Vision 2020: Aurangabad District

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Vision 2020

I N D E X Aurangabad District

Report of the committee of Housing

Aurangabad Housing & Area Development Board Aurangabad

Sr. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Vision and Objective Current situation / status 2020 Indicator Swot Analysis Strategy (Mission & Project ) Financial Plan 2.5 FSI For MHADA Scheme Special Township ECO Housing Photograph Of Completed by MHADA 16 17 19 24 28 Description Page No. 1 3 8 10 11

Vision 2020
A vision is not a project report or a plan target, It is an articulation of the desired end results in broader terms. Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam 1.1 Vision To provide affordable inclusive, Qualitative and sustainable housing, slum Improvement and Rehabilitation of slum dwellers with Integrated infrastructure so as to create slum free Aurangabad District. Shelter is a basic human need which has become a major challenge in a country, which is fast urbanizing Aurangabad is one of most urbanized city in Maharashtra. Housing in urban areas assures much greater significance as it relates not only to basic shelter needs but also provides a facility to the citizen to access services be part of the development process. Housing implies not only construction of bricks & mortar, but also it includes supporting infrastructure, access to transport & employment opportunities. 1.2 OBJECTIVES. Objectives of the housing policy are as follows. 1. To facilitate affordable housing in urban and rural areas.

Create adequate housing stock for lower income Group (LIG) Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and shelter for the poorest of the poor on ownership or rental basis. 2. To promote sustainable development of urban and rural

growth center and to promote employment opportunities.

3. to pursue the target of cities without slums through equitable slum redevelopment and rehabilitation strategy and shelter for the poor. 4. to deregulate housing sector and encourage competition and public private partnerships in financing, construction and maintenance of houses. For lower income Groups (LIG) and Weaker section of the society. 5. to rationalize development control regulations and streamline approval procedures. 6. to promote rental housing through amendments in the rent control ACT and incentive to different options of rental housing for weaken sections. 7. to facilitate the redevelopment and renewal of inner city areas and dilapidated buildings through options of land assemble conserving heritage structures importance 8. Encourage technology innovation, Training and capacity building of the construction worker to enhance their productivity and improve quality of housing stock. 9. To create ring fenced infrastructure fund in cities to fund Quality infrastructure required for housing and economic growth. 10. To conserve ecologically sensitive areas and promote environmentally sustainable cities and townships. and place of archeological


1. Ongoing Govt. Scheme. 1.1 Rural Area :- in rural area housing is tackled through Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Niwas Yojana and Indira Awas Yojana. R.G.G.N.Y. is monitored by housing department and the scheme is implemented by D.R.D.A. Details of the scheme is as below. CURRENT GOVT. HOUSING SHCEMES. concerned

Sr .N o. 1 1

Name of Scheme 2 R.G.G.N.Y. -1

Grou p 3 BPL

Area of Teneme nt 4 18.48

Cost of Teneme nt 5 28,500/-

Beneficiarys contribution 6 Nil

Govt. Contr i. 7 28,50 0

Targe t T/s 8 1722

Impleme nting Agency 9 D.R.D.A.

Rem arks 10

R.G.G.N.Y. (Revised)


25.00 23.22



68,50 0/-


R.G.G.N.Y. -II



90.00 0



1.2 Urban Area :In urban area improvement and redevelopment of slum are tackled through I.H.S.D.P. and R.A.Y. Details of the scheme is as below.

Sr .N o.

Name of Scheme

Grou p

Area of Teneme nt

Cost of Tenem ent 5 80,000 /-

Benefici arys contrib ution 6 Open 9,600/-

Imple Govt. Contri . Tar get T/s mentin g Agenc y 7 70,400 /8 3184 9 Urban Local bodies. 10 Remarks

1 a

2 I.H.S.D.P.

3 Urba n poor

4 2500 ()269 Sq Feet

Backwar 72,000 ed 800//617

.Aurangaba d

In progress

2 3

Gangapur Vaijapur

252 1220 In progress



In progress

5 Paithan 6 Sillod

421 462

1.3 Ongoing Scheme by MHADA Aurangabad housing & area development board executes various housing schemes in Aurangabad district for the different income group. Details of the Scheme are as follows.
S.No. 1 2 3 4 Group Economical Weaker Section Lower Income Group Middle Income Group Higher Income Group Area of T/s Up to 27.88 Up to 45.00 Up to 80.00 above 80.00 Income Limit Up to 8,000/8,000/- to 12,000/12,000/- to 20,000/above 20, 000/-

In Aurangabad district MHADA have executed various special housing scheme. 1. Housing scheme for flood Municipal sweepers in Harsool. 2. Housing scheme for flood affected Persons in Gangapur Taluka. 3. Housing scheme for Beedi Worker at Garkheda. Various major scheme completed by MHADA are as below. Sr No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 T/s 1313 6/9 348 642 515 219 Place Mukundwadi, Aurangabad Deolai, Aurangabad Near G.N.B., Aurangabad Near Balirampatil High School, Aurangabad. Teesgaon, Aurangabad Kannad Aurangabad

Following projects are at planning stage. Sr No. 1 2 3 T/s 93 96 148 Location Waluj, Aurangabad Teesgaon, Aurangabad Deolai, Aurangabad

2.AURANGABAD FRINGE AREA Maharashtra State Govt. has appointed City and industrial Development corporation Ltd. (CIDCO)as special planning Authority for notified Fringe Area of Aurangabad consisting of 28 villages admeasuring 15184 Ha. On 3rd Oct, 2006 vide letter No. TPS-3006/381/CR-246/2006/UD-30 once planning authority is declared for any notified area, all the statutory procedures as per Maharashtra Regional and Town Planning ( MR&TP) Act 1966 are mandatory to follow. In deference to these provisions of the Act CIDCO Board of directors vide resolution no 9944 approved the proposal for declaring its intention and published notification under section -23 of MR&TP ACT 1966 in government Gazette on 13 Nov. 2008 for preparation of Development plan of the said notified fringe area and in local news paper. In response to this notification suggestions / objections received from the public and majority of them were related to apposition for CIDCOs appointment and acquisitions . People of Aurangabad notified. Fringe Area were in the

impression that CIDCO acquire entire land in the notified area. CIDCO Published our views in the local news papers regarding the role of CIDCO to acquire minimum required land on the lines of latur Notified Fringe Area. The Source of income is as estimated from receipts are only limited to the development charges. Government Notification for Aurangabad Fringe Area Directs that submit for approval as contemplated u/s 115 of MR&TP, Act 1966 and the funds accruing form these shall be used for the developing and maintaining amenities in this area. As a part of preparation of existing land use (ELU) map CIDCO has resorted to latest technology available for doing ELU i.e. by procurement of

satellite imagery & processing it by doing geo-refereeing & also marking already approved NA layouts on this base msp. This latest technology has been used for preparation of precise ELU which takes into account the exact ground realities with much accuracy. As per the sec 25 of MR&TP cat 1966 the Existing land use Map is prepared and submitted a copy of the same to the Govt. on 8 May 2009. The Draft Development plan is under preparation considering the existing character of Aurangabad city and surrounding and our efforts to integrate the fractured development into a cohesive planned development of the fringe area. To achieve this planned development. Physical and social infrastructure is also to be providing as per the requirement of the anticipated population growth in the fringe area. An innovative concept may introduce in order to facilitate easy acquisition of lands and the land lords affected by reservation will develop the reservation willingly. The draft development plan shall consist of reservation such as physical and social infrastructure like health, education, social amenities, STP ESR & GSR, solid waste disposal, transportation details ( Road, Railway and reservation ) , Shortly the draft development plan will be ready for calling objections and suggestions from the people, subsequently the same shall be forwarded for information.

Swot analysis for housing is as given below. Strength 1. Central / State fund is availed for rural housing and redevelopment and improvement at slums. 2. Fund is available for MHADA Scheme. 3. Housing Loan is easily available. 4. Low Cost technology is available for construction. Weakness :1. Non availability of land for affordable housing 2. Huge increase in land cost and construction material cost. 3. Lack of infrastructure and basic amenities. Opportunity 1. Huge demand for housing as Aurangabad is the capital of Marathwada. The city is growing in the Industrial, Education and Tourism sector. 2. Better employment can be created through housing. 3. Living standard can be increased. 4. Aesthetic appearance of the district can be enhanced. 5. Additional F.S.I. is available. Threats. 1. If the houses are not constructed as per demand then number of slums and encroachment on government land will be increased.

Stratergy ( Mission and project )

1. Housing Strategy Slum in the city is the evidence of the shortage of low cast housing. The reason for the crisis is that housing scheme are not constructed as per the demand. This crisis can be solved by following strategy. 1. Government subsidized economically weaker sector housing. 2. Creation of affordable housing. 1.1Government subsidized economically weaker sector housing. Large part of the demand in housing comes from the economically weaker section, and low income group. The private builder / developer mainly construct the houses for Higher income group and middle income group. Govt have sanctioned the Rajiv Gandhi Niwas Yojana scheme in which subsidy is given for construction of houses, but the number of tenement is less which does not fulfill the demand of housing. Hence it is proposed to increase the number if T/s so that more poor people can take benefit of the scheme. MHADA construct the houses for EWS and LIG on HPS, ( Hire

purchase Scheme ) in which loan facility is available at lower interest. But as Government land is not available to MHADA it is not possible to construct houses for EWS and LIG MHADA have submitted & Proposed for Govt. land. Of 119.55 Hector to office of the Collector Aurangabad. It is proposed to allot the maximum govt land to MHADA so that maximum houses can be construct for EWS and LIG.

1.2 Creation of affordable housing 1 Private builder / developer can also be directed to create houses for EWS and LIG by compulsory Zoning. 2. To allot higher FSI for the EWS and LIG Scheme. 3. Land reserved for pubic houses and hosing for dis housed to be developed through public private partnership. 2 Land availability. 1. Provide adequate lands for Low income Group (LIG) / Economically Weaker Section (EWS) housing within and proximity of cities. Towns and rural areas. 2. exclusionary Zoning provisions for low income Group (LIG) housing in private layouts. 3. Ensure integrated and planned development of peri-urban areas to promote affordable housing. 4. Efficient use of land through higher Floor Space Index(FSI) for low Income Group (LIG) housing. 5. land reserved for Public Housing and Housing for Dishoused be developed through Public Private Partnership or Non-Monitory incentives under the Development Control Regulation (DCR). 6. Property Value index based Transfer of Development Rights for Low Income Group (LIG) / Middle income Group (MIG) in identified zones in city area metropolitan region. 7. in the urban areas. Municipal Corporations / Municipal Councils grant Development permission for residential / commercial use. Also the concerned owner has to obtain non Agriculture (N.A.)

permission. Thus, the owner has to approach different authorities. This causes considerable delay in permission process. As per section 45 of the Maharasgtra Regional and town planning act. The Municipal Corporation / municipal council is required to send copy of the sanctioned building plans to the collector concerned. In such case it will not be necessary for the land owner to apply to the collector separately for non Agriculture (N.A.)permission. Also the collector can automatically fix and recover amount of non Agriculture (N.A.) assessment based on the plans received form the municipal corporation / council. In order to streamline the procedure for obtaining development permission, it is proposed to amend the provisions of Maharashtra Land Revenue Code. 1966 the non agriculture (N.A.) assessment can be livable from the date of issues of commencement certificate. 8. similarly after the Municipal corporation / council grants

permission to change on Non Agriculture (N.A.) used to another Non Agriculture (N.A.) used residential to commercial, industrial to residential, in such cases it will not be necessary for the land owner to apply to the collector separately. The Collector. To apply to eht collector separately. The collector. Can automatically revised non agriculture (N.A.) assessment according to the change in use and recover the amount from the date of change of use granted from the date of change of use granted by the municipal corporation / municipal council. It is proposed to amend the

provisions of Maharashtra Land revenue Code, 1966 Accordingly.

3. Finance / Subsidy * Availability of subsidized serviced government land for Low

income Group (LIG) housing and shelters. * Linking Employment Generation schemes ( EGS ) to Lower

income housing construction in rural and c class Municipal areas. Public private partnership for housing of migrant labors. * Committed state financial allocation for Centrally sponsored

housing schemes for both rural and urban areas specially for Scheduled Caste (SC)/Scheduled Tribe (ST) and other socially and economically challenged groups. * Enabling use of land as collateral security for mortgage

finance. Soft loan / interest subsidy for Low Income Group (LIG) Housing through cooperative sector and other banks. Empowering cooperative institutions for housing finance and construction. * Levy capital value based Development Charges / Fee and

create a dedicated Housing and infrastructure Development Fund in cities. * * Incentives for Low Income Group(LIG) housing. Cross-subsidized Low Income Group (LIG) construction by

Maharashtra Housing & Area Development Authority (MHADA) / city and industrial Development corporation (CIDCO) Regional Planning Bodies etc. through public private partnerships and creation of Real Estate investment Fund by these institutions for funding housing for weaker sections.

4 infrastructure. * Infrastructure development shall be an integral part of every

housing project whether public or private. * Local bodies to develop infrastructures like roads, water

supply, sanitation and other amenities near the housing sites through development planning process. Using Housing and infrastructure fund and accessing Government funding support. * State Government support to Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) for market borrowing for infrastructure development. * State agencies like Maharashtra State Road Development

Corporation (MSRDC), Maharashtra Jeevan Pradhikaran (MJP), Maharashtra Housing & Area Development Authority (MHADA) and cities & Industrial Development Corporation (CIDCO) to facilitate infrastructure development through public- private partnerships. * The private developers should fund and provide necessary infrastructure in case of townships.


The FSI for a new scheme on vacant lands of Low Cost Housing Schemes for Economically Weaker Section, Low Income Groups & Middle Income Group of the MHADA having atleast 60 % built up area in the form of tenements under ESS, LIG & MIG categories shall be 2.50 For redevelopment of existing housing schemes of MHADA, undertaken by the MHADA departmentally or jointly with societies / occupiers of buildings or by housing societies / occupiers of building or by lessees of MHADA or by the developer the FSI shall be as under a) Total permissible FSI shall be 2.5 on gross plot area. b) The incentive FSI admissible against the FSI required for rehab shall be as per guidelines issued. c) Difference between 2.5 FSI and the FSI reqiored for "rehab + incentive " shall be shared between MHADA & Society / Developer in the ratio of 2:1. d) In the scheme, for the land allotted for societies of MIG & HIG and developed plot allotted individually to MIG & HIG group, the permissible FSI shall be as per prevailing Development Control Regulation. Regulation for Low cost Housing Schemes of the Maharashtra Housing And Area Development Authority for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) and Low Income Groups (LIG) 1. Density a) Density shall be upto 450 tenements per net hectare having at least 60 percent tenements for EWS / LIG housing. b) Extra density of 20 percent over and above the normally permissible density will apply for such housing schemes, with 60 percent tenements under the E.W.S. and LIG categories. 2. Minimum Plot Size a) In the case of a growing house on a plot of 25 sq.m. b) Multi-purpose rooms. Affordable Housing With Partnership The Affordable Houses are difined as area having 27.88 carpet area for Economical Weaker Section (EWS) upto 45 sq. mtr. Carpet area for Lower Income Group (LIG) and upto 80 carpet area for Middle Income Group.

Objectives: The basic aim of the Scheme is to provide stimulus to economic activities through affordable housing programmes in partnership. Its immediate objective is employment generation to the urban poor, especially construction workers, where adverse impact of current economic downturn is being experienced. The Scheme will also strive to ensure equitable supply of land, shelter and services at affordable prices to all sections of society, and thereby to prevent the growth of slums in urban areas. STRATEGY OF THE SCHEME The scheme for construction of affordable houses in partnership visualizes that the cost of land and construction would be held down to affordable levels. Land costs would be intermediated by States /UT's and Development Authorities / Urban Local Bodies, by providing land at nominal, predetermined or institutional rates(not including more than cost of acquisition and development costs of land) for specified housing. Cost of land can also be intermediated by attracting private developers Cost of construction can be held down by construction through no profit no loss. Cost of construction can also be driven down by planning layouts which mix EWS/LIG/MIG with HIG houses and commercial layouts, and cross subsidizing through the premium. States / UT's could reduce costs of housing further by charging a reduced stamp duty to a maximum. Cost of construction can also be driven down by adoption appropriate construction technologies.

Maharashtra Govt. has declared the notification no TPS 3005/949/CR145 / 2005 /UD -30 Regional plan for Aurangabad Jalna Region. The idea is to promote private investment in housing sector to facilitate housing at reasonable prices and also create a hassle free atoms plan for investors forgoing investment for development of into grafted towns. Applicability :- These regulation would be applicable to the area under sanction Aurangabad Jalna regional plan excluding the area under Jurisdiction of Municipal Corporation, Municipal councils, Maharashtrta industrial development corporation and SPA if any. For a special township requirement of area prefers vacant having suffice wide manse of access ( Net Less than 18 meter wide ) & Area under the special township not less than 40 ha (100 Acres ) Infrastructure facilities 1. water supply : - the development shall be required to

development source for drinking water ( excluding the ground water source) of make firm commitment from any water supply authority for meeting the daily water requirement for minimum l40 liters per capita & storage capacity 1.5 times of actual requirement drainage and garbage disposal the developer shall make suitable and environment friendly arrangement for the disposal and treatment of sewage and solid waste as per requirements of Maharashtra pollution contras Board.

2. Power :- the developer shall ensure continues and good quality power supply and also power for the entire township from the power supply company. 3. Environment :- at least 20% Area of township must be kept for park / garden / playground as mentioned in 4 (f) 4. ECO Friendly amenities like solar water heating for the township shall be mandatory Special Concession : 1. N.A. Permission : Non Agriculture permission will be automatic after notified in special township area . 2. Stamp Duty : The stamp duty rates applicable in Notified special township area shall be 50 % of prevailing rates of the Mumbai Stamp act 3. Grant of Govt. Land : Any govt. land falling under township area shall be leased out to the developer. 4. The condition that only the agriculturist will be eligible to buy agricultural land shall not be applicable. 5. There shall be no ceiling limit for holding agricultural land to be purchased by the owner/developer. 6. Exemption from urban land (Ceiling And Regulation ) 1976. 7. Scrutiny Fee :A special Township project shall be partially exempted from payment of scrutiny fee being levied by concerned District Collector. Act

Planning Consideration : Planning consideration the township project, has to be integrated township project & necessary provide level for following users. 1. Residential 2. Commercial 3. Educational 4. Amenity spaces 5. Health facilities. 6. Parks gardens & play grounds 7. Basic amenities 8. Public utilities. GENERAL NORMS FOR SPECIAL TOWNSHIP The overall planning of the special townships shall be such that the project fairly meets with the specifications spelt out o the prevailing planning standards approved by Government further, the planning of

Special Township shall take care of following land uses in particulars. (a) Residential :- The residential area should be well defined in clusters or neighborhoods or in plotted development with proper road grid. Out of the total floor area proposed to be utilized which is permissible as proportionate to zoning of area under such.

Township at least 60 % of the area may be used for purely residential development and further out of the total floor area proposed to be utilized for residential development. 20% of the same shall be built for residential tenements having built up area up to 40 Sq. meter for L.I.G. / E.W.S.


Commercial :- the commercial area shall be properly distributed in hierarchical manner such as convenient shopping, community center etc. For this purpose 10% of the total floor area proposed for utilized may be used.


Educational :- comprehensive educational system providing education from primary to secondary should be provided as per the requirement. The area allocation should be on projected population base and as far as possible the educational complex should to be concentrated at one place. All such complexes should have area adequate allocation for playground. Minimum are area required for educational purpose shall be as per prevailing standard.


Amenity Spaces :- The area allocation for amenity space providing for amenities like market, essential shopping area, recreation centers, town hall, library etc. should not be less than 5% of gross area and should be evenly paced.


Health Facilities. :- Adequate area allocation for health facilities for primary health should be provided for Minimum area required for health facilities shall be as per prevailing planning standards.


Parks, Gardens and play grounds.:- The township shall also at least 20% of the total area as parks / gardens / play grounds. This should be exclusive of the statutory open spaces to be kept in smaller layout and should be distributed in all residential clusters. This 20% area should be developed by the developer for such purposes and kept open to all general public free of cost.


Public Utilities :- appropriate area allocation should be provided for (a) power receiving station / sub station (b) water supply system (c) sewerage and garbage disposal system (d) police station (e) Public Parking (f) cemetery / cremation ground, (g) bus station , fire brigade station, and other public utilities as per requirements.


Transport and Communication: - the entire area to township shall be well knitted with proper road pattern. Taking into consideration the linkages with existing roads within the township and outside area as well. All such roads shall be developer by the developer as per standard an road widths shall be as given bellow.


Services Industries : - in the special Township

area lands

required for commercial uses, Industrial, uses, permissible in residential uses. May also be earmarked. However. The predominated land use would be residential use.

ECO-Housing program with focus on resource conservation measures like site planning i.e. total water management, energy conservation, ecofriendly and energy efficient materials, environment architecture, renewable energy, solid waste management and other innovative eco-friendly technologies which will benefits both to citizen as well as to the municipalities in terms of reduced load on municipal infrastructure. It is proposed to give incentive to Eco-Housing Projects through rebate in municipal Taxes and Development Charges.

BENEFITS Of ECO HOUSING 1. Less consumption of water 2. Reduced pollution load and liability. 3. Reduced energy consumption without sacrificing the comfort level. 4. Minimize the demand on non renewable resources 5. Maximize reuse and recycling of available resources 6. Utilization of renewable resources. 7. Limited waste generation due to recycling and reuse 8. Reduced destruction of natural areas 9. Reduced soil loss from erosion etc. 10. Enhanced image

GREEN BUILDING :Concept of Green Buildings :* Green building concept is based on Recycle, Reuse, Reduce and use of Renewable forms of energy. * It is Environment friendly building it is also energy efficient building. Recycle : Recycling of water. Recycling of waste material (ex. Old steel, wastage papers, plastic papers, plastic etc.) Reuse : Using of old useful, dismantled materials in the construction ( eg. Wood, stone, bricks, steel grills etc.) Water to be treated and reused. (Waste water shall be treated and used for flushing & gardening) Reduce :Reduce energy consumption without sacrificing the comfort levels. Reduce destruction / stress on natural resources like land, native habitats etc. Reduce air, noise and water pollution. (ex. Spill prevention, proper construction timing, Reduce of air, and noise pollution during const.) Reduced water consumption. Reduced pollution loads and GHG (green house gas) emissions and helps in preventing global warming. (Green house gasses are Co2, Co, No2, CFC'3) Reduced waste generation. Reduced demand of the fossil fuels (coal, petrol, diesel, wood etc.) Reduced carbon footprint.

Renewable forms of Energy : Use Renewable form of energy like solar / wind / tidal and biogas. Use of non toxic materials : Low Voc paints / Adhesives and sealants.

Ban on smoking or provide smoking zones. Good / Assured quality of water. Safe disposal of hazardous materials. Use of ecologically sustainable materials (with high recycled content, rapidly renewable resources and low emission potential) ex.-Fly ash, mud bricks.etc. Use of locally available materials. Adopting efficient technologies (eg. Precast systems, R.M.C. post tensioning etc.) Rain water harvesting and reducing hard paving on site. (Avoid paving blocks / B.T. / Concrete paving) Thermal, visual and audio comforts. Use of natural fertilizers and not to use on chemical fertilizers. Preserving and maintaining water bodies (wells / ponds / lakes etc.) Use of low energy material interiors composite woods, products like hardboards, block boards particle boards, rapidly renewable materials like Bamboo, rubber, eucalyptus, jute / cotton stalks etc. Products which use industrial wastage such as wood waster, agricultural waste etc. Minimise ozone depleting substances (i.e. CFC's and HCFC's in refrigeration, air conditioning systems. Insulation, and halos in fire suppression systems and extinguishers.) Deploying building operation and maintenance.

ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDING Based on solar passive architecture Orient the building so that the longer axis shall be along East West axis. Arrange spaces w.r.t. favourable orientations e.g. place of buffer spaces like toilet, service areas and staircase along the west / east face of the building. Spaces with the requirement for natural lighting to be on the north. Shade the east west wall using shading devices ex. Louver system or any other system. Shade the south side window opening with required shelves to prevent direct entry of sunlight.

The annual energy consumption energy systems in a fully air conditioned building for day use in a composite climate should not exceed 1400 kwh / m2 (Bench marked energy consumption.) In a fully non air conditioned building for a day use should not exceed 26 kwh /m2 (Bench marked energy consumption.) Use of Energy Efficient fixtures CFL (Compact Florescent lamps) LED (Light, emitting diode) Electronic ballast and T-5 tube light Solar lamps. Use of Low flow fixtures Sensor urinals Sensor taps Flushing tanks with low capacity (instead of 10 liters) Use of Solar water heater, solar pumps, wind mill, biogas plant and solar panels (PV panels) Building Architecture may be integrates with PV panels. Maintaining appropriate lux levels with artificial lighting also (during night time avoid over lighting) Maintaining appropriate sizes and number of fans. Providing turbo ventilators and roof lighting. (Helps ventilation, admits / provides daylight harvesting and provides thermal comforts by reducing the temperature by 5 to 6 c.) Refer ECBC, BEE, GOI (ECBC- Energy Conservation Building Code, BEE- Beauro of Energy Efficiency, GOI Govt. of India)

Photographs Of Completed Scheme By MHADA

Name of Scheme Location Type of Schemes Total No. of Tenements Area per Tenement Rooms per tenement Year of Construction

30 T/ S HIG-II G. No. 27 (P) shahanoorwadi, Aurangabad Independent Bungalow 30 113.58 Sq M G.F.- 3, F.F.-2, Total -5

Aug 2004

Name of Scheme 22T/S H.I.G-I Location G.No.27(P),shahaoorwadi, Aurangabad.

Type of Schemes Row Bangalow 22 83.10 Sq.m G.F. -3 F.F.-1 Total-4

Total No. of Tenements Area per Tenement Rooms per tenement Year of Construction

Aug 2004

Name of Scheme Location Type of Schemes Total No. of Tenements Area per Tenement Rooms per tenement Year of Construction

200 T/S L.I.G. G.No.145(P), Deolai Aurangabad. Twin Type 201 21.52 Sq.m 2

Aug 2005

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