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6 Waste water Treatment

The Ministry oI Water and Power exported in 2002 that only 1 oI the domestic and industrial
Waste Water receives treatment
Lahore has some screening and grit removal system, but they
are hardly Iunctional in Faisalabad, there is a waste water treatment plant in which waste water
receivers primary treatment.
In rural area, waste water treatment is none existent leading to pollution oI surIace and ground

2.7 Water Availability in Urban Punjab
2.7.1 Lahore
Water table condition oI the Lahore area varies Irom place to place. The minimum water level is
along the Ravi river which on an average is about 65 It below ground level, whereas maximum
water table is in Gulber- MustaIaabad area, which is on an average 135 It below ground level.

WASA regularly monitoring ground water oI the Lahore area on monthly basis and monthly
report is compiled regarding the behavior oI ground level and the tube wells. On the basis oI this
monitoring report, the Iuture planning regarding the design oI tube wells and replacement oI
outlined tube wells is made. In July-Aug 2001, 411 MGD (Million Gallon per day) water was
supplied to urban Lahore with 18 hours continuity.

Government oI Pakistan Ministry oI Water and Power (2002) Pakistan Water Sector Strategy Executive summary.
Volume 1. Retrieved 2008-05-29:p-7
Pakistan water Gate-way. The Pakistan water Situational Analysis Retrieved 2008-05-28., P.22,23
Interviewed to Mr. Muhammad AsiI Saeed Butt, Director Hydrology Deptt, WASA, rain out Iall Lahore

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