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Name ___________________________________________________ Week of _____________

D|rect|ons Choose Lwo acLlvlLles from Lhe menu below 1he acLlvlLles musL LoLal 10 polnLs lace a
checkmark nexL Lo each box Lo show whlch acLlvlLles you wlll compleLe All acLlvlLles musL be compleLed
by ____________________________________

2 olnLs
8ead a mysLery of your cholce CreaLe a new book cover for Lhe book LhaL you choose
uslng your creaLlvlLy creaLe a comlc sLrlp LhaL uses aL leasL four of your words for Lhls week
3 olnLs
WrlLe a song or a rap uslng your vocabulary words Lhls week 8e prepared Lo share lL
wlLh your class
8ead Lhe Lwo leveled readers for Lhls week llll ouL Lhe venn dlagram comparlng and
conLrasLlng Lhe Lwo sLorles
Make an acrosLlc poem for your weekly vocabulary words 1he words you choose for
each leLLer should be relaLed Lo Lhe word wrlLLen downward
1hls week we are golng Lo be learnlng abouL our solar sysLem 8esearch our solar
sysLem and llsL 10 lmporLanL facLs you flnd
8 olnLs
1he 8ook Pall of lame ls Laklng nomlnaLlons for Lhe besL flcLlonal book ever wrlLLen WrlLe
a submlsslon for Lhls honor uescrlbe Lhe book you plcked (llsLlng deLalls such as
characLers auLhor ploL) and why lL deserves Lhe honor
8ead a flcLlonal plcLure book AfLer you have read Lhe sLory Lhln abouL whaL you could add
Lo lL or Lake away from lL Lo lmprove lL 8ewrlLe Lhe sLory by addlng your modlflcaLlons
.,.. ^. ..

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