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History, Biome, Wildlife

-Although the first proposal to designate the area as a national park occurred in 1891, it wasn't until 1975 that Voyageurs National Park was established. -The boreal forest park changes from snowy and barren to bright and lively from season to season.

Voyageur National Park

Minnesota, USA

-The parks natural residents range from the endangered bald eagle to the timber wolf; The grizzly bear to the red squirrel; Thousands of migratory birds to aquatic life within the surrounding lakes.

By: Melissa Schmidty & Phi Tran rd 3 Period 12/15/11

Endangered and Threatened

-There are but a few endangered and threatened species that live within the park. Among these species are the Bald Eagle, the Gray Wolf, the Lynx, Common Loon, White Pelican, the New England Violet and the Oregon Fern.
New England Violet

Why should we protect the park?

1. We need to protect the Precambrian rocks and fossils found within the park, from volcanoes and glaciers, which illustrate the parks historical ordeals.

Human Activitys
-When the park was established in 1975, there were over 60 resorts around the park. Within the park, there were 12 resorts, 97 leased cabin sites, and over 120 privately owned recreational homes. -Many sold their land and buildings to the park after it was declared a National Park. - The park has ever since been restored to its natural state.


Logging, mining, introduction of foreign species, and industrial activity burdens the national park and its inhabitants. Multiple studies are conducted in order to check the parks health like its plant growth, levels of pollution, and water management.

2. With the preservation of this life, scientists can better understand how the environment undergoes change throughout seasons, years, and millenniums. The information this park offers to science may save our world one day.

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