Developmental Data & Level of Competencies

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1) Erik Erikson According to Eriksons theory of psychosocial development life is a sequence of developmental stages that need to be achieved by individuals. There are eight stages of development that either have a positive or negative resolution. Each stage indicates a developmental achievement. He believed that the more success an individual achieve at each stage means the healthier the personality of the individual. And failure to complete any developmental stage influences the persons ability to progress to the next level. Successful resolution of these crises supports a healthier development of the individual. In the case of Mr. X he is now on the seventh stage of Erik Eriksons psychosocial theory which is Generativity vs. Stagnation which focuses on creativity, productivity, concern for others.

Generativity VS Stagnation

Mr. X is an active member of the community. He cooperates and participates in some different community activities. He shows his concern to other people by lending a hand whenever they need help.

Task achieved

D.2) Robert Havighurst According to Havighurst theory, learning is the basis to life and that people continue to learn throughout life; he promoted the concept of developmental task; his theory have six developmental stage of life; success achievement leads to individuals happiness and to success with later task in life, while failure in achieving the task leads to individuals unhappiness, and disapproval by the society.

Below are task that Havighurst requires in a middle age individual, on which our patient Mr. X belongs to: TASK COPING ACTION ANALYSIS
Task achieved

1. Achieving adult and social responsibility

Mr. X is an active member of the community he participates in different activities in their community.

2. Establishing and maintaining an economic standard of living

Mr. X starts to work at the age of 16 as a blue collar worker. At the age of 21 years old he flew abroad to work as a welder for seven years. He came back and started to work as a construction worker. He supports the familys need together with his son. Three of Mr. Xs children are teenagers, and according to him he always teaches them how to be responsible to all the things they do. He gives them advices from time to time and he always reminds them to finish their study. He makes sure that his children are well disciplined.

Task achieved

3. Assisting teenage children to become responsible and happy adults.

Task achieved

4. Developing adult leisure time activities.

The patient is very busy at work and he doesnt have any time for any other activities. He just spends his free time by listening to the radio.

Task not achieved

5. Relating oneself to ones spouse as a person.

The patient have a god relationship with his wife, they are married for about _ years and was blessed with seven sprouts.

Task achieved

6. Accepting and adjusting to the physiologic changes of late adult.

Mr. x accepted that he is getting old and that there are a lot of changes happening to him, such as having white hairs and experiencing hair loss.

Task achieved

7. Adjusting to aging parents.

His father had passed away, while his mother is living with his sister. They have a good relationship and he makes sure that he always visits his mother.

Task achieved





PHYSICAL The clients musculoskeletal system is well developed and coordinated. He can perform activities of daily living without having any difficulties such as pain or difficulty in breathing. He can still do his usual activities of daily living. He still continues his work but hes having tingling sensation on his chest, but he ignores it.

He also works as a construction worker from seven oclock in the morning until five oclock in the afternoon.

EMOTIONAL Mr. X is a silent type of person he usually just listens and speaks when needed. And hes also a gleeful person. He shows concern to others by helping them in his full capability. He still is silent and gleeful; he doesnt talk about to his family on how he feels physically. He never thought that the tingling sensation he felt at first will worsen. According to his son, Mr. X become more silent, he always thinks about his work and the things he need to do. He wants to be discharge from the hospital and get back to his normal life.

MENTAL Mr. x is always oriented and he have a good memory when it comes to time, place, date and person. His mental status was not affected it was still functional. But he has an apprehension with his health condition and what will be the effects of this to his work and especially to his family. He remains to have a good memory and still well oriented despite of his disease, but despite of having a serious illness hes still worried about his work and his family. Mr. Xs mental ability continues to function well

SOCIAL Mr. X is an active member of the community. He has a good relationship with his family, friends, relatives, and also to his neighbors. He doesnt have a problem with them right now, according to him he He never told his family about what sometimes he feels because he doesnt want them to worry. His relationship with other people was not affected. He appreciates his familys effort on taking care of him and to his friends supporting him. The patients condition affected his social life but still tries to catch up with them. The patient finds comfort and solace engaging him in some religious activities. He feels that he had achieved

immediately create a solution if ever he have conflicts or problems to the people around him.

a matured positive outlook.

SPIRITUAL Mr. xs religion is Iglesia ni Cristo, he attends to church regularly every Wednesday and Sunday. He have a strong faith to God and frequently pray for the guidance and blessings. His faith to God and to his religion was not disturbed by his disease. He still continue going to church every Wednesday and Sunday. Even though he have a serious problem. According to him, he got closer to God and his faith got stronger because of this unfortunate event. Mr. X professes strong faith to God. Despite of her illness, he never failed to pray and thank God for the blessings he had received,

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