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Input the following program in CMPLX mode. Press MODE 6 (PRGM) to enter the PRGM Mode. Press 1 (EDIT).

Press the number key that corresponds to an unused program area number. This displays the run mode selection menu. Use and to switch between menu screen 1 and screen 2.

Select 2 (CMPLX) on screen 1. This selects CMPLX as the run mode, and displays the program editing screen. Important! You cannot change the run mode of a program once it has been assigned. A run mode can be assigned only when you are creating a new program. Input the program as follows:

?A: ?B: ?C: ?D: BAB: CAC: DAD: ?A: ?X: ?Y: ?M: XAX: YAY: MAM: BY - XCA: C - YC: X - BY: DX - MBB: M - DX: AYD: CYM: XYX: BYY: ?A: ?B: ?C: A: ?A: (A - AnsY - BX)(AnsD + BM + CC: DC + YA MC + XB C

Example 1: Three equations in three unknowns with real coefficients.

x+ y+ z =6 x y + 2z = 5 x + 3 y + z = 10

Press Prog 1 and then press: 1 EXE 1 EXE 1 EXE 6 EXE 1 EXE -1 EXE 2 EXE 5 EXE 1 EXE 3 EXE 1 EXE 10 EXE

(display x=1) EXE (display y=2) EXE (display z=3)

Example 2: Three equations in three unknowns with complex coefficients.

(1 i ) x + (2 + 3i ) y + (3 + i ) z = 21 + 16i (2 + i) x + (5 2i) y + (4 + 2i ) z = 8 + 8i (3 + 2i) x + (1 + 3i ) y + (4 3i) z = 34 + 18i

Press Prog 1 and then press: 1 i EXE 2 + 3i EXE 3 + i EXE 21 + 16i EXE

2 + i EXE 5 2i EXE 4 + 2i EXE 8 + 8i EXE 3 + 2i EXE 1 + 3i EXE 4 3i EXE 34 + 18i EXE ( LCD shows R I to indicate that it is in Complex mode ) (display the real part of x: 1) Shift Re Im (display the imaginary part of x: 2i)
EXE (display the real part of y: 2) Shift Re Im (display the imaginary part of y: 3i)

EXE (display the real part of z: 3) Shift Re Im (display the imaginary part of z: 4i)

Complete answers are: x=1+2i, y=23i, z=3+4i After calculation, press RCL A to display x, press RCL B to display y, and press RCL C to display z.

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