Consumer Behaviour Questionnaire

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Premium vs. Non premium shirts

Dear Sir/Madam, We a group of student from SCMS Cochin,

are conducting a survey on Preference of National Vs
Regional Brand of Shirts. Please help us in this survey
process by filling the Questionnaire given below. Your
cooperation will be highly obliged.

Age: ______ Gender: _________ Address_______________________________

1. Which brand of shirts you prefer? ______________________

2. Is it a premium/ Semi premium/ Non premium brand? __________________

3. What is your expected price range of the brand of shirt you use? ___________________

4. Rate your favorite brand of shirt on the basis of following attributes.


Excellent [ ] Very Good [ ] Good [ ] Fair [ ] Poor [ ]


Excellent [ ] Very Good [ ] Good [ ] Fair [ ] Poor [ ]


Excellent [ ] Very Good [ ] Good [ ] Fair [ ] Poor [ ]


Excellent [ ] Very Good [ ] Good [ ] Fair [ ] Poor [ ]


Excellent [ ] Very Good [ ] Good [ ] Fair [ ] Poor [ ]

4. On which occasion usually you buy shirts?

a) Festival b) Gift c) Offers d) No specific reason

e) Others (Please Specify) ___________

5. Who influences the purchase decision in your family for buying shirt?

a) Husband b) Wife c) Children d) Peer group

e) Others (Please Specify) ___________

6. Rank the combination given below according to your preference (Please rank the most
preferred one as 1 and so on)

Price Material Brand Rank

300-500 Cotton Premium _____
300-500 Cotton Semi Premium _____
300-500 Cotton Non Premium _____
300-500 Woolen Premium _____
300-500 Woolen Semi Premium _____
300-500 Woolen Non Premium _____
300-500 Tericott Premium _____
300-500 Tericott Semi Premium _____
300-500 Tericott Non Premium _____
501-800 Cotton Premium _____
501-800 Cotton Semi Premium _____
501-800 Cotton Non Premium _____
501-800 Woolen Premium _____
501-800 Woolen Semi Premium _____
501-800 Woolen Non Premium _____
501-800 Tericott Premium _____
501-800 Tericott Semi Premium _____
501-800 Tericott Non Premium _____
801-1200 Cotton Premium _____
801-1200 Cotton Semi Premium _____
801-1200 Cotton Non Premium _____
801-1200 Woolen Premium _____
801-1200 Woolen Semi Premium _____
801-1200 Woolen Non Premium _____
801-1200 Tericott Premium _____
801-1200 Tericott Semi Premium _____
801-1200 Tericott Non Premium _____

Thanking you for spending your valuable time

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