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