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1. Judith ...... a doctor.

B No, she..... She is a nurse.
a. isn`t is c. is - isn`t
b. aren`t isn`t d. is aren`t

2. Hello.
B I....Iine, thank you
a. is am c. are is
b. are am d. is am

3. come Irom?
B I come Irom Malang.
a. do c. are
b. is d. is

4. Good morning, dam. ..Saleem well?
B Yes, Saleem and I...Iine this morning.
a. is are c. is am
b. are are d. is is

5. ...... is your name?
a. what c. who
b. whose d. whom

6. yu Ira, let me.... you to my
Iriend di.
Ira Hi, my name is Ira, nice to meet
di Hi, nice to meet you too. I am
a. speak c. say
b. introduce d. know

7. Oh, ...your parents come here oIten?
B Yes, they.....
a. Did-did c. Does-does
b. re-are d. Do-do

8 Ina usually.......asleep beIore 10.00.
a. Ialls c. leaves
b. turns d. washes

9. go to this stadium everyday?
B Yes, I do.
a. Did c. Does
b. re d. Do

10. ...she always clean the house well?
B I think yes.
a. Did c. Does
b. re d. Do

11. My Iull name is ndriys riesson Harieska
Prajas. I am an English teacher at SMKN 6
Malang. My...... is ndriys. My
students usually call me Mr. ndriys.
a. surename c. complete name
b. Iamily name d. nickname

12. ....these books belong to you?
B No, I think they belong to ni.
a. Did c. Does
b. re d. Do

13. ...your parents speak English?
B Well, my Iather....
a. Do-does c. Does-do
b. Do-do d. Does-does

14. Every night Diana always.....the
dinner by herselI.
a. sits c. cooks
b. turns d. washes

15. Indriana ....her teeth beIore she eat
a. brushes c. turns
b. cooks d. washes

16. Yusi always......aIter she has the
a. Ialls c. watches
b. brushes d. washes

17.; moreover, Icha and
a. is-are c. is-is

Semester I (odd semester)
Type Multiple choices-Incomplete Sentences
Class / Level X MO/ TKJ/ GB/ L/RPL/ Novice
Competence Greeting and leave taking, introduction, how to thank
Supporting materials Simple present, preposition
Instructor ndriys riesson HP. S.Pd., S.S.
Items / Time 40 items/60 minutes
Date September, 2011

b. are-are d. are-is

18. you get up?
B I get up at 4.30 .M.
a. What time c. When
b. How many d. How oIten

19. you live?
B I live in Malang.
a. Which c. Where
b. When d. What

20. . 0 Celsius.
a. Ireeze c. Iroze
b. Ireezes d. will Ireeze

21 you wash your hair?
B I wash my hair twice a week.
a. How c. When
b. What time d. How oIten

22. .....does she do?
B She is a student.
a. What c. How
b. Whose d. Which

23 . We.......water everyday in order to
a. waste c. buy
b. need d. throw away

24. II someone opens a speech at 8 P.M, what
will he/she say?
a. good morning ladies and gentlemen
b. good evening ladies and gentlemen
c. good night ladies and gentlemen
d. good aIternoon ladies and gentlemen

25. you go to school?
B I go to school on Ioot?
a. What c. How
b. Where d. Which

Error Analysis

26. Ivvana isn`t sad, but she are happy

27. Our Iriend Iind a big animal over there

28. Thank you Ior you help!
B You are welcome.
29. The pilot is the one who Ilies the train

30. The house doesn`t big enough Ior us

Number 31-34. Fill the blanks with
appropriate answers

31. It is very..... oI you to help me.
B Never mind

32. to introduce myselI. My
name is nton. Nice to see you, my new Iriends.

33. I must go now. It is nice to meet you. tomorrow

34. Good..... How is your dinner?
B It`s wonderIul.

Number 35 - 40 (Affirmative, interrogative,
They don`t Iind the books

35. (?).............

36. (-)...............

The children play on the yard
37. (?)...............

The woman Ieels happy everyday
38. ().............

39. (?)..............

Yuri is beautiIul
40. (?)

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