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A world wlde survey was conducLed by Lhe un 1he only quesLlon asked as Would you please glve your
honesL oplnlon abouL soluLlons Lo Lhe food shorLage ln Lhe resL of Lhe world?
1he survey was a huge fallure
ln Afrlca Lhey dldnL know whaL food meanL
ln lndla/aklsLan Lhey dldnL know whaL honesL meanL
ln Lurope Lhey dldnL know whaL shorLage meanL
ln Chlna Lhey dldnL know whaL Cplnlon meanL
ln Lhe Mlddle LasL Lhey uldnL know soluLlon meanL
ln SouLh Amerlca Lhey dldnL know whaL please meanL
And ln uSA Lhey dldnL know whaL Lhe resL of Lhe world meanL!!

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