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1lLle of Lhe work Searchlng for lnner eace

ArLlsL name nlc Aca

Medlum and Lechnlques 1wodlmenslonal acryllc on canvas
ulmenslons or measuremenLs 13 ' x 13 '
uaLe of Lhe work 2008
rovenance ClLy Archlves Museum

Lveryone ln Lhls unpredlcLable world llves Lhrough wlLh Lhe presence of hosLlllLy We
may all have our own dlfferenL resenLmenLs as we llve our dally llfe buL one Lhlng ls common
and deslred by all peace
Puman belng deslres for everyLhlng Pls wanLs and needs over flows from all faceLs
ueslres fueled hlm Lo sLrlve for more Lo be aL Lhe peak Lo geL whaL ls new Lo be updaLed and
acqulre many Lhlngs Pe alms Lhls for one good cause Lo be happy 1he measuremenLs of
happlness are mosL of Lhe Llme really on whaL we have lor lnsLance Lhose who have more ln
llfe are ln power slnce Lhey have power lL ls easy for Lhem Lo conLrol and solve Lhe problem
Lhey have As Lhe saylng goes when money Lalks people llsLen 8uL l doubL whaL many belleved
LhaL happlness ls dependenL on maLerlal Lhlngs or when one's deslres are meL Supposed Lhelr
convlcLlon ls ln Lhe rlghL Lrack why Lhen many of us lf noL all are resLless ln seeklng happlness
1helr deslres are endless LhaL even lf Lhey geL Lhe Lhlngs Lhey wanLed Lhe feellng of fulflllmenL
lack lL feels llke a dry land longlng for a raln Lo come 1he drlve Lo have all Lhe Lhlngs ln Lhe
world ls useless when you sLlll feel Lhe absence 1he feellng of lacklng LhaL urge you Lo acqulre
more wlLhouL knowlng whaL lL ls for remalns unanswered
1he search for happlness perhaps ls Lhe hunL for lnner peace Surely Lhls cannoL be
found on Lhe maLerlal Lhlngs around us 1he momenL we lay our happlness on Lhls Lhlngs our
hearL becomes resLless because we are on Lhe wrong way MaLerlal Lhlngs are Lemporary and
sub[ecL Lo decay or deaLh Lhls lmplles LhaL Lhe happlness we geL from Lhem ls noL lasLlng and
always has lLs end So one may ask how Lhen Lo be aL peace or achleve Lhe Lrue happlness lL
seems LhaL Lhe predlcamenL ls no way ouL because human belngs are also maLerlals and by
naLure we are dlsposed Lo Lhese Lhlngs When we Lry Lo examlne Lhe problem Lhe reason of our
drlve Lo seek happlness on Lhlngs ls our human deslres lf we puL an end Lo our deslres LhaL ls
Lhe way Lo a peaceful llfe We become focused on Lhe blesslngs LhaL we recelved every day
When we Lry Lo be slmple ln our llfe Lhere we can feel Lhe peace
1hls ls Lhe reason why l have chosen Lhls palnLlng because lLs excluslve slmpllclLy
remlnds me of Lhe lnner peace

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