Cover Factor

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Woven Fabric Calculation Cover Factor by is of the to the indicates extent which area a fabric covered factor Cover

one set ofthreads. and the weft cover f'actor. For any fabric there are two cover factors:the warp cover f-actor 'l'he factorto the warp cover. by is cloth cover f-actor obtained addingthe weft cover as: in The CalcLrlation: cover f-actor SI units is calculated lltrcuJs Ic'nt .. -'{ r//c'r l0

( ' o v e r F a c t o r1 S l )

:'l'cx-20.thrcads/cnr:2[l Ilxarnple : f r C o v e r a c t o ( S I ): ( 2 S x r / Z O ; l l 01 2 . 5 (Pierce) CoverFactor

ovcr[:actot'(Piercc) n and lvhcren: threads/inch N is cottoncoLlllt

threads/cm-28 t:rarnplc'fex:20 coLlnt. :29.5's .5120 CoLrnt:590 Clotton -l'hreads/inch :28 x 2.54 -l I :12.9 Cover Factor (Pierce):1 | I \129.5 'l'lrc and Pierceis lessthan 5o/o. resultalttcover factor betweenSl r-rnits

per For any given thread spacing,plain rveavehas the largestnumber intersections ttnit than plain weave.-fhe likely weavabilitl' intersections weaveshave f-ewer area.All other of all labrics woven with the same weave and fiorn sirnilar yarns can be forecastlioln their cover f-actor. with rvarp and rveft cover factors of l2 in each direction are easy to Plain weave f-abrics weave.Thereafterweaving becomesmore difficult and fbr cover factorsof l4+14 fairly of strong weaving machinesare required.At a cover f-actor l6+16, the plain structure jarns and a very strong loorr-rwith heavy beat-Lrpis needed to defbrrn the yarns of beating-up the weft. sufficientlyto obtain a satisfactory

lirrear of Threeclothswith the samecoverfactor(K:12) woven rvith yarrrs difl-erent and spacing lineardensity thathorvthread lt canbe seen in are densities Tablel. and coverfactorandhow clothareadensity the to haveto be adjLrsted maintain required are thickness af'fected. with woverr warpandweft coverfactors with identical of TableI Cornparison fabrics (SI densities Lrnits) linear yarns different of

T h r e a d s e rc m D
.,, A


Linear densitv Nz Nr

Cover factor

Weisht thickness
(g/m') mm






25 t00

25 100


K; t2





260 520

0.28 056 l.12

Fractional Cover of as covermay be considered the fractiorr the total fiorn yarns, Ip fabricsconstructcd of yarns. over-silnplificationthe ideafbr An b1,the component that"covered" fabricarea l i n F i g l l r e. f w o v e n a b r i ci s s h o r v n

A W O V h ] N - T I ] RI C S ' I R U ( ' T UR L




C I : i g u r cI : I r r a c t i o n a l o v e r 'l'hc b1' r/. ad.iaccnt ol-dianrcter. arrcl rarrr has a circularcross-section )'arnsare clisplaccd a cover is thend/s. distance I'he fl'actional s. l I n t h c i d e a lr n o d c l . s r v i lb e e q u a t o l / n . w h c r e r i s t h e n u m b e r o l - t h r e a d s p c r u n i t I c - n g t h l in llrc liactionalcover could be exoresscd tcrms of d arrdn l r r a c t i o n acl o v e r : c l X n x Grosbergshowedthat yarn diarnctcr d-1.44 li(tcx/libcrdcrrsitl' l0 cover. Fractional r .

x x l0-' C-4.,44r(tcx/[iber density) threads/crrr

lrxample: Whatis tlie fiactional covcrtbr thc warpin a l'abric with 35 ends/crn. \\oven flbredensity 1.5g/cm3. tiom yarnof 30 tex'l'l'he is x C r : 4 . 4 43 0 / 1 . 5 3 5 x l 0 l ! ctr:0.695 le. 690/o covered warpyarn. is by

Total Cover
'T'he areais the part shaded is by l-he totalareacovered the fabric(Plainr.veave) ABCD. not be strictly' of of the total area.ou.r.d by both yarns,and. because this, it wor-rld them as the and qr-rote together merelyto add theivarp and weft covervalues accurate totalcover.

--! ,


t F i g u r el : l . J n ic c l l o f P l a i nl r a b r i c ol'the cell is s1x arcasarc eacltdr x d: alld thc total at'ca flte sftadecl -d/s. Hcncc . B y d e f i n i t i o n l i a c t i o n a lc o v e r .C . dr : Crsr d: -C:s: 1 drd:: C1sCi:sl

arcabccontcs: S1 as I:xprcssed a lpactiol of total :ll'e3 r s2.the shacled / d r d : : C l s yC 2 s 1 s 1x s 2 - C r C : fiorn the suln of'Cl and C2, be deducted Total fiactionalcover = Ct * C: - Cr C:

h,xarrple: 20 rvarp: tex,28 ends/cm. dctails: fabricis wovento thc fbllowirrg A plail cottorr g/cm3) (density cotton1.52 of Wefi: 35 tex,25 picks/cm totalcoverf-actor? What is the :0.451; x : W a r pc o v e r C r : 4 . 4 4 xr / : O l t . S U 2 8 x l 0 - 3 Z W e f lc o v e r: C z : 4 . 4 4 x r / : S l t . Sx 2 5 x l 0 - 3 - 0 ' 5 3 3 0 - 0 . 4 5 1 x 0 , 5 3: 3 ' 1 4 4 + i cl T o t a f r a c t i o n a o v e r s c 1 + c : - C r c - - r : 0 . 4 5 10 . 5 3 3 l by covered is of about74o/o thetotalareaof this cottonsheeting therefbre l'heoretically, varn.

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