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lLs come Lo my aLLenLlon LhaL some people are sendlng my Mom susplclous forewards 1he look [usL a

blL llke haLeful propaganda Lo me and l flnd Lhem rldlculous and offenslve Who would send Lhese Lo
my Mom?? l am comlng home over ChrlsLmas break and l am golng Lhrough her lnbox and l hope you
are prepared Lo [usLlfy your reasons and sources l canL walL Lo speak Lo you abouL Lhls
LxhlblL A

SenL Wed nov 9 2011 804 am
Sub[ecL lW lwd 1PAnkSClvlnC 2022

WlnsLon come lnLo Lhe dlnlng room lLs Llme Lo eaL !ulla yelled Lo her husband ln a mlnuLe
honey lLs a Lle score he answered AcLually WlnsLon wasnL very lnLeresLed ln Lhe LradlLlonal hollday
fooLball game beLween ueLrolL and WashlngLon Lver slnce Lhe governmenL passed Lhe ClvlllLy ln
SporLs SLaLuLe of 2017 ouLlawlng Lackle fooLball for lLs unseemly vlolence and Lhe bad example lL
seLs for Lhe resL of Lhe world WlnsLon was far less of a fooLball fan Lhan he used Lo be

1wohand Louch wasnL nearly as exclLlng?eL lL wasnL Lhe game LhaL WlnsLon was unlnLeresLed ln lL
was more Lhe LhoughL of eaLlng anoLher 1ofu 1urkeyLven Lhough lL was Lhe besL Lype of veggleMeaL
avallable afLer Lhe governmenL revlsed Lhe Amerlcan AnLlCbeslLy AcL of 2018 addlng fowl Lo Lhe llsL of
federallyforbldden foods (whlch already lncluded poLaLoes cranberry sauce and mlncemeaL ple) lL
wasnL anyLhlng llke real Lurkey

And ever slnce Lhe governmenL offlclally changed Lhe name of 1hanksglvlng uay Lo A naLlonal uay
of ALonemenL ln 2020 Lo offlclally acknowledge Lhe llgrlms hlsLorlcally bruLal LreaLmenL of naLlve
Amerlcans Lhe hollday had losL a loL of lLs lusLer

LaLlng ln Lhe dlnlng room was also a blL daunLlng 1he unearLhly gleam of governmenLmandaLed
fluorescenL llghL bulbs made Lhe 1ofu 1urkey look even welrder Lhan lL acLually was and Lhe room was
always cold

Lver slnce Congress passed Lhe ower ConservaLlon AcL of 2016 mandaLlng all LhermosLaLs whlch
were monlLored and conLrolled by Lhe elecLrlc company be kepL aL 68 degrees every room on Lhe
norLh slde of Lhe house was barely Lolerable LhroughouL Lhe enLlre wlnLer

SLlll lL was good geLLlng LogeLher wlLh famlly Cr aL leasL mosL of Lhe famlly

WlnsLon mlssed hls moLher who passed on ln CcLober when she had used up her legal alloLmenL of
llfesavlng medlcal LreaLmenL

Pe had had many heaLed conversaLlons wlLh Lhe 8eglonal PealLh ConsorLlum spawned when Lhe
prlvaLe lnsurance markeL flnally wenL bankrupL and everyone was forced lnLo Lhe governmenL healLh
care program

And Lhough he demanded she be kepL on her LreaLmenL lL was a fuLlle efforL

1he 8PCs resources are llmlLed explalned Lhe governmenL bureaucraL WlnsLon spoke wlLh on Lhe
phone ?our moLher recelved all Lhe beneflLs Lo whlch she was enLlLled lm sorry for your loss

Ld couldnL make lL elLher Pe had forgoLLen Lo plug ln hls elecLrlc car lasL nlghL Lhe only klnd avallable
afLer Lhe AnLllossll luel 8lll of 2021 ouLlawed Lhe use of Lhe combusLlon englnes for everyone buL
governmenL offlclals

1he flfLy mlle round Lrlp was abouL Len mlles Loo far and Ld dldnL wanL Lo spend a frosLy nlghL on Lhe
road somewhere beLween here and Lhere

1hankfully WlnsLons broLher !ohn and hls wlfe were flylng ln

WlnsLon made sure LhaL Lhe dlnlng room chalrs had exLra cushlons for Lhe occaslon

no one complalned more Lhan !ohn abouL Lhe paln of slLLlng down so soon afLer Lhe governmenL
mandaLed cavlLy searches aL alrporLs whlch severely aggravaLed hls hemorrholds

Lver slnce a LerrorlsL successfully smuggled a cavlLy bomb onLo a [eLllner Lhe 1SA Lold Amerlcans Lhe
added lnconvenlence was an absoluLe necesslLy ln order Lo sLay one sLep ahead of Lhe LerrorlsLs

WlnsLons own body had grown accusLomed Lo such problng ever slnce Lhe governmenL expanded
Lhelr scope Lo [usL abouL anywhere a crowd gaLhered vla AnLlroflllng AcL of 2022

1haL law made lL a crlme Lo slngle ouL any group or lndlvldual for unequal scruLlny even when
probable cause was lnvolved

1hus cavlLy searches aL malls Lraln sLaLlons bus depoLs eLc eLc had become almosL rouLlne

1he Supreme CourL ls revlewlng Lhe sLaLuLe buL mosL Amerlcans expecL a CourL composed of slx
progresslves and Lhree conservaLlves Lo leave Lhe law lnLacL

A llvlng ConsLlLuLlon ls exLremely flexlble sald Lhe CourLs eldesL member Llena kagan Lurope has
had laws llke Lhls one for years We should learn from Lhelr example she added

WlnsLons LhoughLs Lurned Lo hls own chlldren Pe goL along falrly well wlLh hls 12yearold daughLer
8rlLLany mosLly because she lgnored hlm WlnsLon had long ago surrendered Lo Lhe ldea LhaL she could
LexL anyone aL any Llme even durlng ALonemenL ulnner

1helr only real confronLaLlon had occurred when he llmlLed her Lo 30000 LexLs a monLh explalnlng
LhaL was all he could afford

She whlned for a week buL goL over lL

Pls 16yearold son !ason was anoLher maLLer alLogeLher erhaps lL was Lhe consLanL bombardlng he
goL ln publlc school LhaL global warmlng Lhe blrd flu Lerrorlsm or any of a number of oLher calamlLles
were [usL around Lhe corner buL !ason had developed a klnd of nlhlllsLlc aLLlLude LhaL ranged
beLween slmmerlng surllness and ouLrlghL hosLlllLy

lL dldnL help LhaL !ason had reporLed hls faLher Lo Lhe pollce for smoklng a clgareLLe ln Lhe house an
acL made crlmlnal by Lhe Smoklng ConLrol SLaLuLe of 2018 whlch ouLlawed smoklng anywhere wlLhln
300 feeL of anoLher human belng

WlnsLon pald Lhe $3000 flne whlch mlghL have been consldered excesslve before Lhe Amerlcan dollar
became vlrLually worLhless as a resulL of CL13

1he laLesL round of quanLlLaLlve easlng Lhe federal governmenL lnlLlaLed was once agaln Lo spur
economlc growLh

1hls Llme Lhey promlsed Lo push unemploymenL below lLs yearslong raLe of 18 buL WlnsLon was
noL parLlcularly hopeful

?eL Lhe famlly had a loL for whlch Lo be Lhankful WlnsLon LhoughL before rememberlng lL was a uay of

AL leasL he had hls memorles

Pe felL a Lwlnge of sadness when he reallzed hls chlldren would never know whaL llfe was llke ln Lhe
Cood Cld uays long before governmenL promlses Lo make llfe falr for everyone reallzed Lhelr full

WlnsLon llke so many of hls fellow Amerlcans never reallzed how much Lhlngs could change when
Lhey dldnL happen all aL once buL llLLle by llLLle so people could geL used Lo Lhem

Pe wondered whaL mlghL have happened lf Lhe publlc had sLood up whlle Lhere was sLlll Llme maybe
back around 2011 when all Lhe real nonsense began

Maybe we wouldnL be where we are Loday lf wed [usL sald enough ls enough when we had Lhe
chance he LhoughL Maybe so WlnsLon Maybe so

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