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Redlands Aikikai

Application for Kyu rank candidacy

Name:__________________________________Current Rank:_______kyu Days since last rank:_________ Months since last rank:__________ Undertaking by Candidate: I hereby request to be tested for the next rank as a student in good standing at Redlands Aikikai. I undertake to prepare diligently for this rank and understand all requirements as stated on our website. I undertake to request a student more senior in rank than me to be my mentor and I promise to communicate clearly with my mentor in arranging times for extra practice. Mentors Name:________________________________________________

___________________________________ Signature of candidate

_________________ Date

Undertaking by Mentor: I promise to be diligent in arranging with the candidate suitable times for extra practice, to make myself available for communications from the candidate, to support the candidates preparation primarily by providing ukemi to help drill the required techniques. I will be honest with the candidate about his or her readiness and will communicate regularly with Sensei regarding the candidates progress and any questions arising out of our practice.

___________________________________ Signature of Mentor

_________________ Date

For Office Use Only below this line Candidacy: Accepted/Denied Fee Paid: $____ ________________________ Modified Date of Test

____________________________ Proposed Date of Test

___________________________________ Signature of Sensei

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