Team True Beauty Newsletter - December

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Volume 1, Issue 3

December 15, 2011

Team True Beauty


L e t t e r f r o m t h e p r e s i d e n t : B r i t t a n y M i l l e r
Hi my beautiful friends! So we have reached the end of another can change in ones life in the span of 12 living on the east coast, had one semester left of founded, and I had either just met or had yet to people in my life. The TTB one year anniversary corner. It still amazes me that this little idea I had nomenal movement. I am constantly overries, and comments about how what we are dosupport is astounding. So thank you, from the year. Crazy how the time flies and how much months. I know that a year ago this time I was college, Team True Beauty had yet to be meet some of the greatest and most important (and anniversary event) are just around the with a couple friends has turned into this phewhelmed and amazed by all of your letters, stoing is affecting you. The overflowing love and bottom of my heart and the depths of my soul.

With the new year fast approaching, I want us all to just take some time to remember and reflect on everything that has happened in our lives over this last year. Reflect on the lessons you have learned this year and the hard times and the heartache you have dealt with that have no doubt only made you stronger. Take the time to appreciate and cherish the people in your life, as well as all the little blessings. Our family and friends and all the little moments in our lives are what truly make the bigger moments that much sweeter. They are also the little reminders during those hard moments in our lives, that we are not alone and that it gets better! I leave you all with these lyrics from the song New Years Resolution by Graham Colton : "So here's to the love. The love that we had. Here's to the time, the good and the bad. Here's to the friends you never forget. So here's to the love, the love that we shared." Have a very Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a wonderful New Years! For Auld Lang Syne my dear! See you all in 2012! xoxo B

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Pg 2: Celebrity Corner: Lisa Goldstein-TTB Spokeswoman, Words from the VP Pg,. 3: Words from VP: contd Pg 4: Words from VP: contd Pg 5: Words from VP: contd, Art by Brooke Toffolon Pg 6: Beautys Bachelor Pg 7: Morgans Musings, Hip Hip Holidays! Pg 8: TTB AmbassadorShantels Advice Column Pg 9: One-Year Event Information Pg 10: This Months Agenda: Michelle Gray

"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it." ~Goethe

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C O R N E R :


First and foremost, I am honored to have been asked to write something for the Team True Beauty Newsletter. This organization has made such amazing strides in just one year. Team True Beauty was desperately needed and welcomed with open arms into the lives of so many people. To be a part of the Team True Beauty movement is incredibly humbling. I read Daphnes letter from last month, which as usual, is filled to the brim with wisdom and amazing advice. She spoke a little bit about perfection and it really hit home for me. As a self-proclaimed perfectionist, I sometimes find it difficult to just be in the moment. I struggle with being perfect at my job, with being the perfect friend, the perfect daughter, the perfect wife, the perfect hostess. I find myself wanting to be perfect in pretty much every role I take on in life. And in the end, I usually end up disappointed because, as we have learned our entire lives, nobody is perfect. As perfect as others may seem, I guarantee that they have their own insecurities. Someone who is perfect has no flaws or defects, therefore being the perfect person is truly impossible. Every-

one has flaws, they make us who we are. Embracing them means we are being the truest self that we can be, and what is more beautiful and inspiring that that? If we were all perfect, we wouldnt ever learn anything, we wouldnt ever aspire to be better than we already are. We would have no drive or fight in us. What a sad world we would live in if we were all perfect. I know there are women out there who struggle with a need to be perfect just like I do. But this need is really getting in the way of us just enjoying our lives. I would much rather live my life in joy than live my life trying to achieve the impossible standard of perfection. I try to let go of trying to be perfect often, and even though Im getting better at just loving me for me, its still a bit of a struggle. Perfection is not a 6 foot tall 120 pound women. Its not the airbrushed images that we are force fed our entire lives. Perfection should not keep us up at night worrying, it should not make us feel bad about ourselves. Perfection should bring happiness, and laughter. Not tears, and despair. A perfect life is one that makes you feel content and proud.

Therefore, as a holiday gift to ourselves, I think we should all redefine what perfection is. My new personal definition of perfection is being exactly who I was made to be, flaws and all. I am truly perfect just the way I am. I will remember this every day when I am questioning how I measure up to others. I will remember it when Im beating myself up for not living up to the impossible standards that I have set for myself. I hope that everyone who reads this will redefine perfection for themselves, and realize that there is nothing more perfect than you. Just the way you are.

B Y M E R I A M B O U A R R O U J On her official website, Sharon Lawrence writes to her visitors that she hopes they will find something that lights you up. A conversation with Sharon Lawrence will do just that! Before you even talk to her, you see just how versatile and lit up her resume is. In addition to being an accomplished a film, television and stage actress, Sharon is the owner of Sienna Productions; of which she is also involved in as a producer, as well as a major activist. It's when speaking with Sharon on her off-screen work where I could hear how much bringing true light to others means to her. A strong supporter of Global Green and the World Wildlife Fund, Sharon was also the Chair of the Women In Film Foundation: a 35-year-old organization advancing professional opportunities for women in the global entertainment marketplace, of which she is currently on the advisory board. And now with her support of Team True Beauty, Sharon is continuing to further help to empower girls and young women. During our interview, Sharon explained how she believes young women can raise confidence within themselves in a way that will also have the same impact on others, how we can silence those negative outer voices and what true beauty means to her! We are so honored and proud to have Sharon Lawrence as a part of the Team True Beauty family! (contd)

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At the Women, Media and Power Panel we were at in October, I remember finding it interesting what you discussed about feeling very content with the roles you're playing now at this stage of your life. Sharon-I was comfortable in my thirties playing the romantic partner, the hero that saves the day or the woman who is facing a world that revolves around younger kid actors. But now, if I were at 50 always cast as a romantic partner, or always cast in those types of defining females; whether it's somebody who is a victim, I think we've all played those at one point. Now at this stage and age I am playing mothers to grown women and men and it allows me as an actress to engage in scenes with partners that are so skilled, and I get to use an energy and an emotional and mental part of myself that is very rewarding. I think if I was continuing to play the roles I played in my thirties, I would not be comfortable because A) I've done it, and B) I don't think that that's the juiciest part of me right now. I think where the real powerful and meaningful zone is in this kind of heart connection is with these kind of characters. You're involved with the Women In Film Foundation, can you talk a little about that? Sharon- I've been involved with the organization for five years now. I was the Chair of the foundation, which is the philanthropic arm of Women In Film. is the website. The foundation runs the programs that provide our film finishing fund. So we help women

complete their films with a grant from Netflix. It creates that partnership there. Now I'm on the advisory board with it. How do you see that the media has changed for women since you started in terms of the way they're represented? Sharon- I do think it's changed. In the time that I've come up, there was no such thing as reality television. And that's made a huge influence on the images of women out there. There's a group that Jane Fonda and Gloria Steinman started, Women's Media Center, and that was in a response to how women are portrayed. But let's face it in reality television, women are writing part of the script. I think in terms of the generation, maybe we watch different things. I don't like anything I've seen. I like Dancing with the Stars, because I'm a dancer. And I think although it's a competition it's uplifting. People aren't trash-talking each other. I didn't like the survivor shows because of the mean-spirited aspect and women certainly were part of whatever conflict they would create. That was one of the area's where it sort of leveled the playing field with how the antagonist can certainly take either gender. But I think the programs like The Kardashians and any of that brand, or The Real Housewives: they for me have painted, or maybe just revealed what I frankly find is damaging to our culture. I don't think that those are aspirational qualities. Though I think that it is just as bad as lots of cop shows where the women that you see are either victimized from violence or sexual objectification. I completely agree. I wish that those shows showed more positive images of young women achiev-

ing great things and didn't focus too much on the materialistic topics and negative drama. Sharon- I think what it shows is that images of women, they're not monolithic. If you just go to The Grove, you're going to see such a range of women. And maybe that's learning in the latter part of what the 21st century is. One size doesn't fit all. And that means that we have to all be responsible for whatever we individually are putting out and individually consuming. A lot of this I think new decade and 2012 and the idea that systems are breaking down provides an opportunity for us to really become personally responsible and make the choices that you can feel are in integrity for yourself, not just following along with some pact. And that's a lot of what your organization, Team True Beauty, stands for. It isn't about looking like everybody else. It is about being the best version of yourself. That's exactly what we're trying to say: embrace your individuality. Embrace your differences. Because everyone has something valuable to contribute to the world. That's why I love doing these interviews, because what you say is different from what Daphne Zuniga says, or what another actress says. Everyone has their own unique and valuable advice to contribute. We all just want to say to girls you don't have to look like what the magazines tell you to look like. Don't buy into that. Sharon- And Daphne and I were talking last night about this, how it's really relevant during these really busy couple of months during the end of the year and every year, we were talking about how do we really learn to quiet ourselves

"Courage is doing what you're afraid to do. There can be no courage unless you're scared." ~Eddie Rickenbacker

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enough to know what is appropriate for you individually? Because there's so many messages that we're bombarded with all the time. You should have this. You need this. Those people are happy. What are they doing? Maybe I should do that too? That getting to the point where you can really understand your own wiring is how you're going to be able to create that or use that contribution that you were just talking about. And that's the hard part I think for some girls. To silence those outer voices telling them what they should be and have to be happy or 'perfect'. Sharon- It is. It's a very hard part. And in this culture we don't train our young culture to do that. In other cultures they do. I was watching a movie with the Muslims bowing and praying as they do to Mecca, and I thought when I go to Church, I thought how soothing and calming it is when we're all singing together or praying in unison out loud. It is a gift to grow up with those traditions and habits that do stop the chatter in your head. And you can do it on your own. It doesn't have to be part of a religious dynamic but in many cultures those young people do grow up with that. And we are not I think as prone to it, certainly not in our school systems. So it's something you have to create for yourself and develop that habit because that is where some of your best inspiration will come. And your best key into what's my purpose? What am I meant for? Where will I thrive? Where will I bloom? It's very important. We get a lot of messages from girls who write that they don't feel worthy or ca-

pable or aren't sure what their purpose is yet and ask what they can I do? Sharon- One of the girls from the Young Mentor Program that The Hollywood Reporter put together said something really inspiring in her speech, she said, My footsteps may be small, but if even one person sees a way on their path, then that can really change the world. And maybe that's why a lot of us are prone to feeling like, Gosh what I do doesn't matter because we see these messages of people that are doing things on such a grand scale. That's the sort of down side of this mass media. We all want to say to them everybody can make a difference. Everybody can have a special contribution to the world. Sharon- And everybody can feel connected and good. Some of these girls who don't feel worthy, maybe it isn't about creating something that is notable and newsworthy, maybe it's even more about feeling connected to something that is positive and good. That's what a lot of them say about Team True Beauty fortunately. That they feel connected to the organization through the interviews, the columns, the tweets, twitter chats, etc; they feel supported. And that's what we wanted to do, was build a support system. Sharon- Because that ignites a fire. And it's one step. And I think that is what was very profound for me with that one girl's comment. We're so busy reading about everybody with huge footprints that you think, Well, of course I'm not going to be able to do that! It does feel discouraging comparing yourself. But

we do have to realize that one person that one of these gals makes feel better in the day is as valuable as anybody that's writing a big check to something. It's that theory about a butterfly wing. It's the butterfly effect. The Urban dictionary says, it's the theory that even the smallest steps one takes in his/her life can change the course of said life immensely. If you change even the smallest of life's details, you completely change its outcome. And people can forget that in this world. It's so easy to be selfinvolved at that stage because you are developing yourself, but one of the most powerful ways to do that is to focus on somebody else. When I started doing that in ways, it really did give me a greater sense of confidence. It feels better to absorb that, to see the result of that, than somebody coming up to me complimenting me on my dress. It's more fulfilling I imagine. Sharon- Yes! Much more meaningful. Because people have come up to me and said, You know what you changed the way I think about something. I took some action. A woman told me I changed her life after she heard some comments at a particular event. That's something that I remember a lot more than what people might have printed about an Emmy nomination. Because it was personal. Personal about an action that I took. A thought process. Rather than, Oh, look she's wearing a pretty gown! When you are so affected by the world's opinion of your exterior, when you're counting on the world to validate that, you are putting yourself out there to tear it down too. (contd)

Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

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What's your main advice for young girls to who aren't feeling so confident or struggling to find their worth? What would you like to say to them? Sharon- I think helping other people. Or other groups. An animal rights organization, or an animal shelter. A food bank. Go out there and see where the world needs your touch. That kind of meaning not only makes you feel more connected to your environment on a local scale, but also to yourself about whether you can operate from something beyond the definition that others might place on you. A fifteen-year-old can make a big difference on a person or an animal that needs some affection. Or an environmental endeavor to green an area or a kid who's looking to learn to read better. That kind of truth and knowledge about yourself is

something that will live with you forever. You get to own that. Nobody takes that away from you. It's not a boyfriend breaking up with you, or somebody who you hope that you find a love connection with who doesn't have the same feeling, it's not what you made on a test. Those things can't ever be taken away from you. There's a really great quote by Oprah that says, Don't let others define you. Let your heart and let your light and hope define you. What you do. And that's what you're saying and what everyone at Team True Beauty is saying. Sharon- Yes! I think the problem with a lot of young people is they don't know what their heart wants. They don't know yet. Those words are meaningful, but part of the struggle in that stage in life is you may not have found your spark yet.

And you may not have because your world doesn't allow you to get out, if you have a physical limitation that keeps you at home. There are things you can do. If you can use a computer, maybe you find a way to connect with somebody in another country that might benefit your outreach. How do you define true beauty? What does that mean to you? Sharon- I think true beauty is the light in your eyes. When you are coming from a pure place, that light, whether it's the light of love, the light of a sense of accomplishment, the light of your appreciation for something beautiful in nature. That light, that energy that is created in you, it comes from your eyes. That's who I think are the most beautiful people.

Art by: Brooke Toffolon

Every person brought to this world has their own perfections. Be yourself and let your inner shine show through. ~Anonymous

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B e a u t y s R i c h a r d It's the holiday season. Well at least according to the calendar. I have yet to get that spark this year and I am a little sad by that. But one thing I do love is Christmas music. I even carry a homemade Christmas music CD in my car year round. My all time favorite song is The Little Drummer Boy. I love ever version of this song. This song changed my perspective on things when I was a third grader. I went to Paul Keyes Elementary school in Irving. I was one of maybe 5 Mexican kids in the whole school. Back then I did not know what that meant. I THOUGHT I was just a kid. When I look back on it I realize that I was a victim of segregation. All of the minority kids had to wait in the back of the lunch line (because if they ran out of the hot food, they would switch to sandwiches); we were sat at separate tables in the back of the classroom. We were not allowed to participate in recess games. I did not even know why that was happening. I was a latch key kid (child of a divorced parent, me and my brother took care of ourselves, mom worked 2 jobs). My mother did make sure we were at school and she did what she could to make sure we had clean clothes and sack lunches when possible. We were poor as hell. I spent most of the early elementary years being teased and made fun of about being poor. I do remember that. I do remember not knowing why. I do remember

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crying a lot when I walked home. THAT I do remember. Well my third grade teacher was really nice to me. She always watched out for me. I would get picked on and she would do her best to stop it. She let me sit closer to the board I had trouble seeing. She realized I was a smart kid. She never made me feel like a stupid poor Mexican kid. She saw something more there. Well this is where The Little Drummer Boy comes in. We went on a school field trip to one of the high schools to see a Christmas play. I remember this because my teacher had me sit up front on the bus and at the play. I remember mean kids there wondering why I got to sit with the teacher. The play was The Little Drummer Boy. I remember watching and hearing some of the kids saying the boy looked like me. I thought it was because he had a darker complexion but it was because he was dirty and poor. I did not know the story of the Nativity and I did not understand it. Christmas was a time for me to get new clothes wrapped in packages like they were toys. Ha! What I saw there changed me. Not on a religious level but on a little kid level. Here was this dirty poor kid with nothing, standing there in front of Joseph, Mary, the baby Jesus and the Three Kings. No one was laughing at him or making fun of him or calling him names. No one seemed to have gotten that but me. The kid had no gift to

bring. He had no gold or fancy oils or fabrics. The only thing he had was his drumming. He gave the one thing away that meant the most. The only thing he could give. He was not treated like a poor dirty kid without value; he was allowed to honor the new born King and gained favor. I mean the Baby Jesus smiled at him. It does not get any better than that. I looked at that kid in the play and pictured myself there in his place. When I hear the words to the song it reminds me of that moment every single time. It reminds me how, even though people judged me and ridiculed me for my appearance, one person saw what was inside me and realized I had value. She gave me respect and treated me like everyone else. Everyone reading needs to know they have value too. You! I am talking to you! You are valuable. Wishing you a wonderful time this holiday season! Richard Martinez Any questions or comments can be sent to me at

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give. ~Winston Churchill

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Two girls sat in the dark, hands twined in fear. Hoping for liberation, nestled in silence. Mother would never help, just left them with their strife. Winds beckoned from outside, imitating their sadness. Lights off, but they could hear him searching them out. Burrowed deep in their secret spot, hiding from the lockness. Creaking floors meant another step; a booming, violent shout. His drunken stupor made him trip, whiskey on dried lips. More tears of fear and silent screams left them vulnerable. He found them then, his hollow snicker like cracking whips. Eyes bulging with nowhere to go; they'd been gullible. Reeling minds, tired eyes, they climbed up on fragile hands. Two sisters stood for a second in time and ran. Remember to hope a littler harder. xoxo, Morgan

Hello beautiful TTB supporters! It's getting colder here on the east coast and the holidays are in full swing. I hope this finds you in good spirits and lots of holiday cheer. I was listening to a song by Amy Kuney called "Hope A Little Harder" and this short poem kind of just wrote itself in my mind. I will forewarn that it is a bit dark in the beginning, and in no way constitutes holiday cheer, but ends on a much more hopeful ending. It's the kind of poem that reminds us we always have someone, we are never alone. That even in the darkest of times if we don't have hope, then we have nothing. That no matter the situation, we must retain the idea that it will get better. Because it does get better.

It is entitled 'Two Sisters.'

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Hey Everyone! I know it's Christmas time, and here in my world it's me trying to get ready for Christmas while trying to nail down all the final details for the Team True Beauty Event in January. It's a little hectic and lot of crazy here in my world, and weirdly enough, I wouldn't have it any other way. I love Christmas, but not for the reasons that one would think. I'm from Michigan, and I hate snow; I have a nephew and I absolutely adore to shower him with gifts, but that's not the reason I love Christmas. I love Christmas for the religious reasons (which I won't go into here) but I also love Christmas because of my family, even with the dysfunctional aspects. My dad and I are so similar we're always butting heads, and my grandmother has gotten extremely blunt in her older age, and my nephew is adorable (I kind of love that case you didn't figure that out) but together we make a unit, that just works. This year, I'm making a bittersweet Christmas memory. I'm missing Christmas afternoon with my family to fly to California and see my best friend. Now, we do most of our Christmas on Christmas Eve, and we'll only have to make a few sacrifices, but it's still hurting my heart a bit to realize I'm going to miss being a part of that dysfunction. If that isn't enough, a few days ago, I didn't think I was going to be able to go to California (and I was going to miss the Team True Beauty Event too) and the thought of missing out on that hurt my heart. I'm in a crazy place...or maybe I just realized that family doesn't always have to mean blood. Sometimes the best family we have, is the one we create with our friends. Well, I don't want to get all sappy on you, I just want you to realize that no matter how you are spending December 25, with your family, with your friends, or on an airplane getting across the country...just enjoy it, and know that the family you have found here at Team True Beauty loves you and wishes the best for you! See you at the event!

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. ~Mother Teresa

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A m b a s s a d o r ' s C o r n e r : A d v i c e f r o m T r u e B e a u t y C e l e b r i t y A m b a s s a d o r S h a n t e l V a n S a n t e n

Hi, my name is Violet, and I wanted to know if these feelings of sadness and of never feeling pretty or worthy will go away? How can I overcome all these thoughts?
Dearest Violet, I can only tell you from MY experience that feelings of sadness can be overcome. You have to decide to be happy and dwell on all the blessings in your life. I know there are constant factors that beat us all up and make us feel down and unworthy. BUT you have to tell yourself that you ARE beautiful, capable and LOVED. You have to own those words and believe them. I know there are ups and downs, tough days and good days.... You are NOT alone I have them too. Find a good support system (friends or family) and a good routine to get you out of it (exercising or journaling). Thats what I have found most helpful. Im sorry youare struggling but I pray you will see the WONDER you posses and go out and SHARE it! Xo Shantel

The holidays is for me always going to be linked to loss. There's a couple of people I miss so much. At this time of year I think about them all the time. I had one of my biggest dreams coming true this summer when I traveled from Oslo, Norway to Wilmington, NC to see where OTH was filmed. I traveled with some very dark thoughts in my head, but after those two weeks I felt good. I've never cried so much as when I got back home and started reliving the trip. I struggle with self-doubt. Some days I'll burst into tears without always knowing why. I just don't feel like I'm worth anything anymore. I'll look at myself in the mirror, and that will bring on the tears most times. My confidence has been brought very low from years of bullying, and I'm struggling to work past all the issues. Do you have any words, resources or tips on something that might help me? I love Christmas, and I don't want to feel this way. xo Cathrine
Dear Cathrine, Christmas is always a tough time of year for different reasons. I know loss and grief can be consuming but you have to know you are never given more than you can handle. And that the challenges and hardships in life are what define your heart! Your allowed to and SHOULD have feelings and its healthy to express them. I find that writing them down somewhere to get them out of my head really helps me. Now when you feel those negative feelings... First BREATHE then LOOK AT ALL YOUR BLESSINGS and lastly TELL YOURSELF YOURE AMAZING. You have to focus on the positive and realize what a blessing you are in this world. As an example your strength to speak up will now inspire other girls and your story will help them. I hope this helps you and I pray your Christmas will be Merry and Bright! Love, Shantel

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place." ~Anonymous

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O n e - y e a r e v e n t i n f o r m a t i o n
CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT THE EVENT IS SO CLOSE???? I can't! It seems like just yesterday Brittany and I were talking about this being an idea, a dream, for us someday...and now, here we are on the verge of the event day! I can't believe it! I can almost hear Savannah singing...oh wait, that's because she's on my iTunes right now, but in any case, you can better believe that we're all excited! The event has changed SLIGHTLY since you bought your tickets (and if you haven't bought your ticket yet...what are you waiting for! GO! There's still time! :))

LOT of questions about it, we are going to do EVERYTHING in our power to make sure that you get a change to meet, get an autograph and pictures with your favorite celebrities! ISE you, you don't want to miss ANY of these performers!

*The event has a red carpet starting at 4PM. The Celebrities and VIPS will be on this red carpet. *Meet and Greet starts promptly at 5:00! I want to point out, because we are getting a

*If you are getting'll be open from 6:30 until 8:30 *Performances start around 7PM and from there on out...this is the schedule: I PROM-

Mykell Andrea Marchant Jessie Payo Justin Willman Savannah Outen Annie Automatic Everly
*The Event ends at 11:30PM (Unless you are VIP)
IMPORTANT: IF YOU HAVEN'T RECEIVED YOUR TICKET, OR YOU JUST ORDERED IT, WE WILL NOT MAIL IT TO YOU! FOR FEAR OF IT BEING LOST IN THE MAIL. WE WILL HAVE IT FOR YOU AT THE EVENT! IF YOU DO NOT HAVE YOUR TICKET PLEASE E-MAIL TTBCHARITY@GMAIL.COM SO WE CAN SEND YOU THE LETTER AND CONFIRM THE NAME TO PUT THE TICKETS UNDER. Some AMAZING venues have given us some great stuff for the raffle (To Write Love On Her Arms and Crowdrise among them) and so you'll want to make sure to bring some extra money for raffle tickets, TTB merchandise, and drinks! We are so excited to meet all of you at the event, and our celebrities are anxious about meeting you as well! ANY QUESTIONS about the event can be sent to: (PLEASE PUT EVENT QUESTION in the header) or These are the fastest ways to get your answers! Thank you all for all you do for us! We love you!



Wishing a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our December babies:

Jana Kramer - December 2 Holly-Marie Combs - December 3 Jenna Dewan-Tatum - December 3 Kate Voegele - December 8 Emmanuelle Chiriqui - December 10 Kristen Dalton: December 13 Jessie Payo: December 14 Richard Martinez - December 21 Jena Sims - December 30 Eliza Dushku - December 30

HALE and HOLLY-MARIE COMBS when they make their January 2 return only on ABC Family!! Check out our own DALLAS LOVATO with Christina Grimmie in their commercial for the Dorito's Crash The Super Bowl Contest!! Go to, search "The Showdown", and Comment!! The top 5 commercials will move on to the voting round and the final winner will watch as their commercial will air during the 2012 Super Bowl! Let's make a dream come true for Dallas!! Voting has ended and the votes are being tallied as we wait to find out who's taking home a People's Choice Award! Don't miss all of our TTB supporting nominees LUCY HALE, HOLLY-MARIE COMBS, KALEY CUOCO, TIA MOWRY, BETHANY HAMILTON when the award show airs January 11 on CBS!!

One Tree Hill makes its triumphant return this January!

Don't miss SHANTEL VANSANTEN, DAPHNE ZUNIGA, LISA GOLDSTEIN, ALLISON MUNN, KATE VOEGEL, JANA KRAMER, BETHANY JOY GALEOTTI, SHARON LAWRENCE in the first episode of the final season of One Tree Hill. "The Farewell Season" premier will air on January 11, 2012 on the CW Network. Pretty Little Liars is back!! Don't miss LUCY

*All quotes and lyrics were thoughtfully gathered and chosen by TTBs Chief of Communications, Kristen Gray.

If you can dream it, you can do it. ~Walt Disney

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