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Ch.Sravan. B.Siva Prasad.

Study of Human Behaviour of how people behave & why they behave in just the way they do.

Branches of Psychology:
1. Normal psychology. 2. Abnormal psychology. 3. Educational psychology. 4. Social psychology. 5. Child psychology. 6. Applied psychology. 7. Psychoanalysis. 8. Medical psychology.

Concepts of Psychology:
I. Behaviour. II. Emotion. III. Attitude.

Result of physical & mental factors interacting in complicated ways. All forms of behaviour are Responses to stimuli. Goal of psychology is to find relations between stimuli & . responses. Behavioural decisions may be made on basis of Cultural & Social factors. Psychological factors related to behaviour are: 1. Health. 2. Illness. 3. Treatment.

1.Health Behaviour:
Refers to activities people undertake to avoid disease & to detect asymptomatic infections through screening tests.

2. Illness Behaviour:
Refers to how people react to symptoms.

3. Treatment Behaviour:
Refers to activities used to cure diseases & restore health.

1. Physical: habits, skills. 2. Organic: emotions, feelings, tension. 3. Intellectual: reasoning, thinking, perceptions.

i. Environmental stimuli. ii. Emotions & feelings. iii. Needs. iv. Motivation. v. Intellectual perception.

Unconscious behaviour:of which the individual is not conscious. Response

Strong feeling of whole organism.

Motivates human behaviour. Characterised by both external & internal changes. Some of the major emotions are fear, anger, love, hate, jealousy, joy, etc.

Control of Emotions: i. Cultivate hobbies, good habits of reading & recreation.

ii. Adopt a philosophy of life to enable you to avoid mental conflicts. iii. Try to understand your own limitations. iv. Develop a sense of humour.

III. ATTITUDES: organization of beliefs around a subject A relatively enduring

which predisposes to respond in some preferential manner.

Acquired characteristics of an individual.

Permanent ways of behaving. Includes three components: i. a cognitive or knowledge element. ii. An affective or feeling element. iii. A tendency to action. It has been said ATTITUDES ARE CAUGHT , NOT TAUGHT.

Views held by people on a point of dispute.

They are based on evidence available at that time. They are temporary & provisional.


Treatment involves lot of correct observation of patients condition.

It involves perception & attention.

Thank U.

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