Technical Data Sheet Blue Bond

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Technical Data Sheet


1. Description BLUEBONDisafastdrying,twocomponentframeadhesivewithexcellentchemicalresistanceand adhesiontoallcommonlyusedscreenframes. 2. Application 1. Removeexcessiveadhesiveresidue from the frame by grinding or sand blasting. Becarefulnottoroughentheframesurfacetoomuch,asthiscouldimpairtheadhesionof the adhesive. Slight residues of Blue Bond, however, do not need to be removed. The surfaceshouldbeeven. 2. Beforeuse,mix100weighpartsofBLUEBONDwith10volumepartsofHARDENERC890 Usethemixturebetweentwotothreehours. 3. Applytheadhesivewithashortbristlebrushorscrapertypepplicatorontothebondingarea of the mesh. Make sure that a sufficient amount of adhesive is worked through the mesh and obtains contact with the frame. Bubbles showing through the mesh indicate poor contactbetweenmeshandframe. 4. Drying time is 10 20 minutes on room temperature. Depending on application thickness androomtemperature.Removeframefromthestretcher.Afteronehour,theadhesiveis relativelyresistanttosolventandwaterandoverlacqueringordegreasingispossible.The completechemicalresistanceisachievedafter24hours. 3. PersonalProtection/Safety BLUE BOND and HARDENER C 890 are highly flammable. Keep away from sources of ignition. DO NOTSMOKE.Donotbreathefumes.Workingareasmustbewellventilated.Wearchemicalsplash eye goggles and protective gloves. Use respiratory protection if exposure limits are exceeded. See MaterialSafetyDataSheetforadditionalinformation. 4. EnvironmentalProtection Do not empty into drains. Completely hardened and dried adhesive can be elimimnated as non hazardoussolidwaste.Consultyourlocalauthoritiesforlocalregulations

5. Packaging 1kgsets

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