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a LIFE OF TRUE SECURITY SST etme mittee eT | 4 Se ee ee a anes TI Pon Boe). eg other's thoughts, he should train himself to be ckill- SECM n ia ite Maret eit rs ail eR et ee a Meee ee | eS Mm eae ee Ta meee MCE arnt | grinds a hard gem.” en ness Meer ne ede od Pet eee a i yee oe ee ag atte | Tm are reborn as humans, It is because of beautifying Re Barre tiars diated atte Cail “What is more beautiful: a beautiful face of a beau- CRT MGR esate Le SU Tre eal eee ener eee bare cers accept its result accordingly, our kammic load will fe terran males eT he Tes bs ae Sr ee eee rT ren Tog future existence. Performing unwholezome actions SOc eo Rr era a A LIFE OF TRUE SECURITY Based on the talk 4y Bhikkhu Revata (Pa-Auk Tawya)

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