Unofficial Members of The National Transitional Council of Libya

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UNOFFICIAL Members of The National Transitional Council of Libya Name

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Mustafa AbdJalil Abd Alha z Ghoga Ahmed al-Sanussi Omar Hariri Hassan Fadeel Salih Dirssi Ahmed Dayikh Mustafa Houni Abd al-Qadr Minsar Emadaldeen Nussayr Khaled Nassrat AbdAllah Turki Mukhtar Jadal Ahmed Zway Mustafa Lindi AbdAllah Mayhub Taher Dyab Mussa Balkami Mohamed ZaynAbideen Fathi Baaja Ahmed Abaar Salwa Dghayli Khaled Sayih Mansour Kikhia Intisar Ageeli Abd al-Basset Naama Ihbaybil Doii Ashour Burashid Khaled Ahmed ShikShik Othman BenSassi Abd al-Majeed Sayf-alNasser



Chairman Vice Chairman Political Prisoners representative Military Council representative City Representative Ijdabiya City Representative AlBayda City Representative AlBayda City Representative Jufra City Representative Khums City Representative Zawiyah City Representative Zawiyah City Representative Zintan City Representative Ajaylat City Representative Kufra City Representative Kufra City Representative Qubba City Representative Marj City Representative Ubari City Representative Lower Nafusa City Representative Benghazi City Representative Benghazi City Representative Benghazi City Representative Benghazi City Representative Benghazi City Representative Benghazi City Representative Tarhuna City Representative Jadu City Representative Derna City Representative Zliten City Representative Zwara City Representative Sebha

Translated By @LibyanProud

UNOFFICIAL Members of The National Transitional Council of Libya

32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 Mohamed Rimash Fraj Shoeib Ali al-Juwani Farhat Shirshari Othman Mgayrhi Alameen Bilhaj Abd al-Razzag Aradi Mohamed Hrayzi Abd al-Razzag Abuhajar Ali Shitwi AbdAllah Banoon Abd al-Nasser Salem Abd al-Basset Abadi Abd al-Nasser Nafaa Salih Darhub Osama AbuKraza Milad Oud Ali Manaa Idris AbuFayid Jamal Issa Ali Gamma Abd al-Hadi Shaweesh Ramadan Khaled Ibrahim BenGhasheer Suleiman Fortia Mohamed Muntasser Salem Gnan Hassan Sghayir Saad Nasr Abd al-Razzaq Madi

City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative City Representative

Sirte Shahat Sibratha Surman Tobruk Tripoli Tripoli Tripoli Tripoli Tripoli Tripoli Tripoli Tripoli Tripoli Tripoli Tripoli Tripoli Ghdamis Ghiryan Kabaw Murzuq Murzuq Msalatta Misratta Misratta Misratta Nalut Shatti Shatti Yefrin

Translated By @LibyanProud

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