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Crime update in Heywood 07th December 2011 - 14th December 2011


High Street Offenders throw brick through kitchen door then enter

Dorset Close Offenders smash one pane of glass on the rear

ground floor doorno entry gained.

Bury Old Road - Offender Jumped Over Rear Fence Into Garden Area
Offender Then Snaps Off A Piece Of The Garden Fence And Tries To Use This On The Ground Floor Kitchen Window owner Hears The Noise Goes Into The Kitchen And Offenders Make Off

Woodfield Terrace - Offender Approaches Address From the Rear

and Entered the Rear Yard via the Gate. Offender Has Then Approached Kitchen Door And Opened Insecure Door. Offender Enters House Steals Property From Within Before Exiting

Pilsworth Road - Offenders Enter Through Insecure

Front Door, Whilst In Take Various Items Of Property.

Coomassie Street - Offenders Kick the Door Repeatedly In an

Attempt to Force Entry. Offenders Then Use Unknown Implement and Attempt to Prise Open the Rear Door. Offenders are Disturbed Who Then Make Off, Nothing Stolen.

Robbery 1

Woman Parks Her Car On A Dark Street, Exits Vehicle Locking It as She Walks Away From The Vehicle Towards Her Home Address when Unknown Offenders Approach From Behind Grabbing Her Right Arm With One Hand And Forces The Key Out of Her Grasp Before Running Away Towards womans Car. Second Offender Grabs womans Bag and Tries to Pull It Away From Her

Gregge Street -


Vehicle Crime 4

Withington Street - Unknown Offender Approaches Owners

Insecure Parked Motor Vehicle Enters and Steals Various Items of Property and Makes Off.

Brierley Street - Unknown Offenders Break Through Gate Perimeter

Fence, Enter Yard Open Trailer Attached To Vehicle And Steal 11 Pallets Of Property.

Hareshill Road -

Unknown Offender Approaches


Vehicle, Enters Vehicle Stealing Numerous Items Before Making Off

Partington Street -

Unknown Offenders Approaches Motor Vehicle Parked In Grinnell, Removes Front And Rear VRM Number Plates From Motor Vehicle.

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